Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash - Determined By: D. W. Hall, |
Locality | USA. Florida , Leon Co. : N side Tall Timbers property, N side of FL 12. |
Description | Inflorescence arching, axis broadly U-shaped or bow-shaped; infrequent. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
D. W. Hall 518
with R.K. Godfrey, C. Campbell |
Collection Date | 11 Oct 1978 |
Accession Number | 169934 |
Image | 169934.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash - Determined By: D. W. Hall, |
Locality | USA. Florida , Flagler Co. : Entrance road to Bulow Plantation; W of FL 5A, just N of Volusia Co. line. 26° 7' 39" N 80° 13' 59" W |
Description | Locally common. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | D. W. Hall 1906 |
Collection Date | 18 Oct 1989 |
Accession Number | 206189 |
Image | 206189.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash - Determined By: S. L. Hatch, Mar 1986 |
Determination History |
Sorghastrum secundum Elliott Nash
- Determined By: R. K. Godfrey,
Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash
- Determined By: Lakela,
Locality | USA. Florida , Dixie Co. : Suwannee. 29° 19' 44" N 83° 8' 39" W |
Description | In clumps. |
Habitat | Disturbed sands of hammock clearing. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | R. K. Godfrey 56168 |
Collection Date | 12 Oct 1957 |
Accession Number | 35876 |
Image | 35876.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash - Determined By: S. L. Hatch, Mar 1986 |
Determination History |
Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash
- Determined By: R. K. Godfrey,
Locality | USA. Florida , Jefferson Co. : Ca. 2 mi. N of Wacissa. 30° 21' 0" N 83° 58' 60" W |
Description | Panicles arch-recurving, not secund. |
Habitat | Upland, open pine - oak woodland. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | R. K. Godfrey 56216 |
Collection Date | 21 Oct 1957 |
Accession Number | 679 |
Image | 679.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash - Determined By: D. W. Hall, |
Locality | USA. Florida , Volusia Co. : N side of road, FL 13 just W of bridge over Bulow Creek, 0.7 mi. E of Old Dixie Highway. 28° 25' 60" N 82° 17' 60" W |
Description | Locally common. |
Habitat | Roadside. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | D. W. Hall 1907 |
Collection Date | 18 Oct 1989 |
Accession Number | 206127 |
Image | 206127.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash |
Locality | USA. Florida , Duval Co. : Ft. George Island, just N of Jacksonville. 30° 18' 4" N 81° 32' 45" W |
Description | Frequent. |
Habitat | Roadsides. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
D. W. Hall 1359
with D. Skean |
Collection Date | 09 Dec 1984 |
Accession Number | 198714 |
Image | 198714.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash |
Locality | USA. Florida , Volusia Co. : Tomoka State Park. Ca. 0.5 km N of the Old Dixie Highway bridge at the Tomoka River; along the service road the runs from the campground to the Fred Dana Marsh Museum. 29° 21' 0" N 81° 5' 15" W |
Description | Culms ascending to erect; panicle curved, drooping. |
Habitat | Alongside unpaved service road through semi-xeric hammock. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | J. M. Kunzer 796 |
Collection Date | 25 Nov 2004 |
Accession Number | 253683 |
Image | 253683.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash - Determined By: L. C. Anderson, |
Locality | USA. Florida , Calhoun Co. : Altha; W side of Look & Tremble Road off [S of] C-274, along Chipola River. 30° 31' 32" N 85° 9' 43" W |
Description | Locally common erect herb to 2.0 m; leaves glabrous; panicles pendant, brown; spikelets densely sericeous. |
Habitat | Roadside bank. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
T. MacClendon 1219
with K. MacClendon, L.C. Anderson, G. Wilder, J. Roche, B. Thomas |
Collection Date | 20 Oct 2012 |
Accession Number | 266262 |
Image | 266262.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash - Determined By: S. L. Hatch, Mar 1986 |
Determination History |
Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash
Locality | USA. Louisiana , St. Helena Par. : Ca. 4 mi. NE of Greensburg. T25, R6E, Sec. 21. |
Description | Infrequent. |
Habitat | Longleaf pine forest. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | C. M. Allen |
Collection Date | 06 Oct 1979 |
Accession Number | 153803 |
Image | 153803.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash - Determined By: S. L. Hatch, Mar 1986 |
Determination History |
Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash
Locality | USA. Georgia , Chatham Co. : Witmarsh Island roadside. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | G. R. Swank |
Collection Date | 03 Oct 1959 |
Accession Number | 136154 |
Image | 136154.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash |
Locality | USA. South Carolina , Charleston Co. : Along Beach Road on Bull's Island, Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge, off US 17, between Charleston and McClellanville. |
Habitat | Moist to mesic areas. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | C. vanHoek |
Collection Date | 12 Nov 1993 |
Accession Number | 208662 |
Image | 208662.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash - Determined By: S. R. Hill, Oct 1987 |
Locality | USA. South Carolina , Pickens Co. : Todd's Creek, 1.3 mi. E of Route 133 on Brookbend Road, turn at Pleasant Hill Church; powerline right-of-way, ca. 0.5 mi. E of Route 133. |
Description | Local; inflorescence nodding. |
Habitat | Dry sandy soil at falls. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | S. R. Hill |
Collection Date | 17 Sep 1987 |
Accession Number | 200569 |
Image | 200569.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash |
Locality | USA. Louisiana , East Feliciana Par. : Idlewild Research Station near Clinton. |
Description | Slender. |
Habitat | In a clearing along a trail near a wooded area. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | M. R. Griffin |
Collection Date | 06 Oct 2003 |
Accession Number | 278812 |
Image | 278812.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash - Determined By: S. L. Hatch, Mar 1986 |
Determination History |
Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash
Locality | USA. Louisiana , Washington Par. : Ca. 5.5 mi. NW of Bogalousa. T2N, R13E, Sec. 16. |
Description | Infrequent. |
Habitat | Disturbed clearcut area around gravel pit along unmarked gravel road. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
C. M. Allen
with K. Vincent |
Collection Date | 29 Sep 1979 |
Accession Number | 164117 |
Image | 164117.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash - Determined By: S. L. Hatch, Mar 1986 |
Determination History |
Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash
Locality | USA. North Carolina , Martin Co. : Conoho Creek, 4.5 mi. Nw of Williamston. |
Habitat | Sandy woods. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
A. E. Radford
with J. R. Bozeman |
Collection Date | 30 Sep 1966 |
Accession Number | 78349 |
Image | 78349.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash - Determined By: S. L. Hatch, Mar 1986 |
Determination History |
Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash
Locality | USA. Louisiana Near Georgia, 1 mi. W of Bayou Bartholomeu, 4 mi. SW of Jones. |
Habitat | Pacific pine woods. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | R. D. Thomas |
Collection Date | 04 Oct 1969 |
Accession Number | 98460 |
Image | 98460.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash - Determined By: S. L. Hatch, Mar 1986 |
Determination History |
Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash
Locality | USA. Georgia , McIntosh Co. : On inland side of Sapelo Island. |
Description | Perennial. |
Habitat | Open pine-live oak woods 3 mi. due N of S end. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | W. H. Duncan |
Collection Date | 14 Oct 1956 |
Accession Number | 8440 |
Image | 8440.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash - Determined By: S. L. Hatch, Mar 1986 |
Determination History |
Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash
Locality | USA. Georgia , Clarke Co. : Across from the Biological Science Building, University of Georgia. |
Habitat | Woods, cemetery. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | D. J. Banks |
Collection Date | 24 Sep 1961 |
Accession Number | 84212 |
Image | 84212.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash - Determined By: S. L. Hatch, Mar 1986 |
Determination History |
Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash
- Determined By: H. L. Blomq.,
Locality | USA. South Carolina , Orangeburg Co. : Four Hole Swamp on SC 121, SW of junction SC 121 and US 176. |
Habitat | Woodland. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | H. E. Ahles |
Collection Date | 26 Sep 1957 |
Accession Number | 45948 |
Image | 45948.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash - Determined By: S. L. Hatch, Mar 1986 |
Determination History |
Sorghastrum nutans L. Nash
Locality | USA. Louisiana , Lincoln Par. : Off US 80, 1 mi. W of Grambling corners; along back dirt road. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | B. S. Watters |
Collection Date | 12 Oct 1971 |
Accession Number | 121848 |
Image | 121848.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash |
Locality | USA. North Carolina , Pender Co. : Ca. 0.2 mi. N of sandpit and 0.1 mi. S of cemetery at NC 1532, at a point 0.4 mi. SW of junction NC 50, ca. 2.4 air mi. SE of Maple Hill; Lanier Quarry Savanna; Maple Hill 7.5' Quad. |
Description | Indentification tentative, specimen vegetative. |
Habitat | Calcareous marl wetland savanna. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell
with E. L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 16 Jul 1996 |
Accession Number | 268159 |
Image | 268159.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash - Determined By: D. W. Hall, |
Locality | USA. Georgia , Thomas Co. : Greenwood Plantation, Thomasville. |
Description | Inflorescence arching; axis broadly 'u'-or bow shaped; infrequent. |
Habitat | Open pines. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
D. W. Hall
with R. K. Godfrey & C. Campbell |
Collection Date | 11 Oct 1978 |
Accession Number | 169920 |
Image | 169920.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash |
Determination History |
Sorghastrum avenaceum Michx. Nash
Locality | USA. New Jersey , Burlington Co. : Wading River. 39° 38' 60" N 74° 31' 0" W |
Reproductive State | |
Collector | D. E. Dimmick |
Collection Date | 15 Aug 1951 |
Accession Number | 297745 |
Image | 297745.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sorghastrum elliottii

Family Name | Poaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sorghastrum elliottii C. Mohr Nash - Determined By: S. L. Hatch, Mar 1986 |
Locality | USA. Virginia , Princess Anne Co. : Cape Henry. |
Habitat | Dry pine barrens. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
M. L. Fernald
with L. Griscom |
Collection Date | 23 Sep 1933 |
Accession Number | 32835 |
Image | 32835.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |