Contains 12 accepted taxa overall.

Rhynchosia Lour.
RHYNCHOSIA Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. 425, 460. 1790, nom. cons. vs. Dolicholus Medikus 1787, et vs. Cylista Aiton 1789.
TYPE: Rhynchosia volubilis Loureiro
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Rhynchosia cinerea BROWNHAIR SNOUTBEAN Native
Rhynchosia cytisoides ROYAL SNOUTBEAN Native
Rhynchosia difformis DOUBLEFORM SNOUTBEAN Native
Rhynchosia michauxii MICHAUX'S SNOUTBEAN Native
Rhynchosia minima LEAST SNOUTBEAN Native
Rhynchosia parvifolia SMALL-LEAF SNOUTBEAN Native Threatened-State
Rhynchosia precatoria ROSARY SNOUTBEAN Not Native
Rhynchosia reniformis DOLLARLEAF Native
Rhynchosia reticulata HABILLO Not Native
Rhynchosia swartzii SWARTZ'S SNOUTBEAN Native Rare-State
Rhynchosia tomentosa var. mollissima TWINING SNOUTBEAN Native
Rhynchosia tomentosa var. tomentosa TWINING SNOUTBEAN Native
Identification Key
1.  Leaves with 1(3) leaflets
1.  Leaves 3-foliolate
2.  Plant prostrate or trailing, the leaves generally well-spaced and usually not overlapping; calyx 9-15 mm long; fruit scarcely exserted from the calyx
2.  Plant erect to 40 cm tall, the leaves generally clustered together and overlapping; calyx 7-10 mm long; fruit much exserted from the calyx
3.  Leaflets acuminate at the tip, sometimes only slightly; seeds black or red and black
3.  Leaflets acute to broadly rounded at the tip (very rarely slightly acuminate); seeds brown
4.  Stipules absent; leaflet stipels absent; seeds bicolored red and black
4.  Stipules persistent; leaflet stipels persistent; seeds red
5.  Terminal leaflets 0.8-1.3 times longer than wide
5.  Terminal leaflets 1.5-2.5 times longer than wide
6.  Most racemes exceeding the leaves, (1-)4-12 cm long; calyx 2.5-4 mm long
6.  Racemes usually shorter than the leaves, 1-4(-8) cm long; calyx 8-14 mm long
7.  Plant hairs generally <0.4 mm long; petiole pubescent; fruit puberulent
7.  Plant hairs commonly >0.7 mm long; petiole hirsute; fruit hirsute and puberulent
8.  Plant trailing, prostrate, or vine-like
8.  Plant erect
9.  Fresh leaflets bluish or grayish green; leaflets elliptic to elliptic-obovate
9.  Fresh leaflets green to olive-green; leaflets generally ovate
10.  Leaflets to 2 cm long, 1 cm wide; flowers 1(-3) in the leaf axils; corolla clearly exceeding the calyx
10.  Leaflets 2-5(-7) cm long, 1-4 cm wide; flowers numerous in a raceme; corolla subequal to slightly exceeding the calyx
11.  Stipules caducous; inflorescence a solitary raceme 5-20 cm long
11.  Stipules persistent; inflorescence of several racemes 1-3 cm long
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Arcyphyllum Arcyphyllum Elliott, J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 1: 371. 1818. TYPE: Non designatus.
Copisma Copisma E. Meyer, in E. Meyer & Drège, Comm. Pl. Afr. Austr. 132. 1836. TYPE: Non designatus.
Cyanospermum Cyanospermum Wight & Arnott, Prodr. Fl. Ind. Orient. 259. 1834. TYPE: Non designatus.
Cylista Cylista Aiton, Hort. Kew. 3: 36, 512. 1789, nom. rej. vs. Rhynchosia Loureiro 1790. TYPE: Cylista villosa Aiton
Dolicholus Dolicholus Medikus, Vorles. Churpfälz. Phys.-Okon. Ges. 2: 354. 1787, nom. rej. vs. Rhynchosia Loureiro 1790. TYPE: Dolicholus flavus Medikus, nom. illegit. (Dolicholus minimus Linnaeus)
Hidrosia Hidrosia E. Meyer, in E. Meyer & Drège, Comm. Pl. Afr. Austr. 89. 1836. TYPE: Hidrosia bullata E. Meyer
Leucopterum Leucopterum Small, Man. S.E. Fl. 713. 1933. TYPE: Leocopterum parvifolium (de Candolle) Small (Rhynchosia parvifolia de Candolle)
Leycephyllum Leycephyllum Piper, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 14: 363. 1924. TYPE: Leycephyllum micranthum Piper
Nomismia Nomismia Wight & Arnott, Prodr. Fl. Ind. Orient. 236. 1834. TYPE: Nomismia nummularia (Linnaeus) Wight & Arnott (Glycine nummularia Linnaeus) Lectotypified by Pfeiffer, Nomencl. Bot. 2: 452. 1873.
Orthodanum Orthodanum E. Meyer, in E. Meyer & Drège, Comm. Pl. Afr. Austr. 131. 1836. TYPE: Non designatus.
Phyllomatia Phyllomatia (Wight & Arnott) Bentham, Comm. Legum. Gen. 49. 1837. BASIONYM: Rhynchosia Loureiro, subg. Phyllomatia Wight & Arnott, Prodr. Fl. Ind. Orient. 239. 1834. TYPE: Non designatus.
Pitcheria Pitcheria Nuttall, J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 7: 93. 1834. TYPE: Pitcheria galactoides Nuttall
Polytropia Polytropia C. Presl, Symb. Bot. 1: 21, t. 13. 1831. TYPE: Polytropia ferulaefolia C. Presl
Ptychocentrum Ptychocentrum (Wight & Arnott) Bentham, Comm. Legum. Gen. 49. 1837. BASIONYM: Rhynchosia Loureiro, subg. Ptychocentrum Wight & Arnott, Prodr. TYPE: Non designatus.
Sigmodostyles Sigmodostyles Meisner, London J. Bot. 2: 93. 1843. TYPE: Sigmodostyles villosa Meisner