Contains 28 genera and 79 accepted taxa overall.
This family is completely databased for all specimens.
Genus | Common Name | Taxa Count | Herbarium Specimens | Photos |
Abelmoschus | OKRA | 1 | ||
Abutilon | INDIAN MALLOW | 5 | ||
Anoda | ANODA | 1 | ||
Ayenia | AYENIA | 2 | ||
Callirhoe | POPPYMALLOW | 3 | ||
Cienfuegosia | FLYMALLOW | 1 | ||
Corchorus | CORCHORUS | 4 | ||
Firmiana | PARASOLTREE | 1 | ||
Gossypium | COTTON | 1 | ||
Grewia | GREWIA | 1 | ||
Herissantia | HERISSANTIA | 1 | ||
Hibiscus | ROSEMALLOW | 15 | ||
Kosteletzkya | KOSTELETZKYA | 2 | ||
Malachra | LEAFBRACT | 2 | ||
Malva | MALLOW | 1 | ||
Malvastrum | FALSE MALLOW | 3 | ||
Malvaviscus | WAXMALLOW | 2 | ||
Melochia | MELOCHIA | 5 | ||
Modiola | BRISTLEMALLOW | 1 | ||
Pavonia | SWAMPMALLOW | 3 | ||
Sida | FANPETALS | 11 | ||
Talipariti | MAHOE | 2 | ||
Thespesia | THESPESIA | 1 | ||
Tilia | BASSWOOD | 2 | ||
Triumfetta | BURRBARK | 3 | ||
Urena | URENA | 2 | ||
Waltheria | WALTHERIA | 2 | ||
Wissadula | VELVETLEAF | 1 |
Identification Key
1. Trees; leaves palmately compound
1. Herbs, shrubs, or trees; leaves simple
2. Leaf blade margins entire (the blade sometimes lobed or leaves compound)
2. Leaf blade margins toothed or undulate, sometimes obscurely so (the blade sometimes lobed)
3. Calyx without a subtending epicalyx
3. Calyx subtended by an epicalyx of bracts
1. (Key A) Trunk massively enlarged, trunk and branches lacking prickles; flowers pendulous on elongate pedicels; calyx lobed (stamens numerous); fruit indehiscent; endocarp spongy
1. Trunk enlarged or not, trunk or branches with or without prickles; flowers not pendulous, the pedicels shorter than the flower; calyx truncate or lobed (stamens numerous or 5-10); fruit dehiscent; endocarp with kapok (cottony fibers)
2. Trunk and branches lacking prickles; petals linear-oblong, recurved to recurved-coiling; anthers numerous, strongly exserted
2. Trunk or branches with prickles (the main trunk sometimes becoming smooth); petals elliptic to ovate, incurved, plane, to recurved; anthers 5 or numerous, not exserted or scarcelys so
3. Leaflet venation eucamptodromous
3. Leaflet venation brochidodromous
4. Stamens red distally; fruit brown, surface roughened
4. Stamens white; fruit green, smooth
5. Petals and filaments red to pale red; fertile stamens numerous per flower
5. Petals and filaments white to pink; fertile stamens 5 (sometimes with staminodes) per flower
6. Leaflet entire; filaments fused into a tube surrounding the ovary, lacking appendages, filaments free above the ovary
6. Leaflets toothed; filaments united into a tube throughout or nearly so, with lobed appendages, with 5 sinuous anthers at the tip
1. (Key B) Leaf blades usually all lobed
1. Leaf blades usually unlobed
2. Leaf blades deeply palmately divided (sometimes only on the distal leaves), usually at least some sinuses halfway to the midrib or nearly reaching the petiole
2. Leaf blades unlobed to shallowly lobed, the sinuses usually less than halfway to the midrib
3. Leaf blades 16-50 cm wide; flowers unisexual, with white to red sepals, the petals absent; fruit a foliaceous follicle; seeds ecomose
3. Leaf blades 4-15 cm wide; flowers bisexual, with an epicalyx, calyx, and petals; fruit a loculicidal capsule; seeds comose (cotton)
4. Herbs to shrubs <1 m tall; leaf blades narrowly oblong-lanceolate, rarely a few lobed
4. Shrubs to trees >1 m tall; leaf blades ovate to orbicular
5. Leaf blade orbicular to orbicular-ovate, abruptly acuminate; fruit dehiscent
5. Leaf blade ovate-deltate, gradually acuminate; fruit indehiscent
1. (Key C) Shrubs to trees to 20 m, developing a definite trunk
1. Herbs or shrubs to 2.5 m, scarcely developing a definite trunk
2. Leaf blade base symmetric to slightly asymmetric; peduncle free, without a large foliaceous bract; fruit a drupe
2. Leaf blade base conspicuously asymmetric; peduncle adnate to a large foliaceous bract; fruit nutlike
3. Leaf blades <2 cm long
3. Leaf blades >2 cm long
4. Leaf blades coriaceous, with conspicuous reticulate venation, with bristle-tipped teeth; stamens 5 per flower; mericarps muricate
4. Leaf blades chartaceous, with inconspicuous reticulate venation, the teeth not bristle-tipped; stamens 10 or more per flower; mericarps not muricate
5. Stamens 5 per flower
5. Stamens 10 or more per flower
6. Corolla white, pink, to purple; fruit usually with 4-10 seeds; styles 5 per flower
6. Corolla yellow to orange; fruit with 1 seed; style 1 per flower
7. Flowers subtended by foliaceous bracts with dark veins bordered by pale areas
7. Flowers not subtended by foliaceous bracts with darkened veins and pale areas
8. Stamens free
8. Stamens monadelphous, joined along a staminal column
9. Leaf blades unlobed, <3.1 cm wide; fruit dehiscent, lacking hooked spines
9. Leaf blades sometimes lobed, >2 cm wide; fruit indehiscent, with hooked spines (adherent to clothing)
10. Fruit bladder-like
10. Fruit dehiscent, not bladder-like
11. Corolla white, pink, lavender, to violet
11. Corolla pale yellow, yellow, pinkish yellow, orange-yellow, to pinkish red
12. Each mericarp with 1 seed
12. Each mericarp usually with 2-5 seeds
13. Mericarps 5-25, each mericarp undivided, usually with 3-5 seeds
13. Mericarps 3-5, each mericarp divided into 2 cells, one cell indehiscent with 1 seed and the other cell dehiscent with 2 seeds
1. (Key D) Corolla tubular in shape with the petals erect and appressed to one another, sheathing the staminal column
1. Corolla open, the petals generally spreading and exposing the staminal column
2. Fruit a schizocarp with mericarps that individually split apart from each other at maturity
2. Fruit a loculicidal capsule with the mericarps remaining united at maturity
3. Epicalyx bracts 5-7 per flower
3. Epicalyx bracts 2-3 per flower
4. Leaf blade lower surface lacking glands at the base of the major veins
4. Leaf blade lower surface with 1-3 prominent glands at the base of the major veins
5. Leaf blades unlobed, truncate to cuneate at the bse
5. Usually at least some leaf blades lobed, or if unlobed then the blade cordate to subcordate at the base
6. Leaf blades shallowly lobed, the sinuses usually less than halfway to the midrib, the margins regularly toothed
6. Usually at least some leaf blades deeply palmately divided (sometimes only on the distal leaves) with sinuses halfway to the midrib or nearly reaching the petiole, or the blade with irregularly incised sinuses, or the leaf blades unlobed and deltate-ovate
7. Leaf blade lobes linear and widely separated from each other, or the leaf blades unlobed and deltate-ovate; petals erose-margined, purple, 2-4 cm long; fruits lacking bristles and spines
7. Leaf blade lobes not linear, not widely separated, the blades mostly suborbicular; petals entire, orange to red, to 1 cm long; fruits bristly and with apical bifurcate spines
8. Annual herbs; calyx deciduous in fruit
8. Perennial herbs, shrubs, to trees; calyx persistent in fruit
9. Fruit apically acute to obtuse; seeds usually 2 or more per locule
9. Fruit apically depressed; seeds usually 1 per locule