Contains 3 accepted taxa overall.

Arisaema Mart.
ARISAEMA Martius, Flora 14: 459. 1831.
TYPE: Non designatus.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Arisaema dracontium GREENDRAGON Native FACW (NWPL) FACW (DEP)
Arisaema quinatum PRESTER-JOHN Native FACW (DEP)
Arisaema triphyllum JACK-IN-THE-PULPIT Native FACW (NWPL) FACW (DEP)
Identification Key
1.  Leaflets (5)7-13(-21); spadix tapering apically, longer than spathe
1.  Leaflets 3-5; spadix blunt apically, shorter than spathe
2.  Leaflets (3)5, lower surface usually glaucous; spathe blade apex obtuse to abruptly apiculate; spadix terminal sterile appendix 1-2 mm wide, usually slightly angled or curved away from the blade
2.  Leaflets 3, lower surface glaucous or not; spathe blade apex aucte to acuminate; spadix terminal sterile appendix 2-10 mm wide, generally straight
3.  Spathe blade internally usually wholly dark purple with few to no pale lines, uncommonly wholly green or green with white stripes; spathe tube flange (deflexed portion of tube apex) 1-3 mm broad, usually revolute; spadix terminal sterile appendix 2-5 mm wide; fruits 4-5(7) mm wide
3.  Spathe blade internally not wholly dark purple; spathe tube flange (deflexed portion of tube apex) 2-7 mm broad, revolute to nearly plane; spadix terminal sterile appendix 4-10 mm wide; fruits (6)8-12 mm wide
4.  Spathe blade internally usually green with white stripes, uncommonly dark purple with pale stripes, 2-3 times as long as wide, apex long-acuminate; spadix terminal sterile appendix width even throughout its length or slightly widened near the apex
4.  Spathe blade internally usually dark purple with green stripes, sometimes green with white stripes, 1-2 times as long as wide, the apex acute to short-acuminate; spadix terminal sterile appendix distinctly widened at the apex
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Muricauda Muricauda Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. 227, 1328. 1903. TYPE: Muricauda dracontium (Linnaeus) Small (Arum dracontium Linnaeus)