Contains 12 accepted taxa overall.
VICIA Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 734. 1753.
TYPE: Vicia sativa Linnaeus Lectotypified by Britton & A. Brown, Ill. Fl. N. U.s., ed. 2. 2: 408. 1913.
Scientific Name | Common Name | Herbarium Specimens | Status | Photos |
Vicia acutifolia | FOURLEAF VETCH | Native FACW (NWPL) FACW (DEP) | ||
Vicia caroliniana | CAROLINA VETCH | Native FACU (NWPL) | ||
Vicia floridana | FLORIDA VETCH | Native FACW (NWPL) FACW (DEP) | ||
Vicia grandiflora | LARGE YELLOW VETCH | Not Native | ||
Vicia hirsuta | SPARROW VETCH; TINY VETCH | Not Native | ||
Vicia ludoviciana | LOUISIANA VETCH; DEERPEA VETCH | Native FACU (NWPL) | ||
Vicia lutea | SMOOTH YELLOW VETCH | Not Native | ||
Vicia minutiflora | PIGMYFLOWER VETCH | Native FAC (NWPL) | ||
Vicia ocalensis | OCALA VETCH | Native Rare-State OBL (NWPL) OBL (DEP) | ||
Vicia sativa | COMMON VETCH | Not Native FACU (NWPL) | ||
Vicia tetrasperma | LENTIL VETCH | Not Native | ||
Vicia villosa | HAIRY VETCH; WINTER VETCH | Not Native |
Identification Key
1. Inflorescence sessile to subsessile, of 1-4 flowers
1. Inflorescence pedunculate, of 1-15 flowers
2. Calyx lobes strongly unequal, the upper ones shorter than the tube, the lower ones subequal to longer than the tube and 2-4 mm longer than the upper ones; fruit hirsute, the trichomes often pustulate-based
2. Calyx lobes subequal, shorter than to subequal to the tube, the lowers ones 0-2 mm longer than the upper ones; fruit glabrous, puberulent, to strigulose
3. Calyx lobes 2-5 mm shorter than the tube; corolla yellow, often with purple streaks, 2.3-3 cm long
3. Calyx lobes (at least the lower ones) subequal to the tube, 0-2 mm shorter than the tube; corolla pinkish white to purple, 1-2.5(-3) cm long
4. Leaflest 2-8(-10) per leaf
4. Leaflets 8-16 per leaf
5. Flowers 1-2(-3) per raceme
5. Flowers 2-12 per raceme
6. Fruit 1.5-3 cm long, tapered to the tip, with (4-)6-8(-12) seeds
6. Fruit 1-1.5 cm long, rounded at the tip (except for the awn-like beak), typically with 4 seeds
7. Leaflets 10-15 mm long; fruit 8-15 mm long, with 1-3 seeds
7. Leaflets 55 mm long; fruit 20-45 mm long, with 4-12 seeds
8. Leaflets mostly 4, 15-30 mm long; fruits 2-3 cm long; seeds ca. 2 mm long
8. Leaflets mostly 6, 23-50 mm long; fruits 4-4.5 cm long; seeds 3-4 mm long
9. Inflorescence with 2-9(-12) flowers; corolla 3-8 mm long; fruit 6-25(-35) mm long
9. Inflorescence with 8-25 flowers; corolla (7-)8-18 mm long; fruit 15-40 mm long
10. Calyx 2-2.5 mm long; corolla 2.5-5 mm long; fruit hirsute to puberulent, 6-10 mm long, with 1-3 seeds
10. Calyx 2.8-4 mm long; corolla 4.5-8 mm long; fruit glabrous, 15-25(-35) mm long, with 3-7 seeds
11. Calyx 2-3 mm long, the lower lobe deltate; corolla white or tinged with lavender, (7-)8-10(-12) mm long; fruit
11. Calyx 5-6 mm long, the lower lobe lanceolate to acicular; corolla violet, violet and white, or rarely white, 10-18 mm long
Genus Synonyms
Synonym | Full Citation | Basionym | Type |
Abacosa | Abacosa Alefeld, Bonplandia (Hannover) 9: 102. 1861. | TYPE: Non designatus. | |
Anatropostylia | Anatropostylia (Plitmann) Kupicha, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 32: 247. 1973. | BASIONYM: Vicia Linnaeus, sect. Anatropostylia Plitmann, in P. Davis, Fl. Turkey 3: 598. 1970. | TYPE: Anatropostylia koieana (Rechinger) Kupicha (Vicia koieana Rechinger) |
Arachus | Arachus Medikus, Vorles. Churpfälz. Phys.-Okon. Ges. 2: 360. 1787. | TYPE: Arachus vicioides Medikus, nom. illegit. (Lathyrus bithynicus Linnaeus) | |
Atossa | Atossa Alefeld, Bonplandia (Hannover) 9: 100. 1861. | TYPE: Non designatus. | |
Bona | Bona Medikus, Vorles. Churpfälz. Phys.-Okon. Ges. 2: 360. 1787. | TYPE: Bona narbonensis (Linnaeus) Medikus (Vicia narbonensis Linnaeus) | |
Coppoleria | Coppoleria Todaro, Atti Accad. Sci. Palermo, ser. 2. 1: 14. 1845. | TYPE: Coppoleria monantha (Linnaeus) Todaro (Ervum monanthos Linnaeus) | |
Cujunia | Cujunia Alefeld, Bonplandia (Hannover) 9: 102. 1861. | TYPE: Cujunia grandiflora (Scopoli) Alefeld (Vicia grandiflora Scopoli) | |
Endiusa | Endiusa Alefeld, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 9: 359. 1859. | TYPE: Non designatus. | |
Ervilia | Ervilia Link, Enum. Hort. Berol. Alt. 2: 240. 1822. | TYPE: Ervilia sativa Link (Ervum ervilia Linnaeus) | |
Ervum | Ervum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 738. 1753. | TYPE: Ervum tetraspermum Linnaeus Lectotypified by Alefeld, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 9: 363. 1859; M. L. Green, Prop. Brit. Bot. 175. 1929. | |
Faba | Faba Miller, Gard. Dict. Abr., ed. 4. 1754. | TYPE: Faba bona Medikus Lectotypified by Bullock, Kew Bull. 14: 42. 1960. | |
Hypechusa | Hypechusa Alefeld, Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 18: 165. 1860. | TYPE: Non designatus. | |
Orobella | Orobella C. Presl, in Weitenweber, Beitr. Gesammten Nat. Heilweiss 2(1): 27. 1837. | TYPE: Orobella vicioides C. Presl | |
Parallosa | Parallosa Alefeld, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 9: 359. 1859. | TYPE: Parallosa monanthos (Linnaeus) Alefeld (Ervum monanthos Linnaeus) = Coppoleria Todaro 1845. | |
Rhynchium | Rhynchium Dulac, Fl. Hautes-Pyrénées 290. 1867. | TYPE: Thynchium plicatum (Moench) Dulac (Ervum plicatum Moench) | |
Sellunia | Sellunia Alefeld, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 9: 358. 1859. | TYPE: Sellunia lunata (Boissier & Balansa) Alefeld (Ervum lunatum Boissier & Balansa) | |
Swantia | Swantia Alefeld, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 9: 365. 1859. | TYPE: Swantia aurantia (Marschall von Bieberstein) Alefeld (Orobus aurantius Marschall von Bieberstein) | |
Tuamina | Tuamina Alefeld, Bonplandia (Hannover) 9: 102. 1861. | TYPE: Tuamina michauxii (Sprengel ex Willdenow) Alefeld (Vicia michauxii Sprengel ex Willdenow) | |
Vicilla | Vicilla Schur, Enum. Pl. Trannsilv. 170. 1866. | TYPE: Non designatus. | |
Vicioides | Vicioides Moench, Methodus 135. 1794. | TYPE: = Vicia Linnaeus 1753. | |
Wiggersia | Wiggersia Alefeld, Bonplandia (Hannover) 9: 69. 1861. | TYPE: Wiggersia minima Alefeld |