Contains 20 accepted taxa overall.
DIGITARIA Haller, Hist. Stirp. Helv. 2: 244. 1768, nom. cons. vs. Digitaria Heister ex Fabricius 1759.
TYPE: Digitaria sanguinalis (Linnaeus) Scopoli, typ. cons. (Panicum sanguinale Linnaeus)
Scientific Name | Common Name | Herbarium Specimens | Status | Photos |
Digitaria bicornis | ASIAN CRABGRASS | Not Native UPL (NWPL) | ||
Digitaria ciliaris | SOUTHERN CRABGRASS | Native FACU (NWPL) U (WAP) | ||
Digitaria cognata | CAROLINA CRABGRASS | Native | ||
Digitaria eriantha | PANGOLAGRASS | Not Native FACU (NWPL) | ||
Digitaria filiformis var. dolichophylla | CARIBBEAN CRABGRASS | Native Threatened-State | ||
Digitaria filiformis var. filiformis | SLENDER CRABGRASS; SHAGGY CRABGRASS | Native | ||
Digitaria floridana | FLORIDA CRABGRASS | Native U (WAP) | ||
Digitaria gracillima | LONGLEAF CRABGRASS | Native | ||
Digitaria horizontalis | JAMAICAN CRABGRASS | Native FACU (NWPL) | ||
Digitaria insularis | SOURGRASS | Native FAC (NWPL) | ||
Digitaria ischaemum | SMOOTH CRABGRASS | Not Native UPL (NWPL) | ||
Digitaria longiflora | INDIAN CRABGRASS | Not Native | ||
Digitaria milanjiana | MADAGASCAR CRABGRASS | Not Native | ||
Digitaria nuda | NAKED CRABGRASS | Not Native | ||
Digitaria serotina | BLANKET CRABGRASS; DWARF CRABGRASS | Native FAC (NWPL) FAC (DEP) | ||
Digitaria setigera | EAST INDIAN CRABGRASS | Not Native FAC (NWPL) | ||
Digitaria simpsonii | SIMPSON'S CRABGRASS | Native | ||
Digitaria texana | TEXAS CRABGRASS | Not Native | ||
Digitaria violascens | VIOLET CRABGRASS | Not Native FAC (NWPL) |
Identification Key
1. Inflorescence a diffuse panicle, the spikelets widely separated from each other, the pedicels to 8 cm long
1. Inflorescence with spikelike branches, the spikelets mostly densely aggregated, the pedicels to 0.5 cm long
2. Upper glume and often lower lemma with capitate to clavate trichomes
2. Upper glume and lower lemma without capitate or clavate trichomes
3. Basal leaf sheaths often glabrous; leaf blades usually <1.1 mm wide and involute
3. Basal leaf sheaths often pubescent; leaf blades usually >1.1 mm wide and flat
4. Spikelets 1.3-2.2 mm long
4. Spikelets 2.1-5.2 mm long
5. Stems with exserted terminal inflorescences and usually some with axillary (sometimes concealed) inflorescences
5. Stems with exserted terminal inflorescences only
6. Inflorescence 20-30 cm long; upper glume glabrous, 0.9-1 mm long, lower lemma 5-veined
6. Inflorescence 2-15 cm long; upper glume pubescent, 0.7-1.3 mm long, lower lemma 5-7-veined
7. Spikelets paired on the middle portions of the primary branches; pedicels not adnate to the branch axes
7. Spikelets in groups of 3-5 on the middle portions of the primary branches, the longer pedicels in each group often adnate to the branch axes for part of their length
8. Primary panicle branches usually all digitate, sometimes 1 below the others, the branches erect to ascending; upper lemmas dark brown at maturity; upper glumes 1/2 as long as to almost equaling the upper lemmas
8. Primary panicle branches, if more than 2, racemose, the terminal branches erect, the other branches usually divergent; upper lemmas light brown to brown at maturity; upper glumes almost as long as the upper lemmas
9. Leaf sheaths and upper leaf blades usually densely pilose; upper glumes 1/6-1/3 long as the spikelets
9. Leaf sheaths and upper leaf blades usually glabrate; upper glumes subequaling the spikelets
10. Upper glumes 3-veined; spikelets lanceolate; plants not stoloniferous
10. Upper glumes 5-veined; spikelets elliptic to obovate; plants stoloniferous
11. Lower lemma villous with golden brown trichomes to 6 mm long
11. Lower lemma with whitish to faintly yellowish trichomes <2 mm long
12. Inflorescence branches not winged or the wings not more than ½ the width of the midrib
12. Inflorescence branches winged, the wings at least ½ the width of the midrib
13. Culms sometimes branching at the aerial nodes, not rooting at the lower nodes; leaf blades 2-2.2 mm wide, flat or folded; upper glumes glabrous
13. Culms not branching at the aerial nodes, often rooting at the lower nodes; leaf blades 2-7 mm wide, flat; upper glumes villous or glabrous
14. Upper glumes 7-9-veined, glabrous or obscurely pubescent
14. Upper glumes (3-)5-veined, shortly villous on the margins and sometimes between the margins
15. Plant densely cespitose or rhizomatous, the stems hardened and knobby at the base, sometimes with long stolons rooting at distant nodes
15. Plant cespitose to diffuse, the stems weak or not knobby at the base, sometimes rooting at the proximal nodes, without long stolons that root primarily at distant nodes
16. Midveins of the lower lemmas smooth throughout
16. Midveins of the lower lemmas scabrous, at least on the distal ½
17. Inner pair of lateral veins of the lower lemma of the sessile spikelet moderately well spaced between the midvein and the margin
17. Inner pair of lateral veins of the lower lemma of the sessile spikelet crowded near the margin
18. Lowest panicle nodes glabrous or with hairs less than 0.4 mm long; spikelets 2.6-3.7 mm long; spikelets dimorphic with respect to their pubescence; lower lemmas of the upper spikelets of each spikelet pair with marginal hairs that become widely divergent at maturity; lower lemmas of the lower spikelets in each pair glabrous or with hairs that remain appressed at maturity
18. Lowest panicle nodes with hairs more than 0.4 mm long; spikelets 1.7-2.8 mm long; spikelets homomorphic with respect to their pubescence
19. Leaf sheaths usually pilose throughout, especially the proximal sheaths; upper surfaces of the blades evenly, sometimes densely, hairy; upper glumes 1/3-1/2 as long as the spikelets
19. Leaf sheaths glabrous or with sparsely pilose near the base; upper surfaces of the blades glabrous or with a few long hairs near the base; upper glumes 2/5-4/5 as long as the spikelets
20. Lower glumes absent or no more than 0.1 mm long
20. Lower glumes 0.1-0.8 mm long
21. Upper glumes 1-2.2 mm long, 0.4-0.8 times as long as the spikelets; anthers 0.3-0.6 mm
21. Upper glumes 0.2-1.3 mm long, less than 0.4 times as long as the spikelets; anthers 0.6-1.3 mm long
22. Primary branches glabrous or with hairs shorter than 1 mm; spikelets 2.7-4.1 mm long; lower glumes 0.2-0.8 mm long
22. Primary branches with scattered hairs 1-4 mm long; spikelets 1.7-2.8 mm long; lower glumes 0.1-0.2 mm long
23. Lowermost inflorescence node glabrous or the hairs <0.4 mm long; lower glume rounded to truncate at the apex; lower lemma of the sessile spikelet with equidistant veins
23. Lower most inflorescence node with hairs >0.4 mm long; lower glume acute at the apex; lower lemma of the sessile spikelet with veins crowded at the margin
24. Leaf sheaths usually pilose throughout, especially the proximal sheaths; upper surfaces of the blades evenly, sometimes densely, hairy; upper glumes 1/3-1/2 as long as the spikelets
24. Leaf sheaths glabrous or with sparsely pilose near the base; upper surfaces of the blades glabrous or with a few long hairs near the base; upper glumes 2/5-4/5 as long as the spikelets
Genus Synonyms
Synonym | Full Citation | Basionym | Type |
Acicarpa | Acicarpa Raddi, Agrostogr. Bras. 31. 1823, non Acicarpha Jussieu 1803. | TYPE: Acicarpa rigida Raddi = Trichachne Nees von Esenbeck 1829. | |
Eriachne | Eriachne Philippi, Anales Univ. Chile 36: 207. 1870, non R. Brown 1810. | TYPE: Eriachne rigida Philippi | |
Gramerium | Gramerium Desvaux, Opusc. Sci. Phys. Nat. 61. 1831. | TYPE: Gramerium convolutum Desvaux | |
Leptoloma | Leptoloma Chase, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 19: 191. 1906. | TYPE: Leptoloma cognatum (Schultes) Chase (Panicum cognatum Schultes) | |
Syntherisma | Syntherisma Walter, Fl. Carol. 76. 1788. | TYPE: Syntherisma praecox Walter Lectotypified by Nash, in Britton, N. Amer. Fl. 17: 149. 1912. | |
Trichachne | Trichachne Nees von Esenbeck, in Martius, Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2(1): 85. 1829. | TYPE: Trichachne sacchariflora (Raddi) Nees von Esenbeck (Acicarpa sacchariflora Raddi) Substitute name for Acicarpa Raddi 1823, non Jussieu 1803. | |
Valota | Valota Adanson, Fam. Pl. 2: 465, 617. 1763, nom. rej. vs. Vallota Salisbury ex Herbert 1821. | TYPE: Valota insularis (Linnaeus) Chase (Andropogon insulare Linnaeus) |