Contains 17 genera and 286 accepted taxa overall.
This family is completely databased for all specimens.
Genus | Common Name | Taxa Count | Herbarium Specimens | Photos |
Abildgaardia | FLATSPIKE SEDGE | 1 | ||
Bolboschoenus | 1 | |||
Bulbostylis | HAIRSEDGE | 5 | ||
Carex | SEDGE | 78 | ||
Cladium | SWAMP SAWGRASS | 2 | ||
Cyperus | FLATSEDGE | 67 | ||
Dulichium | THREEWAY SEDGE | 1 | ||
Eleocharis | SPIKERUSH | 33 | ||
Fimbristylis | FIMBRY | 9 | ||
Fuirena | UMBRELLASEDGE | 6 | ||
Isolepis | BULRUSH | 1 | ||
Rhynchospora | BEAKSEDGE | 56 | ||
Schoenoplectiella | 1 | |||
Schoenoplectus | NAKED-STEMMED BULRUSH | 7 | ||
Schoenus | BOGRUSH | 1 | ||
Scirpus | BULRUSH | 4 | ||
Scleria | NUTRUSH | 13 |
Identification Key
1. Pistillate flowers and achenes partially to completely enclosed in an usually inflated sac (perigynium), open at the apex where the stigma or style protrudes; flowers unisexual, with the male flowers typically apical and female flowers basal
1. Flowers and achenes not enclosed in a sac-like structure; flowers bisexual or unisexual (Scleria)
2. Spikelet scales distichous
2. Spikelet scales spirally arranged
3. Perianth bristles present, subtending achene
3. Perianth bristles absent
4. Leaf blades absent
4. Leaf blades present
5. Leaves cauline; inflorescences axillary, numerous
5. Leaves basal or nearly so; inflorescences terminal, solitary
6. Achene generally yellow, brown, to black
6. Achene white or grayish-white, sometimes with darkened areas
7. Inflorescence a solitary spikelet, the scales and florets densely congested
7. Inflorescence of 1-several spikelets, the scales and florets adjacent, but generally individually apparent and spaced
8. Achene with a persistent, apical tubercle or swollen style base
8. Achene lacking an apical tubercle or swollen style base
9. Leaf blades absent or to 4 mm long and scale-like; culm with 1 spikelet
9. Leaf blades present, >4 mm long; culm with 2 or more spikelets
10. Leaf sheath fimbriate-ciliate; style 3-fid; achene trigonous, the tubercle usually <½ as wide as achene
10. Leaf sheath glabrous; style usually 2-fid; achene usually biconvex, the tubercle usually >½ as wide as achene
11. Inflorescence bract 1 (rarely 2), erect, confluent with the culm, the inflorescence appearing lateral; perianth bristles present or absent
11. Inflorescence bract 1-8, spreading to erect, not confluent or only 1 bract confluent with the culm and perianth bristles absent, the inflorescence generally appearing terminal
12. Plant rhizomatous, usually >40 cm tall; culms usually >2 mm wide; perianth bristles present
12. Plant cespitose or nearly so, usually <40 cm tall; culms 0.2-1.2 mm wide; perianth absent
13. Spikelets 1(3), scales gibbous; style 3-fid
13. Spikelets (1)2-6(10), scales not gibbous; style usually 2-fid
14. Plant 0.5-3 m tall, rhizomatous, rhizomes 2.5-13 mm wide, 5-20 cm long, culms 4-10 mm wide
14. Plant 0.2-1.5(2) m tall, cespitose or if rhizomatous, rhizomes <2.5 mm wide or <5 cm long, culms 0.1-5 mm wide
15. Rhizomes with few, non-overlapping scales; leaves unarmed, not prickly; spikelets 10-30 mm long, 6-10 mm wide
15. Rhizomes densely scaly-imbricate; leaves armed, copiously prickly; spikelets 2-3 mm long, 1-2 mm wide
16. Spikelet scales usually recurved or spreading; inner whorl of perianth bristles with a claw and expanded blade
16. Spikelet scales recurved to appressed; perianth bristles lacking or these without expanded blades
17. Perianth bristles (0)3-6
17. Perianth absent, or of 1-2 scales or bractlets
18. Spikelets few to numerous, often sessile or nearly so (those with spirally arranged scales); style smooth
18. Spikelets numerous and usually some pedunculate or spikelet solitary, the spikelet mostly ovate to lanceolate; style fimbriate, papillate, ciliiolate, toothed, to smooth