Contains 10 accepted taxa overall.

Justicia L.
JUSTICIA Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 15. 1753, nom. cons. propos.
TYPE: Justicia hyssopifolia Linnaeus, typ. cons. propos.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Justicia brandegeeana SHRIMPPLANT Not Native
Justicia comata MARSH WATER-WILLOW Not Native
Justicia crassifolia THICKLEAF WATERWILLOW Native Rare-State OBL (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Justicia ovata var. lanceolata LOOSEFLOWER WATERWILLOW Native OBL (DEP)
Justicia ovata var. ovata LOOSEFLOWER WATERWILLOW Native OBL (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Justicia pectoralis FRESHCUT Not Native OBL (DEP)
Justicia pringlei COOLEY'S WATERWILLOW; COOLEY'S JUSTICIA Native Rare-State Endangered-US FACW (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Justicia spicigera MEXICAN HONEYSUCKLE; MOHINTLE Not Native
Identification Key
1.  Bracts enlarged, foliaceous and overlapping, concealing flower buds
1.  Bracts small, not foliaceous, not overlapping, not concealing flower buds
2.  Corolla orange, 3.5-5 cm long
2.  Corolla white, pink, purple, to reddish, 0.8-3 cm long
3.  Stem densely pubescent and glandular
3.  Stem glabrous to glabrate, eglandular
4.  Inflorescence a dense capitate spike, internodes not visible or scarcely apparent
4.  Inflorescence an elongate spike or panicle, the internodes plainly apparent
5.  Inflorescence usually a panicle, the proximal internodes longer than the adjacent calyx
5.  Inflorescence a spike, the proximal internodes subequal to shorter than the adjacent calyx
6.  Inflorescence branches verticillate to subverticillate; corolla 2-6 mm long; fruit 4-5 mm long
6.  Inflorescence branches opposite or alternate; corolla 8-9 mm long; fruit 7-8 mm long
7.  Leaves narrowly lanceolate; corolla purple, 15-30 mm long
7.  Leaves lanceolate to ovate; corolla pale lavender to white, 8-13 mm long
8.  Leaves chartaceous
8.  Leaves fleshy
9.  Leaves narrowly lanceolate; flowers usually secund
9.  Leaves lanceolate to ovate; flowers usually not secund
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Adhatoda Adhatoda Miller, Gard. Dict. Abr., ed. 4. 1754. TYPE: Adhatoda vasica Nees von Esenbeck (Justicia adhatoda Linnaeus) Lectotypified by Heine, Fl. Gabon 13: 173. 1966.
Amphiscopia Amphiscopia Nees von Esenbeck, in Wallich, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 77, 112. 1832. TYPE: Amphiscopia beyrichii Nees von Esenbeck
Anisostachya Anisostachya Nees von Esenbeck, in de Candolle, Prodr. 11: 368. 1847. TYPE: Anisostachya bojeri Nees von Esenbeck
Athlianthus Athlianthus Endlicher, Gen. Pl., Suppl. 2. 63. 1842. TYPE: Athlianthus spiciflorus Heynhold
Beloperone Beloperone Nees von Esenbeck, in Wallich, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 76, 102. 1832. TYPE: Beloperone amherstiae Nees von Esenbeck
Beloperonides Beloperonides Oersted, Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk Naturhist. Foren. Kjoebnhavn 1854: 162. 1855. TYPE: Beloperonides macrantha Oersted
Calliaspidia Calliaspidia Bremekamp, Verh. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Afd. Natuurk., Tweede Sect. 45(2): 54. 1948. TYPE: Calliaspidia guttata (Brandegee) Bremekamp (Beloperone guttata Brandegee)
Chaetochlamys Chaetochlamys Lindau, Bull. Herb. Boissier 3: 490. 1895. TYPE: Chaetochlamys macrosiphon Lindau Lectotypified by Leonard, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 31: 659. 1958.
Chaetothylax Chaetothylax Nees von Esenbeck, in Martius, Fl. Bras. 9: 153, t. 26. 1847. TYPE: Chaetothylax tocantinus Nees von Esenbeck
Chaetothylopsis Chattothylopsis Oersted, Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk Naturhist. Foren. Kjoebnhavn 1854: 163. 1855. TYPE: Chaetothylopsis micrantha Oersted
Chiloglossa Chiloglossa Oersted, Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk Naturhist. Foren. Kjoebnhavn 1854: 160. 1855. TYPE: Chiloglossa glabra Oersted
Cyrtanthera Cyrtanthera Nees von Esenbeck, in Martius, Fl. Bras. 9: 99, t. 14. 1847. TYPE: Cyrtanthera magnifica Nees von Esenbeck (Lectotypified by Leonard, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 31; 650. 1958.
Cyrtantherella Cyrtantherella Oersted, Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk Naturhist. Foren. Kjoebnhavn 1854: 148. 1855. TYPE: Cyrtantherella macrantha (Bentham) Oersted (Justicia macrantha Bentham)
Dianthera Dianthera Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 27. 1753. TYPE: Dianthera americana Linnaeus
Dimanisa Dimanisa Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 2: 83. 1837 ("1836"). TYPE: Dimanisa latifolia Rafinesque, nom. illegit. (Justicia nodosa Hooker) Lectotypified by Bremekamp, Index Nom. Gen. 1: 540. 1979.
Diplanthera Diplanthera Gleditsch, Syst. Pl. 154. 1764. TYPE: = Dianthera Linnaeus 1753.
Diplanthera Diplanthera Schrank, Pl. Rar. Hort. Monac. t. 62. 1821, non Gleditsch 1764, nec Du Petit-Thouars 1806, nec Banks & Solander ex R. Brown 1810. TYPE: Diplanthera formosa Schrank
Drejerella Drejerella Lindau, in Urban, Symb. Antill. 2: 222. 1900. TYPE: Drejerella origanoides (Nees von Esenbeck) Lindau (Adhatoda origanoides Nees von Esenbeck) Lectotypified by V. A. W. Graham, Kew Bull. 43: 607. 1988.
Ecbolium Ecbolium Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 486. 1891. TYPE: = Justicia Linnaeus 1753.
Ecbolium Ecbolium Kurz, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 40: 75. 1875. TYPE: Ecbolium linnaeanum Kurz (Justicia ecbolium Linnaeus)
Emularia Emularia Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 4: 63. 1838 ("1836"). TYPE: Justicia peruviana Lamarck Lectotypified by V. A. W. Graham, Kew Bull. 43: 604. 1988.
Gendarussa Gendarussa Nees von Esenbeck, in Wallich, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 76, 103. 1832. TYPE: Gendarussa vulgaris Nees von Esenbeck (Justicia gandarussa Linnaeus) Lectotypified by V. A. W. Graham, Kew Bull. 43: 587. 1988.
Harnieria Harnieria Solms-Laubach, Sitzungsber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 1864: 21. 1864. TYPE: Harnieria dimorphocarpa Solms-Laubach
Hemichoriste Hemichoriste Nees von Esenbeck, in Wallich, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 76, 102. 1832. TYPE: Hemichoriste montana Nees von Esenbeck
Ixtlania Ixtlania M. E. Jones, Contr. W. Bot. 15: 151. 1929. TYPE: Ixtlania acicularis M. E. Jones
Jacobinia Jacobinia Nees von Esenbeck, in Moricand, Pl. Nouv. Amer. 156. 1847 ("1846"). TYPE: Jacobinia lepida Nees von Esenbeck
Jungia Jungia Boehmer, in Ludwig, Def. Gen. Pl., ed. 3. 92. 1760, non Heister ex Fabricius 1759. TYPE: = Dianthera Linnaeus 1753.
Leptostachya Leptostachya Nees von Esenbeck, in Wallich, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 76, 105. 1832, non Leptostachia Adanson 1763. TYPE: Leptostachya virgata Nees von Esenbeck Lectotypified by V. A. W. Graham, Kew Bull. 43: 588. 1988.
Libonia Libonia K. Koch, Wochenschr. Vereines Befoerd. Gartenbaues Koenigl. Preuss. Staaten 6: 266. 1863, non Lemaire 1852. TYPE: Libonia floribunda K. Koch
Neohallia Neohallia Hemsley, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Bot. 2: 519. 1882. TYPE: Neohallia borrerae Hemsley
Odontonema Odontonema Nees von Esenbeck ex Endlicher, Gen. Pl., suppl. 2. 63. 1842, nom. rej. vs. Odontonema Nees von Esenbeck 1842. TYPE: Odontonema lucidum (Andrews) Nees von Esenbeck (Justicia lucida Andrews)
Petalanthera Petalanthera Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 2: 100. 1837 ("1836"), non Nees von Esenbeck & Martius 1833, nec Nuttall 1834. TYPE: Petalanthera punctata Rafinesque, nom. illegit. (Justicia ventricosa Hooker)
Plagiacanthus Plagiacanthus Nees von Esenbeck, in de Candolle, Prodr. 11: 335. 1847. TYPE: Plagiacanthus racemosus (Ruiz Lopez & Pavon) Nees von Esenbeck (Justicia racemosa Ruiz Lopez & Pavon)
Psacadocalymma Psacadocalymma Bremekamp, Verh. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Afd. Natuurk., Tweede Sect. 45(2): 55. 1948. TYPE: Psacadocalymma comatum (Linnaeus) Bremekamp (Justicia comata Linnaeus)
Rostellaria Rostellaria Nees von Esenbeck, in Wallich, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 76, 100. 1832, non C. F. Gaertner 1807. TYPE: Rostellaria procumbens (Linnaeus) Nees von Esenbeck (Justicia procumbens Linnaeus) Lectotypified by Bremekamp, Index Nom. Gen. 1/01967. 1955. = Rostellularia Reichenbach 1837.
Rostellularia Rostellularia Reichenbach, Handb. Nat. Pfl.-Syst. 190. 1837. TYPE: Rostellularia procumbens (Linnaeus) Nees von Esenbeck (Justicia procumbens Linnaeus) Substitute name for Rostellaria Nees von Esenbeck 1832, non C. F. Gaertner 1807.
Sarotheca Sarotheca Nees von Esenbeck, in Martius, Fl. Bras. 9: 113, t. 18. 1847. TYPE: Sarotheca elegans Nees von Esenbeck
Sericographis Sericographis Nees von Esenbeck, in Martius, Fl. Bras. 9: 107, t. 16. 1847. TYPE: Sericographis rigida Nees von Esenbeck 1847. Lectotypified by Leonard, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 31: 650. 1958.
Siphonoglossa Siphonoglossa Oersted, Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk Naturhist. Foren. Kjoebnhavn 1854: 159. 1855. TYPE: Siphonoglosa ramosa Oersted
Stethoma Stethoma Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 4: 61. 1838 ("1836"). TYPE: Stethoma pectoralis (Jacquin) Rafinesque (Justicia pectoralis Jacquin)
Tabascina Tabascina Baillon, Hist. Pl. 10: 445. 1891. TYPE: Tabascina lindenii Baillon
Thalestris Thalestris Rizzini, Dusenia 3: 189. 1952. TYPE: Thalistris graminiformis Rizzini
Tyloglossa Tyloglossa Hochstetter, Flora 26: 72. 1843. TYPE: Tyloglossa palustris Hochstetter Lectotypified by V. A. W. Graham, Kew Bull. 43: 590. 1988.
XSericobonia XSericobonia Andre, Ill. Hort. 22: 39, pl. 198. 1875. TYPE: Libonia K. Koch x Sericographis Nees von Esenbeck