Contains 3 accepted taxa overall.

Ceratophyllum L.
CERATOPHYLLUM Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 992. 1753.
TYPE: Ceratophyllum demersum Linnaeus
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Ceratophyllum australe PRICKLY HORNWORT Native OBL (NWPL)
Ceratophyllum demersum COONTAIL Native OBL (NWPL)
Ceratophyllum echinatum SPINY HORNWORT Native OBL (NWPL)
Identification Key
1.  Forking of largest leaves 1st or 2nd order (rarely 3rd order); leaves coarse-textured, marginal denticles usually strongly raised on broad base of green tissue; achene margin wingless, with 2 basal spines or tubercles, without marginal spines
1.  Forking of largest leaves 3rd or 4th order; leaves fine-textured, marginal denticles not raised on broad base of green tissue, sometimes nearly absent; achene margin winged, with 2 basal spines (rarely absent), with (0)2-20 marginal spines
2.  First leaves of plumule simple; achene body (excluding terminal spine) 3-4.5 mm
2.  First leaves of plumule forked; achene body (excluding terminal spine) 4.5-6 mm
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Dichotophyllum Dichotophyllum Moench, Methodus 345. 1794. TYPE: = Ceratophyllum Linnaeus 1753.
Hydroceratophyllon Hydroceratophyllon Seguier, Pl. Veron. 3: 62. 1754. TYPE: = Ceratophyllum Linnaeus 1753.
Revatophyllum Revatophyllum Roehling, Deutschl. Fl., ed. 2. 2: 514. 1812. TYPE: = Ceratophyllum Linnaeus 1753.