Contains 14 accepted taxa overall.

Chrysopsis (Nutt.)Elliott
CHRYSOPSIS (Nuttall) Elliott, Sketch Bot. S. Carolina 2: 333. 1823, nom. cons. vs. Diplopappus Cassini 1817, et vs. Diplogon Rafinesque 1819.
BASIONYM: Inula Linnaeus, sect. Chrysopsis Nuttall, Gen. N. Amer. Pl. 2: 150. 1818.
TYPE: Chrysopsis mariana (Linnaeus) Elliott, typ. cons. (Inula mariana Linnaeus)
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Chrysopsis delaneyi DELANEY'S GOLDENASTER Native
Chrysopsis floridana FLORIDA GOLDENASTER Native Rare-State Endangered-US
Chrysopsis godfreyi GODFREY'S GOLDENASTER Native Rare-State
Chrysopsis gossypina subsp. cruiseana CRUISE'S GOLDENASTER Native Rare-State
Chrysopsis gossypina subsp. gossypina COTTONY GOLDENASTER Native UPL (NWPL)
Chrysopsis gossypina subsp. hyssopifolia Native
Chrysopsis highlandsensis HIGHLANDS GOLDENASTER Native Rare-State
Chrysopsis lanuginosa LYNN HAVEN GOLDENASTER Native
Chrysopsis latisquamea PINELAND GOLDENASTER Native
Chrysopsis linearifolia subsp. dressii DRESS' GOLDENASTER Native
Chrysopsis linearifolia subsp. linearifolia NARROWLEAF GOLDENASTER Native
Chrysopsis mariana MARYLAND GOLDENASTER Native UPL (NWPL)
Chrysopsis scabrella COASTALPLAIN GOLDENASTER Native
Chrysopsis subulata SCRUBLAND GOLDENASTER Native
Identification Key
1.  Cypselae with 2-10 ridges, the ridges yellow to red-brown, translucent; phyllaries glabrous or densely pilose, sometimes stipitate-glandular
1.  Cypselae without yellow to red-brown, translucent ridges; phyllaries moderately to densely stipitate-glandular
1.  (Key A) Phyllaries 1.5-2.5 mm wide, in 2-3 series, stipitate-glandular
1.  Phyllaries 0.5-1(1.3) mm wide, in 4-5 series, eglandular or stipitate-glandular
2.  Phyllary apices spreading to reflexed, flexuous or twisted, usually long-attenuate to acute, eglandular; cypselae with 6-10 ridges
2.  Phyllary apices appressed to slightly recurved at the tip, acute to short-acuminate, sometimes stipitate-glandular; cypselae with 2-6 ridges
3.  Stem erect; leaf margin eciliate
3.  Stem procumbent, ascending, to erect; leaf margin eciliate or sparsely to densely woolly
4.  Stems 30-80 cm long, green to dark purple; leaves to 100 (esp. on tall plants), linear to linear-lanceolate or elliptic, sometimes undulate, strongly twisted; heads 4-30(50) in open corymbiform arrays
4.  Stems 30-200 cm long, often dark purple; leaves to 200 on tall plants, linear to narrowly linear, flat or slightly undulate or twisted; heads 20-100, in compact subumbelliform to paniculiform arrays
5.  Perennials; stems procumbent, branched proximally, with up to 80 flowering branches; mid and distal cauline leaves to 100+, crowded, linear-elliptic to oblong, margins eciliate, glabrous; heads in compact umbelliform arrays; phyllaries appressed, glabrous to glabrate, sometimes outer ones with a few stipitate glands proximally
5.  Biennials or short-lived perennials; stems procumbent to erect, simple or branched; mid and distal cauline leaves 10-50+, sometimes crowded, linear, lanceolate, oblong, or ovate, sparsely to densely woolly at least along margins; heads in lax to compact corymbiform or subumbelliform arrays; phyllaries glabrate to densely woolly, sparsely to densely stipitate-glandular
6.  Biennials or short-lived perennials, 10-100 cm long; stems procumbent to erect, simple or branched; mid to distal cauline leaves broadly lanceolate, oblong, to ovate, margins sparsely to densely woolly or sometimes distal cauline eciliate, faces sparsely to densely woolly, distal sometimes glabrate; heads few in lax corymbiform arrays; phyllaries sparsely to densely pilose or woolly and densely stipitate-glandular, rarely glabrous or glabrate
6.  Usually short-lived perennials to 80 cm long; stems ascending to erect, rarely procumbent, usually simple; mid to distal cauline leaves linear, lanceolate, to linear-oblanceolate, margins coarsely long-pilose, faces sparsely pilose to glabrate; heads usually in subumbelliform arrays, sometimes in compound subumbelliform arrays; phyllaries glabrate, apices spreading
1.  (Key B) Cauline leaves eglandular, sericeous
1.  Cauline leaves stipitate-glandular (glands sometimes hidden by hairs), woolly to sericeous-tomentose
2.  Phyllary apices spreading to reflexed, attenuate to long-attenuate
2.  Phyllary apices erect, acuminate, acute, to obtuse
3.  Stems decumbent, ascending, to erect; heads in corymbiform to paniculiform arrays
3.  Stems erect; heads in paniculiform arrays
4.  Mid cauline leaf faces woolly or tomentose; involucres yellow-green in bud
4.  Mid cauline leaf faces usually sparsely hirsute, rarely woolly; involucres green in bud
5.  Mid cauline leaf blades obovate or oblanceolate, bases cuneate to slightly auriculate-clasping, marginal cilia rarely more than 1 mm, faces appressed-tomentose; distal blade faces appressed-tomentose, sparsely stipitate-glandular
5.  Mid cauline leaf blades oblong, oblong-elliptic, sometimes ovate to lanceolate, bases truncate to rounded, some marginal cilia 2-3 mm, faces woolly; distal blade faces glabrate to sparsely woolly-pilose, densely stipitate-glandular
6.  Stems ascending to erect, tips usually nodding before heads form; mid leaf faces moderately hirsute, larger glandular hairs 0.3-0.9 mm long; heads in compact to moderately open, corymbiform to paniculiform arrays
6.  Stems erect, simple, tips erect to ascending before heads form; mid leaf faces glabrate to sparsely strigillose, larger glandular hairs 0.01-0.3 mm long; heads in compact to lax, corymbiform arrays
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Diplogon Diplogon Rafinesque, Amer. Monthly Mag. & Crit. Rev. 4: 195. 1819, nom. rej. vs. Chrysopsis (Nuttall) Elliott 1823. TYPE: = Chrysopsis (Nuttall) Elliott 1823.
Diplopappus Diplopappus Cassini, Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris 1817: 137. 1817, nom. rej. vs. Chrysopsis (Nuttall) Elliott 1823. TYPE: Non designatus.