Spermacoce latifolia

Family Name | Rubiaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Spermacoce latifolia Aubl. - Determined By: J. H. Kirkbr., 08-Mar-2016 |
Determination History |
Spermacoce alata Aubl.
Locality | USA. Florida , Pasco Co. : Jumping Gully Conservation Area, Morsani ranch, Spring Hill. 28° 23' 32" N 82° 30' 11" W |
Habitat | Pastures and yard. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | K. MacMillen |
Collection Date | 11 Sep 2015 |
Accession Number | 281119 |
Image | 281119.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Spermacoce latifolia

Family Name | Rubiaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Spermacoce latifolia Aubl. - Determined By: J. H. Kirkbr., 08-Mar-2016 |
Locality | USA. Florida , Pasco Co. : Jumping Gully Conservation Area. 18812 Fishburne Drive. 28° 23' 35" N 82° 30' 9" W |
Description | Sprawling, forming thick mats, ca. 20 cover; present since 2009 acquisition of conservation easement. |
Habitat | Intermixed with Richardia; restoration plot in previous flatwoods (Tavares sand); 3 years of spraying to eradicate pasture grasses. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | K. MacMillen |
Collection Date | 26 Sep 2015 |
Accession Number | 283968 |
Image | 283968.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Spermacoce latifolia

Family Name | Rubiaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Spermacoce latifolia Aubl. - Determined By: J. H. Kirkbr., 08-Mar-2016 |
Locality | USA. Florida , Pasco Co. : Jumping Gully Conservation Area. 18812 Fishburne Drive. 28° 23' 35" N 82° 30' 8" W |
Description | Sprawling, forming thick mats, ca. 20 cover; present since 2009 acquisition of conservation easement. |
Habitat | Intermixed with Richardia; restoration plot in previous flatwoods (Tavares sand); 3 years of spraying to eradicate pasture grasses. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | K. MacMillen |
Collection Date | 26 Sep 2015 |
Accession Number | 283969 |
Image | 283969.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Spermacoce latifolia

Family Name | Rubiaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Spermacoce latifolia Aubl. |
Determination History |
Borreria latifolia Aubl. K. Schum.
- Determined By: Dwyer, 1975
Locality | Peru. Loreto Dept. Rio Mamon near Rio Nanay. 3° 38' 42" S 73° 12' 58" W |
Description | Flowers white. |
Reproductive State | Flower |
Collector | T. B. Croat |
Collection Date | 01 Sep 1972 |
Accession Number | 120084 |
Image | 120084.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Spermacoce latifolia

Family Name | Rubiaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Spermacoce latifolia Aubl. |
Locality | Trinidad & Tobago. Trinidad Aripo Savannah, E of Port-of-Spain. 10° 39' 37" N 61° 30' 31" W |
Habitat | Tropical grassland and mixed woodland. |
Reproductive State | Flower |
Collector |
R. W. Long
with K.J. Norstog |
Collection Date | 1-3 Oct 1971 |
Accession Number | 140610 |
Image | 140610.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Spermacoce latifolia
Family Name | Rubiaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Spermacoce latifolia Aubl. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Pasco Co. : Jumping Gully Conservation Area, ca. 1.7 km W of US 41, 5 km S of the Hernando County line. 28° 23' 12" N 82° 30' 33" W |
Description | Erect herb; some leaf margins, stem wings, stem and petiole trichomes red. |
Habitat | Under Quercus virginiana tree, in previous pasture being restored to sandhill. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
A. R. Franck 4041
with K. Macmillen, D. Robinson |
Collection Date | 03 Jun 2016 |
Accession Number | 287427 |
Image | 287427.JPG |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Spermacoce latifolia

Family Name | Rubiaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Spermacoce latifolia Aubl. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Hillsborough Co. : NW corner of the Sheldon Road and Fawn Ridge Boulevard intersection. 28° 3' 44" N 82° 34' 58" W |
Habitat | Fringes of depressed, artificially created wetland (mitigation site) under powerlines, surrounded by mown lawn; with Momordica charantia, Andropogon glomeratus, Echinochloa walteri, Digitaria ciliaris, Oldenlandia corymbosa, Bidens alba, Amaranthus blitum, Ludwigia erecta, and Laportea aestuans. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
R. Mears
with G. Wilder, K. Holland |
Collection Date | 16 Nov 2016 |
Accession Number | 288569 |
Image | 288569.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Spermacoce latifolia

Family Name | Rubiaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Spermacoce latifolia Aubl. |
Locality | Myanmar. 0.5 mi. E of Paungdaw Power Station. 20° 39' 18" N 96° 16' 35" E |
Description | Occurs in clumps; flowers pale violet-blue, only a few at a time and readily deciduous; seen over wide area. |
Habitat | By river bank; on grassy bankings. |
Reproductive State | Flower |
Elevation | 800 to ft |
Collector |
J. Keenan
with U Tun Aung, R. H. Rule |
Collection Date | Aug 1961 |
Accession Number | 113963 |
Image | 113963.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |