Contains 10 accepted taxa overall.

Dicerandra Benth.
DICERANDRA Bentham, Edwards's Bot. Reg. 15: sub t. 1300. 1830.
TYPE: Dicerandra linearis Bentham, nom. illegit. (Ceranthera linearifolia Elliott 1821; Dicerandra linearifolia (Elliott) Bentham) Substitute name for Ceranthera Elliott 1821, non Palisot de Beauvois 1808, nec Rafinesque 1819.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Dicerandra christmanii LAKE WALES BALM; CHRISTMAN'S MINT Native Rare-State Endangered-US
Dicerandra cornutissima LONGSPUR BALM; ROBIN'S MINT Native Rare-State Endangered-US
Dicerandra densiflora FLORIDA BALM Native
Dicerandra frutescens SCRUB BALM; LLOYD'S MINT Native Rare-State Endangered-US
Dicerandra fumella SMOKY BALM Native
Dicerandra immaculata var. immaculata LAKELA'S BALM; OLGA'S MINT Native Rare-State Endangered-US
Dicerandra immaculata var. savannarum SAVANNA BALM; DICERANDRA-OF-THE-SAVANNAS Native Rare-State Endangered-US
Dicerandra linearifolia var. robustior COASTALPLAIN BALM Native
Dicerandra modesta BLUSHING SCRUB BALM Native
Dicerandra thinicola TITUSVILLE BALM Native Rare-State
Identification Key
1.  Annual (or persistent a 2nd year), herbaceous, branches few to none
1.  Perennial, woody or suffrutescent, branches many
2.  Peduncle 0-1 mm; pedicels 0-2 mm long; stamens subequal, the anther spur obtuse to subacute, with minute domes of digitate hairs
2.  Peduncle (2)3-6 mm long; pedicels 3-9 mm long; stamens unequal, the anther spur acuminate and glabrous
3.  Leaves 1-5 mm wide, usually revolute, surface rugose, hispid and raspy, margins denticulate; corolla white to pink, with purplish lines or dots; anthers yellow
3.  Leaves 2-10 mm wide, not revolute, surface smooth, margins not denticulate; corolla reddish purple; anthers reddish-brown
4.  Corolla lacking speckles or dots, the tube smooth bent; anther spurs hairy
4.  Corolla with darkened or colored speckles or dots, the tube abruptly geniculate; anther spurs glabrous to glabrate
5.  Stems erect, not decumbent, not re-rooting; leaves narrowly lanceolate, 1-2 cm long (averaging 1.8 cm), 2-4 mm wide
5.  Stems decumbent, re-rooting; leaves rhombic, 2-4 cm long (averaging 2.5 cm), (3)4-9(12) mm wide
6.  Corolla pale pink to rose-purple (with darker dots); anther spur >1 mm long, papillose or papillose-pubescent
6.  Corolla white to faintly pinkish (with darker dots); anther spur <1 mm long, glabrous to glabrate
7.  Anthers white; style glabrous to glabrate
7.  Anthers lavender; style with stiff conic hairs
8.  Leaves with odor of eucalyptus or wintergreen; anthers yellow, sometimes tinged with red, the glands absent, few, or inconspicuous on the connective
8.  Leaves with odor of mint; anthers lavender to white, the glands conspicuous on the connective
9.  Inflorescence of 1-2 flowers per cyme; corolla white or rarely partly pinkish, the upper lip oblong to ligulate
9.  Inflorescence of (1)2-3(6) flowers per cyme; corolla pale pinkish white (pink with age), the upper lip ovate to obovate
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Ceranthera Ceranthera Elliott, Sketch Bot. S. Carolina 2: 93. 1821, non Palisot de Beauvois 1808, nec Rafinesque 1819. TYPE: Ceranthera linearifolia Elliott = Dicerandra Bentham 1830.