Contains 3 accepted taxa overall.

Stylosanthes Sw.
STYLOSANTHES Swartz, Prodr. 7, 108. 1788.
TYPE: Stylosanthes procumbens Swartz, nom. illegit. (Hedysarum hamatum Linnaeus; Stylosanthes hamata (Linnaeus) Taubert)
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Stylosanthes biflora SIDEBEAK PENCILFLOWER Native
Stylosanthes calcicola EVERGLADES KEY PENCILFLOWER Native Rare-State
Stylosanthes hamata CHEESYTOES Native
Identification Key
1.  Inflorescence bracts with stiff, spinescent pubescence; loment beak 0.5-1 mm long
1.  Inflorescence bracts with soft pubescence; loment beak 1-2.5 mm long
2.  Stems mostly <20 cm long, stems nearly all from the base of the plant and with almost no branching above; loment usually with 1 seed only, in the distal segment; loment beak straight or slightly curved
2.  Stems usually >20 cm long, commonly branching; loment usually with 2 seeds, one in the proximal segment and one in the distal segment; loment beak incurved or hooked
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Astyposanthes Astyposanthes Herter, Revista Sudamer. Bot. 7: 209. 1943. TYPE: Non designatus.