Contains 13 genera and 70 accepted taxa overall.
This family is completely databased for all specimens.
Genus | Common Name | Taxa Count | Herbarium Specimens | Photos |
Aniseia | ANISEIA | 1 | ||
Bonamia | LADY'S NIGHTCAP | 1 | ||
Calystegia | FALSE BINDWEED | 2 | ||
Camonea | 1 | |||
Convolvulus | BINDWEED | 1 | ||
Cuscuta | DODDER | 10 | ||
Dichondra | PONYSFOOT | 2 | ||
Distimake | 5 | |||
Evolvulus | DWARF MORNINGGLORY | 5 | ||
Ipomoea | MORNING-GLORY | 29 | ||
Jacquemontia | CLUSTERVINE | 6 | ||
Poranopsis | PORANA | 1 | ||
Stylisma | DAWNFLOWER | 6 |
Identification Key
1. Plant parasitic; stems yellowish to orange; leaves absent or reduced to scales
1. Plant photosynthetic; stems usually green distally; leaves with expanded blades present
2. Stem prostrate, rooting at nodes; leaf blade base cordate and 7-20 mm wide or long; corolla subequal to shorter than the calyx, deeply 5-lobed, the sinuses >½ the corolla lobe length; fruit deeply 2-lobed
2. Stem prostrate, twining, to erect, rarely rooting at nodes; leaf blade base cordate and usually >20 mm wide or long or leaf blade not cordate; corolla longer than the calyx, unlobed or to moderately 5-lobed, the sinuses <½ the corolla lobe length
3. Flowers 5-7 mm long, numerous in elongate panicles
3. Flowers 5-80 mm long, solitary or in cymes
4. Styles 2 per flower, free or fused only at the base; generally all trailing to procumbent and leaves small, to 40 mm wide
4. Style 1 per flower; many species twining vines, some trailing or shrubs, and leaves small to large, to 250 mm wide
5. Calyx 15-28 mm long; corolla 80 mm wide or long; fruit 12-20 mm wide or long
5. Calyx 2-9(11) mm long; corolla 7-20(25) mm wide and long; fruit 2-9 mm wide or long
6. Each style 2-cleft or 2-fid for ½ or more of its length; stigmas 4, linear to subclavate
6. Each style not split or scarcely so; stigmas 2, capitate or peltate
7. Stigma or the lobes elongated (cylindric to linear)
7. Stigma or the lobes capitate or globose
8. Stems hairy, hairs usually branched, glandular, or stellate, sometimes simple
8. Stems glabrous to hairy, hairs unbranched, eglandular, not stellate
9. Sepals 12-34 mm long; stigma lobes linear to oblong, apices blunt; ovary 1-locular
9. Sepals 3-5 mm long; stigma lobes cylindric to spatulate, apices acute; ovary 2-locular
10. Anthers twisted after dehiscence; pollen usually 3-9-colpate
10. Anthers straight after dehiscence; pollen rugate or echinate
11. Leaves unlobed, not compound (the blade basally cordate); inflorescence usually with 3-20 flowers in an umbelliform cluster
11. Leaves compound or palmately lobed; inflorescence with 2-9 flowers in cymes or flower solitary
12. Sepals accrescent, completely enclosing undehisced fruit or nearly so; corolla 25-30 mm long
12. Sepals not accrescent, not completely enclosing fruit; corolla 20-80(15) mm long