Contains 41 genera and 118 accepted taxa overall.
This family is completely databased for all specimens.
Genus | Common Name | Taxa Count | Herbarium Specimens | Photos |
Ajuga | BUGLE | 1 | ||
Calamintha | CALAMINT | 4 | ||
Callicarpa | BEAUTYBERRY | 1 | ||
Cantinoa | 2 | |||
Clerodendrum | GLORYBOWER | 9 | ||
Clinopodium | WILD BASIL | 3 | ||
Coleus | 2 | |||
Collinsonia | HORSEBALM | 2 | ||
Condea | 2 | |||
Conradina | FALSE ROSEMARY | 6 | ||
Cornutia | CORNUTIA | 1 | ||
Dicerandra | BALM | 10 | ||
Glechoma | GROUNDIVY | 1 | ||
Gmelina | 1 | |||
Hedeoma | FALSE PENNYROYAL | 1 | ||
Holmskioldia | HOLMSKIOLDIA | 1 | ||
Hyptis | BUSHMINT | 2 | ||
Lamium | DEADNETTLE | 2 | ||
Leonotis | LION'S EAR | 1 | ||
Leonurus | MOTHERWORT | 1 | ||
Lycopus | WATERHOREHOUND | 4 | ||
Macbridea | BIRDS-IN-A-NEST | 1 | ||
Mentha | MINT | 3 | ||
Mesosphaerum | 1 | |||
Monarda | BEEBALM | 2 | ||
Ocimum | BASIL | 2 | ||
Perilla | PERILLA | 1 | ||
Petitia | PETITIA | 1 | ||
Physostegia | FALSE DRAGONHEAD | 4 | ||
Piloblephis | PILOBLEPHIS | 1 | ||
Premna | PREMNA | 1 | ||
Prunella | SELFHEAL | 1 | ||
Pycnanthemum | MOUNTAINMINT | 7 | ||
Salvia | SAGE | 9 | ||
Scutellaria | SKULLCAP | 13 | ||
Stachydeoma | 1 | |||
Stachys | HEDGENETTLE | 4 | ||
Teucrium | GERMANDER | 1 | ||
Trichostema | BLUECURLS | 2 | ||
Vitex | CHASTETREE | 5 | ||
Volkameria | 1 |
Identification Key
1. Vines, subshrubs, shrubs, or trees, woody
1. Herbs to subshrubs, not woody, sometimes suffrutescent
2. Calyx strongly bilabiate, the upper part of calyx forming a cap or flap, entire to obscurely lobed
2. Calyx bilabiate or not, the upper part of calyx not forming a cap or flap, often lobed and with acute apices
3. Calyx of an upper and lower lobe, the upper part often with a protuberance, the calyx mouth closing (usually completely so) during fruit maturation (before dehiscing)
3. Calyx lower lip distinctly 3-lobed, the upper lacking a protuberance, the mouth remaining wide open and not closing
4. Fertile stamens 2
4. Fertile stamens 4
1. (Key A) Leaves compound, usually at least some; leaf blade lower surface and calyx canescent
1. Leaves simple or 1-foliolate; leaf blade lower surface and calyx glabrous, pubescent, or canescent
2. Fruit a schizocarp
2. Fruit a drupe
3. Leaf blades 1-15 cm wide
3. Leaf blades 0.1-1 cm wide
4. Inflorescence spiciform, the pedicels, calyx, and flower buds hidden by the bracts
4. Inflorescence racemiform or paniculiform, the pedicels (if present), calyx, and flower buds visible
5. Anthers with a spur-like or horn-like appendage; plants generally glabrate
5. Anthers lacking an appendage; plants glabrate to densely pubescent
6. Lower surface of leaves glabrate or with erect hairs; stigma branches distinctly unequal
6. Lower surface of leaves with appressed hairs; stigma branches subequal
7. Corolla 2-5 mm long
7. Corolla 5-40 mm long
8. Leaves with stellate hairs
8. Leaves with simple hairs or glabrous
9. Leaf blades elliptic to lanceolate, entire
9. Leaf blades broadly ovate to ovate, entire to toothed
10. Leaf blade pinnately veined, lacking a basal pair of lateral veins; fertile stamens 2
10. Leaf blade pinni-palmately veined, with a basal pair of lateral veins extending to near or beyond mid-blade
11. Calyx disc-shaped and spreading, forming a broad shield, brightly colored orange to reddish, lacking any discernible lobes
11. Calyx not disc-shaped or shield-like
12. Trees; leaf blade broadly ovate; corolla yellow and reddish
12. Vines or shrubs; leaf blade linear, elliptic, lanceolate, to ovate; corolla white, pink, red, to purple
13. Corolla 10-150 mm long; fruiting calyx usually larger than the fruit, brightly colored and contrasting with the dark fruit
13. Corolla 5-10 mm long; fruiting calyx
1. (Key B) Flower clusters in spiciform or racemiform inflorescences with reduced leaves
1. Flower clusters in the axils of well-developed leaves
2. Corolla yellow, the lower lip fringed
2. Corolla blue, lavender, red, or white, the lower lip not fringed
3. Flower clusters subtended by large, colored or whitish bracts
3. Flower clusters lacking colored bracts
4. Flowers sessile; calyx actinomorphic or nearly so
4. Flowers pedicellate; calyx 2-lipped
5. Stem with retrorse hairs; leaves linear to narrowly elliptic, the margin entire
5. Stem with erect hairs; leaves ovate, the margin toothed
1. (Key C) Flowers in a pedunculate dense, involucral head of numerous flowers, pedicels absent or unapparent
1. Flowers in pedunculate or sessile spikes (sometimes interrupted), racemes, or cymes, sometimes with pedicellate flowers, or in sessile axillary clusters
2. Pedunculate inflorescence heads arising from leaf axils; involucral bracts spreading to descending; calyx slightly oblique at mouth, 2-lobed, lobes subequal
2. Pedunculate inflorescence heads terminating stems; involucral bracts tightly appressed; calyx bilabiate, the lower lip 2-lobed
3. Flowers in axillary clusters or solitary in the axils
3. Flowers in terminal racemes, cymes, or spikes (these sometimes interrupted and appearing axillary but in the axils of reduced leaves or bracts distinctly dissimilar from cauline leaves) racemes, or cymes
4. Leaves palmately lobed with 3-5 lobes, the lobes often pinnatifid or lobed
4. Leaves unlobed
5. Flowers solitary in the leaf axils, pedicellate, the pedicel as long or longer than the flower
5. Flowers 1-many in the leaf axils, sessile to short-pedicellate, the pedicel shorter than the flower
6. Cauline and bracteal leaves petiolate, petioles not strongly reduced distally
6. Cauline leaves sessile or petiolate, distal bracteal leaves sessile or short-petiolate and the petioles distinctly reduced distally relative to the cauline leaves
7. Inflorescence of umbellliform, congested cymes
7. Inflorescence of racemes or spikes, sometimes paniculiform
8. Corollas orange
8. Corollas not orange
9. Corolla appearing 1-lipped, with 2 proximal lobes and an exserted 3-lobed lip
9. Corolla bilabiate
10. Calyx of 5 subequal lobes
10. Calyx bilabiate
11. Flowers solitary in the axil of each bract
11. Flowers many in the axil of each bract
12. Corolla lower lip of 3 subequal lobes; plant usually pleasantly fragrant
12. Corolla lower lip with the middle lobe larger than the lateral ones; plant typically obscurely aromatic or not distinctly pleasantly fragrant
13. Annual or perennial with rhizomes or tubers; middle lobe of lower lip plane or nearly so
13. Annual or perennial, without rhizomes or tubers; middle lobe of lower lip saccate
14. Flower clusters in sessile axillary fascicles (flowers may be pedicellate)
14. Flower clusters of short-pedunculate cymes, sometimes densely clustered and spike-like
15. Stem scabrid; calyx lacking tufts of white hairs between the lobes
15. Stem pubescent; calyx with short tufts of white hairs between the lobes
16. Lower lip of the corolla fimbriate
16. Lower lip of corolla not fimbriate
17. Flowers pedicellate, the bracts not concealing the flower bud
17. Flowers sessile, the bracts foliaceous and concealing the flower bud
18. Stamens included
18. Stamens exserted
19. Leaf blades 1-3.5 cm long; fruit smooth
19. Leaf blades 3.5-14 cm long; fruit reticulate
20. Stamens downwardly curved, held atop the flower
20. Stamens straight to upcurved
21. Leaves linear and entire
21. Leaves not linear, toothed
22. Bracts foliaceous, exceeding to subequal to the flowers;
22. Bracts minute