Contains 96 genera and 339 accepted taxa overall.

This family is completely databased for all specimens.

Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Genus Common Name Taxa Count Herbarium Specimens Photos
Abrus ABRUS 1
Acacia ACACIA 3
Acaciella 1
Adenanthera BEADTREE 1
Aeschynomene JOINTVETCH 5
Albizia ALBIZIA 4
Alysicarpus MONEYWORT 3
Amphicarpaea HOGPEANUT 1
Arachis PEANUT 2
Astragalus MILKVETCH 2
Baptisia WILD INDIGO 9
Bauhinia BAUHINIA 3
Brachypterum 1
Caesalpinia NICKER 1
Cajanus CAJANUS 1
Callerya 1
Calliandra STICKPEA 1
Canavalia JACKBEAN 3
Cassia CASSIA 1
Centrosema BUTTERFLY PEA 3
Cercis REDBUD 1
Chamaecrista SENSITIVE PEA 9
Chapmannia CHAPMANNIA 1
Coronilla CROWNVETCH 1
Crotalaria RATTLEBOX 15
Ctenodon 2
Denisophytum 1
Derris DERRIS 1
Desmodium TICKTREFOIL 22
Dichrostachys DICHROSTACHYS 1
Enterolobium ENTEROLOBIUM 1
Erythrina ERYTHRINA 1
Galactia MILKPEA 14
Gleditsia LOCUST 3
Gliricidia QUICKSTICK 1
Grona 2
Guilandina 2
Hylodesmum TICKTREFOIL 3
Indigofera INDIGO 9
Kummerowia KUMMEROWIA 1
Lablab LABLAB 1
Lathyrus PEAVINE 2
Leptospron 1
Lespedeza LESPEDEZA 12
Leucaena LEADTREE 1
Lonchocarpus LANCEPOD 1
Lotononis LOTONONIS 1
Lupinus LUPINE 8
Macroptilium BUSHBEAN 2
Medicago MEDICK 7
Millettia 1
Mucuna MUCUNA 2
Neptunia PUFF 1
Pachyrhizus PACHYRHIZUS 1
Parkinsonia PALOVERDE 1
Peltophorum PELTOPHORUM 2
Phanera 1
Phaseolus BEAN 5
Piscidia PISCIDIA 1
Pisum PEA 1
Pithecellobium BLACKBEAD 4
Psophocarpus 1
Pueraria KUDZU 1
Rhynchosia SNOUTBEAN 12
Robinia LOCUST 2
Senegalia 1
Senna SENNA 13
Sesbania RIVERHEMP 7
Sigmoidotropis 2
Strophostyles FUZZYBEAN 3
Stylosanthes PENCILFLOWER 3
Tamarindus TAMARIND 1
Tara 1
Tephrosia HOARYPEA 13
Ticanto 1
Trifolium CLOVER 16
Trigonella FENUGREEK 1
Vachellia 7
Vicia VETCH 12
Vigna COWPEA 3
Wisteria WISTERIA 4
Zornia ZORNIA 2
Identification Key
1.  Leaves simple, 1-foliolate, or phyllodal (sometimes compound as seedlings or young sprouts)
1.  Leaves compound
2.  Tendrils terminating some or all leaves
2.  Tendrils absent, or if present then axillary and not terminating the leaves
3.  Leaves 2-foliolate
3.  Leaves with 3 or more leaflets
4.  Leaves mostly 3-foliolate (occasionally some simple or 2-foliolate)
4.  Leaves mostly with more than 3 leaflets (occasionally a few with 3, e.g. Chapmannia, Dalbergia sissoo)
5.  Leaflets denticulate to crenulate, with the lateral veins markedly straight and subparallel or nearly so, and sometimes slightly exserted from the leaflet margin, reticulate venation not evident
5.  Leaflets entire to lobed, lateral veins not straight and parallel, or if so then not exserted at the margin, reticulate venation sometimes evident
6.  Leaves palmately 3-foliolate, the petiolules of all 3 leaflets arising from the same point, no rachis evident beyond the pair of lateral leaflets, stipels lacking
6.  Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate, the rachis extending beyond the pair of lateral leaflets and differentiated from and typically articulate with the petiolule of the terminal leaflet, the junction of the petiolule and rachis sometimes with stipels
7.  Leaves palmately compound with 4-11 leaflets
7.  Leaves pinnately compound
8.  Leaves 2-pinnately compound (sometimes the petiole and rachis highly reduced, e.g. Parkinsonia; rarely 3-pinnately compound), the primary rachis essentially branching with secondary rachises, leaflets borne on the lateral secondary rachises
8.  Leaves once-pinnately compound, the leaflets borne directly on the central, primary rachis
9.  Leaves without a terminal leaflet straight with the rachis, the leaflets opposite or alternate, if alternate then fruit a loment
9.  Leaves with a terminal leaflet usually straight with the rachis, or if without a terminal leaflet, then fruit not a loment
10.  Leaflets mostly (3-)4-10 per leaf
10.  Leaflets mostly 10-60 per leaf
1.  (Key A) Woody vine, shrub, or tree
1.  Herbs or subshrubs, prostrate to erect, or vining
2.  Leaves phyllodal, 5-12 times longer than wide; flowers actinomorphic, each with more than 20-100 stamens
2.  Leaves not phyllodal, 0.5-3 times longer than wide; flowers zygomorphic, each with 3-10 stamens
3.  Leaf blade bi-lobed to strongly emarginate
3.  Leaf blade not bilobed nor strongly emarginate
4.  Erect shrub to tree; leaf blade ovate-cordate, palmately 5- to 9- veined at the base; corolla pink; fruit dehiscent
4.  Low spreading shrub to scandent vine; leaf blade ovate to broadly elliptic, only pinnately veined; corolla white; fruit indehiscent
5.  Herbaceous, twining vine; petiole often winged; leaf blade deeply sagittate at the base
5.  Trailing to erect herb; petiole not winged or petiole absent; leaf blade cordate to cuneate at the base
6.  Leaf blades gland-dotted
6.  Leaf blades eglandular
7.  Leaf blades linear-oblong to narrowly lanceolate; fruit indehiscent
7.  Leaf blades reniform, oblate, to ovate; fruit dehiscent
8.  Stem densely silver or tawny sericeous to villous
8.  Stem glabrous to sparsely pilose
9.  Stipules persistent, papery, whitish to pale tan; corolla pale red to purple; fruit a loment
9.  Stipules persistent or not, foliaceous in texture, green; corolla white to yellow, to blue; fruit not a loment
10.  Stipules absent; leaf blades broadly ovate to elliptic-orbicular; stamens free
10.  Stipules often decurrent, or absent; leaf blades obovate, oblanceolate, elliptic, to linear-elliptic; stamens monadelphous, all connate
1.  (Key B) Leaves 2-foliolate
1.  Leaves with 2-18 leaflets, usually at least some leaves with more than 2 leaflets
2.  Stipules subequal to or larger than the leaflets; style longitudinally folded
2.  Stipules much smaller than the leaflets; style terete
1.  (Key C) Woody vine; axillary tendrils often present
1.  Herbs; tendrils absent
2.  Petioles 1-4 mm long, much shorter than the leaflets; flower solitary
2.  Petioles 4-20 mm long, subequal to the leaflets or nearly so; inflorescence spiciform, of several flowers
1.  (Key D - leaves 3-foliolate, denticulate) Inflorescence elongate, (0.5)1-15(25) cm long, the flowers separated or scarcely overlapping
1.  Inflorescence a dense head, 0.2-5 cm long, the flowers densely congested and overlapping, or the inflorescence of a solitary flower
2.  Petals persistent, concealing the mature fruit
2.  Petals deciduous, the fruit visible, not concealed by the flowers
3.  Fruit reniform to tightly, spirally coiled, 1-15 mm wide and long
3.  Fruit linear, 10-40 mm long, 2-5 mm wide
1.  (Key E - leaves palmately 3-foliolate, not denticulate) Leaves and calyces glandular-punctate
1.  Leaves and calyces without glands
2.  Lateral veins close-set, straight and parallel or nearly so; fruit indehiscent, with 1 seed
2.  Lateral veins arcuate or generally not straight and parallel, typically well spaced; fruit dehiscent, usually with 2 or more seeds
3.  Flowers densely congested, except for 1 or 2 proximal flowers
3.  Flowers well-spaced along a raceme or solitary
4.  Stamens, 10, free, not united
4.  Stamens monadelphous, the 10 stamens united into a tube (only distally free)
1.  (Key F) Leaflets, stems, calyces, or fruit gland-dotted
1.  Leaflets, stems, and calyces not gland-dotted
2.  Shrub or small tree
2.  Herbs
3.  Leaflets linear-lanceolate
3.  Leaflets orbicular to ovate
4.  Stem often with prickles; corolla red; seeds black and red
4.  Stems without prickles; corolla ; seeds brown
5.  Leaflets filiform, sometimes some linear
5.  Leaflets not filiform
6.  Fruit indehiscent, 1-seeded or a several-seeded loment
6.  Fruit dehiscent, (1)2 or more seeds
7.  Petiole fused most of its length with the stipules, the stipules making the petiole appear winged and lobed near the apex; inflorescence a spike; corolla yellow
7.  Petiole free, the stipules not amplexicaul; inflorescence a raceme or pseudoraceme; corolla not yellow
8.  Fruit 1-seeded, without uncinate trichomes
8.  Fruit a segmented loment with uncinate trichomes
9.  Leaflets stipellate; loment stipe included or slightly exserted from the persistent calyx
9.  Leaflets estipelllate; loment stipe long exserted from the persistent calyx
10.  Fruit with 4 wings that are irregularly dentate to roughened entire
10.  Fruit without wings or merely with ribs
11.  Leaflet coarsely dentate or the terminal leaflet lobate distally
11.  Leaflets entire, sometimes lobate basally
12.  Corolla resupinate, with the curvaceous keel petal (pouch-like, enveloping the stamens) in the top position and the broad standard petal in the bottom position
12.  Corolla not resupinate, the curvaceous keel petal (pouch-like, enveloping the stamens) in the bottom position or twisted to the sides
13.  Standard petal (in bottom position) 1-2 cm wide; fruit 1-3.5 cm wide
13.  Standard petal (in bottom position) 2-4 cm wide; fruit 0.3-1.1 cm wide
14.  Calyx lobes subequal to longer than the tube; lateral wing petals tightly appressed around keel petal; style bearded around stigma
14.  Calyx lobes shorter than the tube; lateral wing petals loosely arranged, not tightly appressed to the keel petal; style bearded along one side
15.  Stipules medifixed (peltate or appendiculate); corolla yellow or pink to purple
15.  Stipules basifixed; corolla not yellow
16.  Flowers not bilaterally symmetrical, the keel twisted or angled to the left or right side (sometimes only slightly, if not then the keel petal darkened at the tip) and the keel petal usually elongate, conspicuous, and exserted, or one of the wing petals oriented upwards and the other downwards
16.  Flowers bilaterally symmetrical, the keel petal held mostly straight outwards on the bottom of the flower
17.  One wing petal oriented in the top position, one wing petal in the bottom position, the keel and reduced standard petals held laterally, the conspicuous corolla color nearly uniformly red to dark violet
17.  Standard petal held in the top position and not reduced, the keel petal more or less in the bottom position, and the wings petals held laterally, the conspicuous corolla colors mostly white, pink, to light purple
18.  Keel petal dark purplish at the tip, the rest of the keel and corolla lighter in color
18.  Keel petal generally lighter in color, not dark purple at the tip
19.  Leaves with uncinate trichomes
19.  Leaves without uncinate trichomes
20.  Fruit mildly to strongly curved, 7-12 mm wide
20.  Fruit nearly straight, 2-5 mm wide
21.  Larger leaflets <4.3 cm wide along fertile portion of stem
21.  Larger leaflets >4.0 cm wide along fertile portion of stem
22.  Corolla reddish when fresh; fruit linear, not flattened
22.  Corolla white to purplish; fruit flattened (at least those aboveground ones)
23.  Aboveground fruits with multiple seeds, belowground fruits with 1 seed
23.  Aboveground fruits with multiple seeds, without belowground fruits
24.  Stipels linear-oblong >0.5 mm wide, persistent
24.  Stipels setaceous, <0.5 mm wide, persistent or deciduous
25.  Stems, petioles, and leaflets glabrate, strigose, to pubescent; inflorescence pendent; fruit sometimes with urticating hairs
25.  Stems, petioles and leaflets pilose, hirsute, or ciliate; fruit without urticating hairs
1.  (Key G) Leaves 4-foliolate
1.  Leaves 5-11-foliolate
2.  Leaflets linear-oblong, oblanceolate, to obovate
2.  Leaflets linear-filiform, some proximal ones sometimes linear-oblong
1.  (Key H) Leaflets oblong-elliptic, elliptic, ovate, obovate, to lanceolate 5-40 mm wide
1.  Leaflets linear-oblong to linear-lanceolate, 0.3-6 mm wide
2.  Bark, stem, petiole, and/or rachis with prickles or thorns (rarely lacking in Gleditsia)
2.  Bark, stem, petiole, and rachis without prickles or thorns
3.  Erect tree; trunk and stems usually with stout thorns, often branching; petiole and rachis without prickles; inflorescence catikin-like, flowers congested and not showy; calyx and corolla similar and greenish; stamens 6-8; fruit without prickles
3.  Scrambling to scandent shrub; trunk or stems with recurved prickles; petiole and rachis usually prickly; inflorescence not catkin-like; calyx and corolla dissimilar, the corolla yellow; stamens 10; fruit prickly
4.  Flowers bisexual, in racemes; fruits always glabrous; seeds laterally compressed, smooth, without fracture lines
4.  Flowers unisexual, segregated into female and male racemes; fruits usually covered in spinescent bristles; seeds globose, with parallel fracture lines concentric with the small apical hilum
5.  Leaves with one pair of pinnae each
5.  Leaves usually with 2 or more pinnae
6.  Flowers not in dense heads, the individual flowers discernible, with showy, colorful petals, the stamens not colorful and showy
6.  Flowers in dense heads, the individual flowers scarcely discernible, with showy, colorful, exserted stamens (sometimes petaloid and sterile), the corolla reduced and not showy
7.  Fruit samaroid
7.  Fruit not samaroid
8.  Fruit dehiscent, with valves twisting upon dehiscence, laterally-compressed and subligneous to woody
8.  Fruit indehiscent, somewhat fleshy, turgid and coriaceous
9.  Petiole and rachis eglandular
9.  Petiole or rachis glandular
10.  Leaflets with 1 primary vein; stamens 10 per flower; seed red
10.  Leaflets with 2-4 basal veins; stamens more than 10 per flower; seed brown
11.  Gland at the base to middle of the petiole
11.  Gland between the proximal pinnae
12.  Stipules subequal to larger than the leaflets; stamens white, connate
12.  Stipules much smaller than the leaflets (or with stipular spines); stamens bright yellow, free
13.  Stems, petiole, and/or rachis with prickles or stipular spines
13.  Stems, petiole, and rachis without prickles or spines, or with axillary thorns only from short branchlets
14.  Trailing or scandent herbs; stamens 4-10 per flower
14.  Spreading to erect shrubs or tree; stamens 10 or more per flower
15.  Stems with prickles, not stipular
15.  Stems with stipular spines
16.  Leaves subsessile, the pinnae congested on a short spur; lowers not in dense heads, the individual flowers discernible, with showy, colorful petals, the stamens not colorful and showy
16.  Leaves petiolate, the pinnae well-spaced; flowers in dense heads, the individual flowers scarcely discernible, with showy, colorful, exserted stamens (sometimes petaloid and sterile), the corolla reduced and not showy
17.  Petiole and rachis eglandular or with scattered stipitate glands
17.  Petiole and/or rachis with glands or nectaries, especially between the lower pinnae
18.  Stipules pinnately divided; flowers not in dense heads, the individual flowers discernible, with showy, colorful petals, the stamens not colorful and showy
18.  Stipules not pinnately divided; flowers in dense heads, the individual flowers scarcely discernible, with showy, colorful, exserted stamens (sometimes petaloid and sterile), the corolla reduced and not showy
19.  Petiole and rachis glabrate;
19.  Petiole and rachis reddish pubescent;
20.  Shrub or tree to 3(5) m; stamens more than 10 per flower
20.  Trailing or scandent herbs; stamens 4-10 per flower
21.  Head with monomorphic flowers, the stamens pink
21.  Head with the apical flowers staminate and the basal flowers with showy, yellow petaloid staminodes
22.  Stems with axillary thorns modified from short branchlets
22.  Stems without thorns
23.  Leaves 3-14 cm long
23.  Leaves 12-45 cm long
24.  Herbs or shrubs to 3 m; leaflets <1.5 mm wide; stamens 5 or 10
24.  Shrubs or trees to 15 m; leaflets >1.5 mm wide; stamens more than 10 per flower
25.  Fruit reniform, semi-circular, to coiled, indehiscent
25.  Fruit elongate, dehiscent
26.  Gland at the base to middle of the petiole; stamens more than 10 per flower
26.  Gland between the lower pinnae, just below the pinnae, or above the middle of the petiole; stamens 10 per flower
1.  (Key I) Leaflets uniformly 4 or nearly so
1.  Leaflets more than 4, at least on some leaves
2.  Twining, climbing vine; seeds red and black
2.  Herb, shrub, or tree, not twining; seeds brownish
3.  Trunk and stems often with thorns; inflorescence catikin-like, flowers congested and not showy; calyx and corolla similar and greenish; stamens 6-8
3.  Plant lacking thorns; inflorescence not catkin-like; calyx and corolla dissimilar, the corolla brightly colored; stamens 10
4.  Fruit a loment, segmented and breaking apart into 1-seeded units
4.  Fruit not a loment, the entire fruit usually dehiscing with 1 or more seeds
5.  Corolla papilionaceous, with a pouch-like keel petal containing the stamens and flanked by the lateral wing petals with the standard petal above and largest
5.  Corolla not papilionaceous, with 3 or 5 petals, without a keel petal
6.  Tree with blocky bark; petals 3
6.  Herb, shrub, or tree with smooth bark; petals 5
7.  Shrubs to trees; extrafloral nectaries absent; pedicels 2-bracteolate at or shortly above the base; filaments of 3 lower antesepalous stamens sigmoidally curved (S-shaped) and its anther introrsely dehiscent by slits, 5 stamens with anthers dehiscent mostly by basal pores; fruit elongate, cylindric or compressed, indehiscent, pulpy or pithy within; seeds 1- or 2-seriate, their funicle filiform; seed-coat smooth, exareolate
7.  Herb, shrubs, or trees; extrafloral nectaries present or absent; pedicels ebracteolate or with bracteoles almost always inserted above or near the middle of the pedicel; filaments of all stamens straight or simply incurved, the anthers terminally dehiscent by slits or pores; fruit variable; funicle and seed variable
8.  Herbs; extrafloral nectaries absent or dish- or cup-shaped, rarely flat, secreting nectar from a concave (flat) surface; leaflets to 3 cm long; bracteoles 2 on the pedicel; androecium (suberratically) actinomorphic, the 2 cycles of stamens bearing anthers of different lengths; anther thecae ciliolate along the sutures; funicle deltately dilated; fruit elastically dehiscent, the valves coiling; seed-coat smooth or pitted, but exareolate
8.  Herbs, shrubs, or trees; extrafloral nectaries absent or mounded, claviform, or phalloid, secreting nectar from a convex surface; leaflets mostly 1.5-13 cm long; bracteoles 0 on the pedicel; androecium commonly zygomorphic, the stamens tending to dwindle from abaxial to adaxial side of thefl,the 3 adaxial members commonly staminodal, but sometimes all 10 subequal fertile; anther-thecae naked along the sutures; funicle filiform; fruit indehiscent or dehiscent but not coiling; seed-coat smooth or minutely rugulose, sometimes with a closed areole on the face or margin
1.  (Key J) Leaflets conspicuously gland-dotted; 4 petals epistemonous (arising from the staminal tube), 1 petal from the receptacle
1.  Leaflets not glandular-punctate or inconspicuously pellucid-punctate; all petals arising from the receptacle
2.  Woody vines, shrubs, or trees
2.  Herbs, sometimes vining
3.  Leaflets alternate
3.  Leaflets mostly opposite to subopposite
4.  Woody vines; branchlets not white-lenticellate
4.  Shrubs to trees; branchlets conspicuously white-lenticellate
5.  Leaflet underside with conspicuous reticulate venation; inflorescence erect to spreading; corolla upper petal (standard) without basal callosities
5.  Leaflet underside generally with obscured reticulate venation; inflorescence pendent; corolla upper petal (standard) with basal callosities
6.  Leaflet underside finely areolate from the reticulate venation, the lateral veins close-set, mostly 9-18 on each side of the leaflet midrib; fruit with 4 papery wings
6.  Leaflet underside generally with obscure reticulate venation, the lateral veins well-spaced, mostly 5-10 on each side of the leaflet midrib; fruit somewhat flattened, without wings
7.  Leaflets finely pellucid-punctate; fruit 5-13 cm long, with 1-3 seeds
7.  Leaflets not pellucid-punctate; fruit 2-5 cm long, with 1 seed
8.  Inflorescence rachis stipitate-glandular
8.  Inflorescence rachis without glands
9.  Leaves sessile, the proximal leaflet pair stipule-like; inflorescence umbellate
9.  Leaves petiolate, the proximal leaflet pair distant from the stem or not stipule-like; inflorescence a raceme or pseudoraceme, or the flower solitary
10.  Plant with some trichomes 2-armed; keel petal quickly articulating downwards upon provocation, causing the stamens to flick and release a puff of pollen
10.  Plant without 2-armed trichomes; keel petal not quickly moving nor quickly releasing the stamens upon provocation
11.  Flower resupinate, the keel petal in the upper position, the lower petal (standard) 3.5-5 cm long or wide
11.  Flower not resupinate, the keel petal in the lower position, the upper petal (standard) 0.5-2 cm long or wide
12.  Leaflets with close-set straight and parallel lateral veins
12.  Leaflets with branching, curving, or interconnecting lateral veins, sometimes obscure
13.  Leaflets ovate with an acute to acuminate apex; keel petal strongly curved reaching the top or base of the flower; inflorescence of congested flowers
13.  Leaflets elliptic to ovate with a subacute, rounded, obtuse, to emarginate apex; keel petal curved at the apex only, held outward away from the flower center
1.  (Key K) Woody vines
1.  Herbs, shrubs, or trees
2.  Inflorescence erect to spreading, rarely pendent
2.  Inflorescence pendent
3.  Flower with only one petal (the standard) hooded over the stamens
3.  Flower with 5 petals
4.  Leaflets gland-dotted; 4 petals epistemonous (arising from the staminal tube), 1 petal from the receptacle
4.  Leaflets not glandular-punctate; all petals arising from the receptacle
5.  Plant with some trichomes 2-armed; keel petal quickly articulating downwards upon provocation, causing the stamens to flick and release a puff of pollen
5.  Plant without 2-armed trichomes; keel petal not quickly moving nor quickly releasing the stamens upon provocation
6.  Herbs
6.  Shrubs to trees
7.  Inflorescence umbellate
7.  Inflorescence a raceme or pseudoraceme
8.  Leaflets with branching, curving, or interconnecting lateral veins, sometimes obscure
8.  Leaflets with close-set straight and parallel lateral veins
9.  Corolla yellow; stamens free; fruit tightly shaped around the seeds
9.  Corolla white, pink, to purple; stamens diadelphous (9 mostly fused, 1 only basally fused with the other 9 and otherwise free)
10.  Stems without spines; leaflets acuminate at the apex; calyx truncate to toothed; fruit indehiscent; inflorescence ascending to erect
10.  Stems with or without stipular spines; leaflets rounded at the apex; calyx lobed; fruit dehiscent; inflorescence pendent