Contains 15 genera and 33 accepted taxa overall.
This family is completely databased for all specimens.
Genus | Common Name | Taxa Count | Herbarium Specimens | Photos |
Andersonglossum | 1 | |||
Bourreria | STRONGBARK | 3 | ||
Buglossoides | BUGLOSSOIDES | 1 | ||
Cordia | CORDIA | 2 | ||
Cynoglossum | HOUND'S TONGUE | 1 | ||
Ehretia | EHRETIA; SCORPIONBUSH | 2 | ||
Euploca | 3 | |||
Heliotropium | HELIOTROPE | 8 | ||
Lithospermum | GROMWELL | 4 | ||
Myosotis | FORGET-ME-NOT | 1 | ||
Myriopus | SOLDIERBUSH | 1 | ||
Nama | FIDDLELEAF | 1 | ||
Nemophila | BABY BLUE EYES | 1 | ||
Phacelia | Phacelia | 1 | ||
Varronia | 3 |
Identification Key
1. Leaves palmately or pinnately lobed or divided (basal leaves sometimes simple and unlobed or undivided)
1. Leaves simple, undivided and unlobed
2. Annual, prostrate to decumbent; inflorescence a solitary flower; fruit usually many-seeded (Namoideae or Namaceae)
2. Annual or perennial, usually erect, rarely prostrate to decumbent; inflorescence usually many-flowered, rarely a solitary flower; fruit usually with 1-4 seeds, rarely to 8
3. Inflorescence elongate, racemiform, scorpioid, of densely clustered flowers directly adjacent or overlapping (flowers distant and not overlapping in the vine Myriopus); flowers small, the corolla 1.5-6 mm wide and long; style terminal and undivided, the stigma basal and roughly circular with a sterile, sometimes 2-lobed apex
3. Inflorescence usually cymose, thyrsoid, umbellate, dichasial, monochasial, or racemiform, the flowers typically distant and not overlapping, or flowers solitary; flowers large to small, the corolla 1.5-14 mm wide or long; style gynobasic and embedded or terminal, undivided to divided
4. Herbs; style gynobasic; fruit dry nutlets
4. Woody vine, shrub, or tree; fruit drupaceous
5. Stigmatic branches 4; fruit white, pink, orange, to red; ovules orthotropous; cotyledons plicate
5. Stigmatic branches 2; fruit orange to red; ovules anatropous; cotyledons not plicate
1. (Boraginoideae or Boraginaceae s.str.) Fruit with hooked bristles
1. Fruit without hooked bristles
2. Leaves hirsute; corolla white; fruit with persistent style inconspicuous
2. Leaves sericeous; corolla bluish; fruit with persistent style conspicuous
3. Calyx with uncinate trichomes
3. Calyx without uncinate trichomes
4. Annual; corolla white to bluish; fruit verrucose-tuberculate
4. Perennial; corolla white to yellow or orange; fruit smooth, shiny, with pits or rugose
1. (Cordioideae or Cordiaceae) Trees; inflorescence corymbose-cymose
1. Shrubs; inflorescence spicate or capitate
1. (Ehretoideae or Ehretiaceae) Leaf blade entire
1. Leaf blade toothed
1. (Heliotropioideae or Heliotropiaceae) Vine; flowers distant and not overlapping
1. Prostrate to erect herb or shrub, or vines; flowers densely clustered adjacent or overlapping
2. Flowers bracteate; anthers coherent at apex; fruit of 4 1-seeded nutlets
2. Flowers ebracteate; anthers free; fruit of 2 2-seeded nutlets
1. (Hydrophylloideae or Hydrophyllaceae) Overall leaf blade mostly as wide as or wider than long; flowers usually solitary
1. Overall leaf blade mostly much longer than wide; inflorescence of several flowers