Contains 20 genera and 52 accepted taxa overall.
This family is completely databased for all specimens.
Genus | Common Name | Taxa Count | Herbarium Specimens | Photos |
Asystasia | ASYSTASIA | 2 | ||
Avicennia | BLACK MANGROVE | 1 | ||
Barleria | PHILIPPINE VIOLET | 3 | ||
Carlowrightia | WRIGHTWORT | 1 | ||
Dicliptera | FOLDWING | 2 | ||
Dyschoriste | TWINFLOWER; SNAKEHERB | 3 | ||
Elytraria | SCALYSTEM | 1 | ||
Eranthemum | ERANTHEMUM | 1 | ||
Graptophyllum | GRAPTOPHYLLUM | 1 | ||
Hygrophila | SWAMPWEED | 4 | ||
Hypoestes | HYPOESTES | 1 | ||
Justicia | WATERWILLOW | 10 | ||
Nelsonia | NELSONIA | 1 | ||
Odontonema | TOOTHEDTHREAD | 1 | ||
Pseuderanthemum | PSEUDERANTHEMUM | 2 | ||
Ruellia | WILD PETUNIA | 10 | ||
Stenandrium | SHAGGYTUFT | 1 | ||
Strobilanthes | HEMIGRAPHIS; STROBILANTHES | 2 | ||
Thunbergia | THUNBERGIA | 4 | ||
Yeatesia | BRACTSPIKE | 1 |
Identification Key
1. Pneumatophores present (erect, aboveground, arising from subterranean roots below); leaf blade upper surface salt-excreting, densely gray-pubescent on the underside; Avicennioideae
1. Pneumatophores absent; leaf blade not salt-excreting, glabrate to pubescent on the underside; not a mangrove
2. Leaf blades with cystoliths, or without cystoliths and anthers monothecous; seed subtended by a hooked, persistent retanicula; Acanthoideae
2. Leaf blades without cystoliths; seed without a retinacula
3. Vines or shrubs; inflorescence a fascicle, raceme, or solitary flower; flower subtended by clasping or connate foliaceous bracteoles; Thunbergioideae
3. Herbs; inflorescence a many-flowered spike; flower not subtended by large foliaceous bracteoles; Nelsonioideae
4. Leaves primarily basal and rosette-forming; peduncle with numerous stiff, clasping, scale-like bracts below the flower spike
4. Leaves cauline; peduncle lacking numerous scale-like bracts
1. (Key A) Leaves primarily basal and rosette-forming, without cystoliths; stamens 4, monothecous; Acantheae
1. Leaves basal or caulilne, with or without a rosette, with cystoliths; stamens 2 or 4, if 4 then at least 2 bithecous
2. Corolla with left-contort aestivation in bud; Ruellieae
2. Corolla with quincuncial or ascending-cochlear aestivation
3. Shrubs, sometimes with spines or prickly sepals; outer pair of sepals enlarged and foliaceous; corolla with quincuncial aestivation; Barlerieae
3. Herbs or shrubs, lacking spines or prickles; outer pair of sepals foliaceous or not; corolla with ascending-cochlear aestivation; Justicieae
1. (Key B) Larger leaves >10 cm long; flower subtended by foliaceous bracts with pale surfaces and dark veins and edges; stamens 2, staminodes 2
1. Larger leaves 1-20 cm long; foliaceous bracts if present not as above; stamens 4
2. Anther thecae (at least one) with basal awns or appendages
2. Anther thecae without basal awns or appendages
3. Corolla bilabiate, usually <10 mm long; mostly of aquatic or hydric habitats, sometimes submerged
3. Corolla subactinomorphic, usually >10 mm long; mostly of xeric to hydric terrestrial habitats
1. (Key C) Shrubs; stamens 2, staminodes 2
1. Herbs, sometimes suffrutescent; stamens 2 and staminodes absent, or stamens 4, rarely stamens 2 and staminodes 2
2. Leaves often variegated; corolla bilabiate with the upper lobe erect and exserted and the lower lobes reflexed
2. Leaves not variegated; corolla salverform, the tube 15-25 mm long, the lobes 2-5 mm long
3. Corolla 8-35 mm long; stamens 4
3. Corolla 2-50 mm long; stamens 2
4. Basal and proximal leaves petiolate, distal leaves often sessile to subsessile; corolla salverform, the tube much longer than the lobes
4. Leaves and petioles variable; corolla bilabiate, funnelform, or subsalverform and tube not much longer than the lobes
5. Corolla resupinate with ca. 180 degree twist in corolla tube, the more heavily spotted and lobate lip positioned above, the 2 stamens held closer to the bottom of the flower
5. Corolla not resupinate, the often lobate lip positioned below, the 2 stamens often held closer to the upper corolla part
6. Leaves not variegated; anthers bithecous
6. Leaves often variegated; anthers monothecous
7. Anther thecae unevenly attached with one theca above the other; corolla white, pink, purple, reddish, or orange
7. Anther thecae evenly attached and parallel; corolla white or mostly so
8. Leaves 1-3 cm long; inflorescence of 1-3 axillary flowers
8. Leaves 4-12 cm long; inflorescence a spike with foliaceous bracts