Contains 7 accepted taxa overall.

Sesbania Adans.
SESBANIA Adanson, Fam. Pl. 2: 327, 604. 1763 (as 'Sesban'), nom. cons.
TYPE: Sesbania sesban (Linnaeus) Merrill 1912. (Aeschynomene sesban Linnaeus 1753.)
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Sesbania drummondii POISONBEAN Native FACW (NWPL) FAC (DEP)
Sesbania grandiflora VEGETABLE HUMMINGBIRD Not Native FACU (NWPL) FAC (DEP)
Sesbania herbacea DANGLEPOD Native FACW (NWPL) FAC (DEP)
Sesbania punicea RATTLEBOX Not Native FAC (NWPL) Y FAC (DEP)
Sesbania sericea SILKY SESBAN Not Native FAC (NWPL) FAC (DEP)
Sesbania vesicaria BLADDERPOD; BAGPOD Native FAC (NWPL) FAC (DEP)
Sesbania virgata WAND RIVERHEMP Not Native FAC (DEP)
Identification Key
1.  Corolla 6-8(-10) cm long, white, pink, or red; fruit (15-)30-40 cm long
1.  Corolla 0.8-2.5 cm long, yellowish to reddish, externally mottled or not; fruit 3-20 cm long
2.  Fruit 10-20 cm long, 3-5 mm wide
2.  Fruit 3-8 cm long, 6-15 mm wide
3.  Stem and leaves glabrous; corolla 10-22 mm long
3.  Stem and leaves sericeous to subappressed villous; corolla 8-11 mm long
4.  Corolla 8-9 mm long; fruit inflated with air, easily flattened when compressed, dehiscent, with 1-2 seeds
4.  Corolla 9-25 mm long; fruit 4-winged, quadrangular, or subterete, fairly rigid, not inflated and easily flattened, most fruits with 3-11 seeds
5.  Corolla 9-12 mm long; fruit quadrangular to subterete
5.  Corolla 13-25 mm long; fruit strongly 4-winged
6.  Corolla yellow, 13-17 mm long; stipe of fruit mostly 15-17 mm long; fruit margins often undulate-constricted between the seeds, the beak pyramidal-short acuminate
6.  Corolla orange to red, 15-25 mm long; stipe of fruit mostly 11-14 mm long; fruit margins mostly roughened-entire or irregularly undulate, the beak pyramidal-long acuminate
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Agati Agati Adanson, Fam. Pl. 2: 326, 513. 1763, nom. rej. vs. Sesbania Adanson 1763. TYPE: Robinia grandiflora Linnaeus 1753.
Darwinia Darwinia Rafinesque, Fl. Ludov. 106. 1817, non Rudge 1815. TYPE: Darwinia exaltata Rafinesque = Monoplectra Rafinesque 1817.
Daubentonia Daubentonia de Candolle, Prodr. 2: 267. 1825. TYPE: Daubentonia punicea (Cavanilles) de Candolle (Piscidia punicea cavanilles) Lectotypified by Britton & Rose, in Britton, N. Amer. Fl. 24: 207. 1924.
Daubentoniopsis Daubentoniopsis Rydberg, Amer. J. Bot. 10: 497, pl. 35. 1923. TYPE: Daubentoniopsis longifolia (Cavanilles) Rydberg (Aeschynomene longifolia Cavanilles)
Emerus Emerus Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 180. 1891, non Miller 1754. TYPE: = Sesbania Adanson 1763.
Glottidium Glottidium Desvaux, J. Bot. Agric. 1(2): 119, pl. 4(1). 1813. TYPE: Aeschynomene platycarpa Michaux 1803. Typified by Pfeiffer, Nomencl. Bot. 1: 1462. 1874.
Glottidium Glottidium Desvaux, J. Bot. Agric. 1(2): 119, pl. 4(1). 1813. TYPE: Aeschynomene platycarpa Michaux 1803. Typified by Pfeiffer, Nomencl. Bot. 1: 1462. 1874.
Monoplectra Monoplectra Rafinesque, Fl. Ludov. 106. 1817. TYPE: Darwinia exaltata Rafinesque Alternate name for Darwinia Rafinesque 1817, non Rudge 1815.
Resupinaria Resupinaria Rafinesque, Sylva Tellur. 115. 1838. TYPE: Resupinaria grandiflora (Linnaeus) Rafinesque (Robinia grandiflora Linnaeus) = Agati Adanson 1763, nom. rej.