Contains 3 accepted taxa overall.

Ageratina Spach
AGERATINA Spach, Hist. Nat. Vég. 10: 286. 1841.
TYPE: Ageratina aromatica (Linnaeus) Spach (Eupatorium aromaticum Linnaeus) Lectotypified by R. M. King & H. Robinson, Sida 3: 330. 1969.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Ageratina altissima WHITE SNAKEROOT Native FACU (NWPL)
Ageratina aromatica LESSER SNAKEROOT Native
Ageratina jucunda HAMMOCK SNAKEROOT Native FACU (NWPL)
Identification Key
1.  Petioles (5)10-30(50) mm long; leaf blade 2.5-8(9) cm wide, chartaceous; phyllaries 3-7 mm long; roots mostly 0.3-0.8 mm thick
1.  Petiole 1-15(22) mm long; leaf blade 1.5-4 cm wide, relatively subcoriaceous; phyllaries 2-4.5 mm long; roots mostly 0.8-2 mm thick
2.  Petioles 1-12 mm long; leaf blades mostly 5-8 times longer than the subtending petiole, the blade margins usually shallowly crenate to subentire; corolla lobes usually densely long-pubescent; achenes usually glabrate
2.  Petioles 7-22 mm long; leaf blades mostly 1-4 times longer than the subtending petiole, the blade margins usually strongly toothed; corolla lobes usually sparsely short-pubescent to glabrate; achenes usually pubescent, at least apically
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Batschia Batschia Moench, Methodus 567. 1794, non Batscha Cothenius 1790, nec Batschia J. F. Gmelin 1791. TYPE: Batschia nivea Moench, nom. illegit. (Ageratum altissimum Linnaeus)
Kyrstenia Kyrstenia Necker ex Greene, Leafl. Bot. Observ. Crit. 1: 8. 1903. TYPE: Kyrstenia aromatica (Linnaeus) Greene (Eupatorium aromaticum Linnaeus) Lectotypified by R. M. King & H. Robinson, Sida 3: 336. 1969. = Ageratina Spach 1841, by lectotypification.
Mallinoa Mallinoa J. M. Coulter, Bot. Gaz. 20: 47. 1895. TYPE: Mallinoa corymbosa J. M. Coulter