Sabatia quadrangula

Family Name | Gentianaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sabatia quadrangula Wilbur - Determined By: Wunderlin, 1993 |
Determination History |
Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh
- Determined By: Kral,
Locality | USA. Florida , Levy Co. : 2 mi. N of Lebanon Station. 29° 6' 8" N 82° 37' 53" W |
Description | Flowers white. |
Habitat | Sandy loam at the edge of a hammock. |
Reproductive State | Flower |
Collector |
R. Kral 6943
with M. Kral |
Collection Date | 16 Jun 1958 |
Accession Number | 2650 |
Image | 2650.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sabatia quadrangula

Family Name | Gentianaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sabatia quadrangula Wilbur - Determined By: Wunderlin, 1993 |
Determination History |
Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh
- Determined By: Kral,
Locality | USA. Florida , Dixie Co. : 7 mi. NW of Cross City. |
Description | Flowers white. |
Habitat | Wet sand bordering shallow pond. |
Reproductive State | Flower |
Collector |
R. Kral 6582
with M. Kral |
Collection Date | 02 Jun 1958 |
Accession Number | 2552 |
Image | 2552.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sabatia quadrangula

Family Name | Gentianaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sabatia quadrangula Wilbur |
Locality | USA. Florida , Calhoun Co. : Broad Branch; Scotts Ferry Road, 2.4 km W of FL 73. 30° 17' 59" N 85° 15' 39" W |
Description | Locally occasional, escaped [?] erect herb to 28c,; angular stems finely pubescens; peduncles and branches opposite; flowers 5-merous, white. |
Habitat | Hydric grassy roadside ditch and higher level grassy grounds. |
Reproductive State | Flower |
Collector |
T. MacClendon
with K. MacClendon |
Collection Date | 26 Jul 2013 |
Accession Number | 270022 |
Image | 270022.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sabatia quadrangula

Family Name | Gentianaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sabatia quadrangula Wilbur - Determined By: Wunderlin, 1993 |
Determination History |
Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh
- Determined By: Kral,
Locality | USA. Florida , Levy Co. : 3 mi. E of Cedar Key. |
Description | Flowers white. |
Habitat | Peaty ditch below ancient dunes. |
Reproductive State | Flower |
Collector |
R. Kral 6981
with M. Kral |
Collection Date | 16 Jun 1958 |
Accession Number | 8720 |
Image | 8720.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sabatia quadrangula

Family Name | Gentianaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sabatia quadrangula Wilbur |
Locality | USA. Florida , Wakulla Co. : ALong US 98, 0.3 mi. W of its junction with FL 363, ca. 1.5 air mi. NW of St. Marks. |
Description | Frequent; |
Habitat | Wet roadside depression bordering pine flatwoods. |
Reproductive State | Flower |
Collector | L. C. Anderson 8294 |
Collection Date | 17 Jun 1985 |
Accession Number | 196235 |
Image | 196235.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sabatia quadrangula

Family Name | Gentianaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sabatia quadrangula Wilbur |
Determination History |
Sabatia difformis (L.) Druce
Locality | USA. Florida , Levy Co. : Along FL 24, ca. 4.5 mi. SW of its intersection with FL 345, ca. 5 mi. NE of Cedary Key. T15S, R13E, Sec. 3? |
Description | Common; flowers white. |
Habitat | Dry roadside, in scrubby area. |
Reproductive State | Flower Fruit |
Collector |
D. B. Ward 2696
with A.M. Laessle |
Collection Date | 24 Jun 1961 |
Accession Number | 44991 |
Image | 44991.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sabatia quadrangula

Family Name | Gentianaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sabatia quadrangula Wilbur - Determined By: Wunderlin, 1993 |
Determination History |
Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh
Locality | USA. Florida , Levy Co. : Lebanon Station. T15S, R16E, Sec. 13. 29° 6' 8" N 82° 37' 53" W |
Description | Petals pink. |
Habitat | Slough. |
Reproductive State | Flower |
Collector |
G. R. Cooley 7126
with R.J. Eaton, J.D. Ray, Jr. |
Collection Date | 21 Sep 1959 |
Accession Number | 15622 |
Image | 15622.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sabatia quadrangula
Family Name | Gentianaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sabatia quadrangula Wilbur - Determined By: Wilbur, 1956 |
Determination History |
Sabatia paniculata (Michx.) Pursh
Sabatia quadrangula Wilbur
Locality | USA. Georgia , Worth Co. : 6.5 mi. W of Sylvester; Coastal Plain Province. |
Description | Corolla white; stamens yellow, stigmas grenish-yellow. |
Habitat | Low open pineland. |
Reproductive State | Flower |
Collector |
W. H. Duncan
with J.W. Hardin |
Collection Date | 16 Jun 1952 |
Accession Number | 13641 |
Image | 13641.JPG |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sabatia quadrangula
Family Name | Gentianaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sabatia quadrangula Wilbur |
Locality | USA. South Carolina , Georgetown Co. : N side of Ports Creek, ca. 1.0 mi. S of US 521 at Graves, ca. 4.7 air mi. W of downtown Georgetown; Friendsfield Plantation; Georgetown N 7.5' Quadrant. 33° 22' 48" N 79° 22' 12" W |
Habitat | Low-relief seepage slope between wetland of pine savanna and brackish marsh in large cut-line; soils wahee, aeric ochraquults. |
Reproductive State | |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 13 Jul 1996 |
Accession Number | 268222 |
Image | 268222.JPG |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sabatia quadrangula
Family Name | Gentianaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sabatia quadrangula Wilbur |
Locality | USA. South Carolina , Williamsburg Co. : On SE side of Emily Avenue, ca. 0.2 mi. E of US 52 at a point 0.4 mi. N of railroad crossing at Heineman, ca. 3.8 air mi. SE of Greeleyville; Heineman or Clarkston Savanna; Greeleyville 7.5' Quadrant. 33° 33' 32" N 79° 55' 37" W |
Habitat | Very diverse burned mesic and wet iltisol pine savanna; soils lynchburg and coxville, aeric and typic paleaquults. |
Reproductive State | |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 10 Jul 1996 |
Accession Number | 268146 |
Image | 268146.JPG |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sabatia quadrangula
Family Name | Gentianaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sabatia quadrangula Wilbur |
Locality | USA. North Carolina , Cumberland Co. : On S side of Firebreak 1 within Commel site, ca. 0.1 mi. S of N base boundary point 0.4 mi. W of McCormick Bridge Road, ca. 3.2 air mi E of Manchester; Commel Savanna; Fort Bragg, Manchester 7.5' Quadrant. 35° 11' 55" N 78° 56' 1" W |
Habitat | Slightly seepy pine savanna in shallow basin; community dominated by Pinus palustris, P. serotina, Calamovilfa brevpilis, Ctenium aromaticum. |
Reproductive State | |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 05 Jul 1996 |
Accession Number | 256266 |
Image | 256266.JPG |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Sabatia quadrangula
Family Name | Gentianaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Sabatia quadrangula Wilbur |
Locality | USA. South Carolina , Berkeley Co. : 0.3 mi. SW of junction C-126 and C-40 on C-126. |
Reproductive State | |
Collector | H. E. Ahles |
Collection Date | 05 Jul 1957 |
Accession Number | 15267 |
Image | 15267.JPG |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |