Contains 11 accepted taxa overall.

Sideroxylon L.
SIDEROXYLON Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 192. 1753.
TYPE: Sideroxylon inerme Linnaeus Lectotypified by Baillon, Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Paris 1: 908. 1891.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Sideroxylon alachuense SILVER BUCKTHORN; CLARK'S BUCKTHORN; SILVER BULLY Native Rare-State
Sideroxylon celastrinum SAFFRON PLUM Native FAC (DEP)
Sideroxylon foetidissimum FALSE MASTIC Native
Sideroxylon lanuginosum GUM BULLY Native FACU (NWPL)
Sideroxylon reclinatum subsp. austrofloridense FLORIDA BULLY Native Rare-State Threatened-US FAC (NWPL) FAC (DEP)
Sideroxylon reclinatum subsp. reclinatum FLORIDA BULLY Native FAC (NWPL) FAC (DEP)
Sideroxylon rufohirtum RUFOUS FLORIDA BULLY Native FAC (DEP)
Sideroxylon salicifolium WILLOW BUSTIC; WHITE BULLY Native
Sideroxylon tenax TOUGH BULLY Native
Sideroxylon thornei GEORGIA BULLY; THORNE'S BUCKTHORN Native Rare-State
Identification Key
1.  Petiole (9-)15-40(-50) mm long (shorter on immature plants); leaf blade mostly 7-20 cm long, the margin often undulate; corolla lobes light yellow, lacking lateral segments; mature fruit 10-30 mm long, yellow to orange; seeds 15-20 mm long
1.  Petiole 1-11(-14) mm long; leaf blade mostly 0.5-13 cm long, the margin usually plane; corolla lobes mostly white, with 2 lateral segments; mature fruit purple, 3-13 mm long; seeds 3-12 mm long
2.  Mature stems lacking thorns and short shoots; leaf blades acute-acuminate towards the apex; inflorescence nodes often crowded with the inflorescences touching or overlapping or nearly so; ovary glabrous
2.  Mature stems with thorns and/or short shoots, the short shoots sometimes with pseudowhorled leaves; leaf blades rounded to rounded-acute at the apex (or often acute-acuminate in S. lycioides); inflorescence nodes usually well-spaced with the inflorescences not touching or occasionally somewhat overlapping; ovary pubescent
3.  Stem and leaves glaucous; leaf blade midvein often indistinct near the tip and branching or sinuous, reticulate venation sometimes obscure, the upper surface often with fine pellucid spicules
3.  Stem and leaves not glaucous; leaf blade midvein mostly straight and distinct to the tip, reticulate venation generally apparent (unless obscured by pubescence), the upper surface without spicules
4.  Leaf blade underside lustrous with dense pubescence, the green color of the blade surface not apparent
4.  Leaf blade underside generally not lustrous, glabrous to moderately pubescent, the green color of the blade surface generally apparent
5.  Young stems glabrate, the stem bark green to cream-white becoming light gray; mature leaf blade underside with appressed silvery white trichomes; pedicels 4-5 mm long; corolla tube 1-1.6 mm long, median lobe 1.2-1.6 mm long, lateral segments 1.5-2.1 mm long (from junction with adjacent lateral segment); filament 1.3-1.6 mm long
5.  Young stems moderately to densely pubescent, the stem bark green to green-brown becoming dark brown, red-brown, purple, to purple-gray; mature leaf blade underside with red-brown to only slightly tawny to silvery white trichomes, some trichomes villous or ascending; pedicels 6-12 mm long; corolla tube 1.5-2 mm long, median lobe 1.4-2.2 mm long, lateral segments 2-2.5 mm long (from junction with adjacent lateral segment); filament 1.5-2.5 mm long
6.  Leaf blades 1-3(-5) cm long
6.  Leaf blades (3-)5-12 cm long
7.  Mature shrub 1 m tall or less; young stems, petiole (often), pedicels, and sepals densely villous, strigose-villous, to strigose with red-brown hairs; fruit usually >1 cm long
7.  Mature shrub or tree, taller than 1 m; young stems, petiole, pedicels, and sepals strigose to glabrate, occasionally sparsely villous, with whitish to tawny hairs; fruit usually <1 cm long
8.  Leaf blade lower surface usually persistently pubescent, sometimes glabrate, epidermal cell outlines marked by a distinct impressed groove, surface reticulate-ornamented; sepals and ovary usually densely strigose, sometimes glabrate
8. Leaf blade lower surface glabrate, pubescent only along the midvein, epidermal cell outlines indistinct often, surface mostly smooth and irregularly undulating; sepals and ovary glabrate
9.  Young stems strigose to glabrate; leaf blade with the tip acute-acuminate (rarely rounded), the lower surface glabrous or glabrate (hairs scattered along midribs); pedicels glabrous
9.  Young stems villous to glabrate; leaf blade with the tip rounded to bluntly acute (rarely acute-acuminate), the lower surface hairy
10.  Pedicels lanate or glabrous; inflorescence with (2-)6-25 flowers; pedicels villous to glabrate; sepals villous; stamens 2.5-2.8 mm long; styles 1-1.5 mm long
10.  Pedicels glabrous or glabrate; inflorescence with 1-9 flowers; pedicels glabrate; sepals glabrous to villous; stamens 1-1.3 mm long; styles 0.8-1 mm long
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Apterygia Apterygia Baehni, Arch. Sci. 17: 79. 1964. TYPE: Apterygia sartorum (Martius) Baehni (Bumelia sartorum Martius)
Bumelia Bumelia Swartz, Prodr. 3, 49. 1788, nom. cons. vs. Robertia Scopoli 1777, nom. cons. vs. Robertia Scopoli 1777. TYPE: Bumelia retusa Swartz, typ. cons.
Decateles Decateles Rafinesque, Sylva Tellur. 35. 1838. TYPE: Decateles lycioides (Linnaeus) Rafinesque (Sideroxylon lycioides Linnaeus) Lectotypified by T. D. Pennington, Gen. Sapot. 166. 1991.
Dipholis Dipholis Alph. de Candolle, in de Candolle, Prodr 8: 188. 1844, nom. cons. vs. Spondogona Rafinesque 1838. TYPE: Dipholis salicifolia (Linnaeus) Alph. de Candolle (Achras salicifolia Linnaeus)
Lyciodes Lyciodes Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 406. 1891. TYPE: = Bumelia Swartz 1788.
Mastichodendron Mastichodendron (Engler) H. J. Lam, Recueil Trav. Bot. Neerl. 36: 521. 1939. BASIONYM: Sideroxylon Linnaeus, sect. Mastichodendron Engler, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 12: 518. 1890. TYPE: Mastichodendron foetidissimum (Jacquin) H. J. Lam (Sideroxylon foetidissimum Jacquin) Lectotypified by Cronquist, Lloydia 9: 245. 1946.
Robertia Robertia Scopoli, Intr. Hist. Nat. 154. 1777, nom. rej. vs. Bumelia Swartz 1788. TYPE: Sideroxylon decandrum Linnaeus
Sclerocladus Sclerocladus Rafinesque, Sylva Tellur. 35. 1838. TYPE: Sclerocladus tenax (Linnaeus) Rafinesque (Sideroxylon tenax Linnaeus)
Sclerozus Sclerozus Rafinesque, Autik. Bot. 73. 1840. TYPE: Sclerozus tenax (Linnaeus) Rafinesque (Sideroxylon tenax Linnaeus) = Sclerocladus Rafinesque 1838.
Spondogona Spondogona Rafinesque, Sylva Tellur. 35. 1838, nom. rej. vs. Dipholis Alph. de Candolle 1844. TYPE: Spondogona nitida Rafinesque, nom. illegit. (Bumelia pentagona Swartz)