Contains 13 accepted taxa overall.

Scutellaria L.
SCUTELLARIA Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 598. 1753.
TYPE: Scutellaria peregrina Linnaeus Lectotypified by Britton & A. Brown, Ill. Fl. N. U.S., ed. 2. 3: 105. 1913.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Scutellaria arenicola FLORIDA SCRUB SKULLCAP Native FAC (NWPL)
Scutellaria drummondii DRUMMOND'S SKULLCAP Not Native FACW (NWPL)
Scutellaria elliptica HAIRY SKULLCAP Native
Scutellaria floridana FLORIDA SKULLCAP Native Rare-State Threatened-US OBL (NWPL) FAC (DEP)
Scutellaria glabriuscula GEORGIA SKULLCAP Native
Scutellaria havanensis HAVANA SKULLCAP Native Rare-State
Scutellaria incana HOARY SKULLCAP Native
Scutellaria integrifolia HELMET SKULLCAP Native FAC (NWPL) FAC (DEP)
Scutellaria lateriflora BLUE SKULLCAP; MADDOG SKULLCAP Native OBL (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Scutellaria multiglandulosa SMALL'S SKULLCAP Native
Scutellaria ovata subsp. bracteata HEARTLEAF SKULLCAP Native UPL (NWPL)
Scutellaria parvula SMALL SKULLCAP Native FACU (NWPL)
Scutellaria racemosa SOUTH AMERICAN SKULLCAP Not Native FACW (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Identification Key
1.  Most leaf blades conspicuously toothed, larger ones with >5 teeth
1.  Most leaf blades with <5 teeth or the margins entire (rarely more than 5 teeth)
2.  Leaf blade cordate at the base
2.  Leaf blade truncate to cuneate or subcordate-cuneate at the base
3.  Flowers in elongate axillary racemes, distinct from the main stem or branch; corolla 5-9 mm long
3.  Flowers in terminal spikes or racemes, sometimes with axillary ones below; corolla 12-25 mm long
4.  Distal leaves grading into the bracts subtending the flowers
4.  Distal leaves larger and fairly distinct from the bracts subtending the flowers
5.  Leaf blade upper surface with septate hairs ca. 1 mm long, the lower surface not much lighter than the upper surface
5.  Leaf blade upper surface glabrate or the hairs minute, the lower surface lighter and strongly contrasted with the upper surface
6.  Longer leaves 1.2-2.2 times longer than wide; corolla 3-18 mm long
6.  Longer leaves 3-30 times longer than wide; corolla 4-6 mm long or 18-31 mm long
7.  Calyx eglandular with short, uncinate hairs
7.  Calyx glandular and with eglandular long, straight hairs
8.  Annual or short-lived tap-rooted perennial; leaf blade base cuneate
8.  Perennial with rhizomes; leaf blade base mostly truncate to subcordate
9.  Corolla 4-6 mm long
9.  Corolla 18-31 mm long
10.  Rhizomatous, with fusiform tubers; leaves linear, 1-2.5 mm wide
10.  Leaves ovate, elliptic, elliptic-oblanceolate, to obovate-lanceolate, 3-14 mm wide
11.  Corolla glabrous, rarely minutely villosulous; flowering Aug-Oct
11.  Corolla pubescent; flowering mostly Mar-Jul, rarely Sep
12.  Stems to 70 cm tall, distal internodes longer to shorter than adjacent leaves; leaves spreading to ascending, without stipitate glands; corolla blue or pinkish
12.  Stems to 35 cm tall, distal internodes typically shorter than the adjacent leaves; leaves typically ascending, with stipitate glands; corolla white to pale blue
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Cassida Cassida Seguier, Pl. Veron. 3: 130. 1754. TYPE: = Scutellaria Linnaeus 1753.