Contains 8 accepted taxa overall.

Lupinus L.
LUPINUS Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 721. 1753.
TYPE: Lupinus albus Linnaeus Lectotypified by Britton & A. Brown, Ill. Fl. N. U.S., ed. 2. 2: 347. 1913.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Lupinus angustifolius NARROWLEAF LUPINE Not Native
Lupinus aridorum BECKNER'S LUPINE; MCFARLIN'S LUPINE Native Rare-State Endangered-US
Lupinus diffusus SKYBLUE LUPINE Native
Lupinus luteus YELLOW LUPINE Not Native
Lupinus perennis SUNDIAL LUPINE Native
Lupinus texensis TEXAS BLUEBONNET Not Native
Lupinus villosus LADY LUPINE Native
Lupinus westianus var. westianus GULF COAST LUPINE Native Threatened-State
Identification Key
1.  Leaves 5- to 11-foliolate
1.  Leaves 1-foliolate
2.  Corolla yellow
2.  Corolla lavender to blue-purple
3.  Leaflets mostly linear to oblong, 5-10 times long as wide
3.  Leaflets mostly elliptic to obovate, 3-5 times long as wide
4.  Rhizomatous perennial; leaves mostly 7- to 11-foliolate; corolla blue-violet to white or pink
4.  Taprooted annual; leaves mostly 5- to 7-foliolate; corolla dark blue
5.  Stipules 0-5 mm long
5.  Stipules mostly 5-35 mm long
6.  Robust plants averaging 45-60 cm tall; leaf blades mostly 5.0-6.5 cm long, 2.5-3.0 cm wide; corolla white to pink, the upper petal with a blackish maroon spot
6.  robust plants averaging 60-85 cm tall; leaf blades mostly 7.5-9.0 cm long, 3.5-4.5 cm wide; corolla pale lavender to blue, the upper petal with a maroon to dark purplish blue spot
7.  Corolla primarily of white, pink, and light blue colors, the upper petal with dark spots along the middle; fruit with hairs to 5 mm long
7.  Corolla primarily of white and blue colors, the upper petal with light or white spots along the middle; fruit with hairs to 3 mm long
8.  Plant mat-forming, of small clumps, mostly 25-80 cm wide; petioles 6-8 cm long; leaf blades mostly 3-4(5) times longer than wide (L. diffusus s.str.)
8.  Plant erect and branched above ground or mat-forming of large clumps, typically 90-130 cm wide; petioles mostly 3-6 cm long (rarely to 10 cm); leaf blades mostly 1.8-2.9 times longer than wide (L. cumulicola
9.  Plants (20)26-45(72) cm tall, 1.9-4.1 mat-forming, the main stems prostrate, branched at or near ground level, first branch 0-8(14) cm aboveground, branches mostly decumbent, ascending only at their leafy tips; free portion of stipules (13)17-25(39) mm long
9.  Plants (25)50-90(200) cm tall, erect, the main stem erect, branched above ground level, first branch (0)4-15(34) cm aboveground; free portion of stipules (0)8-14(23) mm long
10.  Plants with dense, short, appressed pubescence, the green surface of the leaves evident; petioles (40)50-65(100) mm long; mature fruit (17)20-27(35) mm long, (6)6.7-7.0(8) mm wide; central to north peninsula
10.  Plants with dense, spreading, whitish-villous pubescence, mostly obscuring the leaf surface; petioles (18)32-45(70) mm long; mature fruit (18)36-44(54) mm long, (8)10-12(17) mm wide; central-west and southwest peninsula
11.  Leaf blades densely silvery-silky appressed pubescent, the hairs totally obscuring the leaf surface, (26)35-45(58) mm wide, mostly 1.8-2.1 times longer than wide; Lake Wales Ridge region
11.  Leaf blades moderately appressed pubescent, the hairs not obscuring the green leaf surface, (15)25-32(44) mm wide, mostly 2.4-2.9 times longer than wide; central-east and southeast peninsula
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type