Contains 1 accepted taxa overall.

Avicennia L.
AVICENNIA Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 110. 1753.
TYPE: Avicennia officinalis Linnaeus
Distribution Map Present

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Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Avicennia germinans BLACK MANGROVE Native OBL (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Identification Key
1.  (Key to native mangrove species) Bark of longitudinal strips somewhat interwoven; petiole with 2 glands near the apex; leaves alternate, the lower surface with domatia along the midrib; flowers densely aggregated into a globose head; petals absent; fruiting structure cone-like, a dense aggregate of scaly fruits
1.  Bark various; petiole with or without glands; leaves opposite, without domatia (one species with pits near the margin); flowers individually apparent and spaced from one another; petals present; fruit solitary, not aggregated
2.  Pneumatophores present (erect, aboveground, arising from subterranean roots below); bark of trunk becoming cracked with fissures forming smallish blocks; young stems and inflorescence grayish scurfy-pubescent; leaf blade upper surface often covered with salt crystals from excretions, the lower surface grayish scurfy-pubescent; corolla 4-lobed, white with yellow throat; fruit an asymmetric smooth (but hairy) capsule
2.  Pneumatophores absent; bark of trunk smooth or becoming longitudinally striate; leaf blade without noticeable salt crystals or salt excretion very minute, the lower surface glabrate; corolla 4- or 5-merous; fruit symmetric and ribbed or with a protruding hypocotyl
3.  Prop roots absent; bark of longitudinal strips; stipules absent; petiole with 2 glands near the apex; leaf blade with pits near the margin (likely for salt excretion); calyx 5-lobed, tubular, greenish; petals 5, minute; fruit greenish, compressed, roughly obovate, without a protruding hypocotyl while still attached to the tree
3.  Prop roots present (root arising from trunk aboveground and descending into soil); bark mostly remaining smooth or becoming lightly cracked in age; interpetiolar stipules enclosing the developing leaf, deciduous; petiole lacking glands; leaf blade without pits; calyx 4-lobed, with spreading lobes (only slightly tubular at the base), yellowish; petals 4, conspicuous, villous; fruit brownish leathery-woody, with a green to reddish brown protruding and descending hypocotyl developing and becoming much longer than the fruit while still attached to the tree
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Halodendrum Halodendrum Du Petit-Thouars, Gen. Nov. Madagasc. 8. 1806. TYPE: Halodendrum thouarsii Roemer & Schultes
Hilairanthus Hilairanthus Tieghem, J. Bot. (Morot) 12: 358. 1898. TYPE: Hilairanthus nitidus (Jacquin) Tieghem 1898. (Avicennia nitida Jacquin 1760.) Lectotypified by Cornejo, Harvard Pap. Bot. 25(2): 232. 2020.
Horau Horau Adanson, Fam. Pl. 2: 80, 585. 1763. TYPE: Kaempfer, Amoen. Exot. Fasc. 257. 1712.
Sceura Sceura Forsskal, Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. 37. 1775. TYPE: Sceura marina Forsskal
Upata Upata Adanson, Fam. Pl. 2: 201. 1763. TYPE: = Avicennia Linnaeus 1753.