Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Orange Co. : E side of Kirkman Road at crossing of canal connecting Turkey Lake and the Shingle Creek Canal; ca. 0.2 mi. S of junction McLeod Road, ca. 3.4 mi. S of FL 50. T23S, R29E, Sec. 7, SW¼ of NW¼. 28° 30' 8" N 81° 27' 30" W |
Habitat | Disturbed, cleared swamp forest edges and canal banks. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 95 to ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 25 Aug 1992 |
Accession Number | 223735 |
Image | 223735.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Columbia Co. : Along Robinson Branch, just N of dirt road (Hunt Road) that parallels it, 1-1.5 km E of junction Hunt Road and US 441/ FL 47, 6 km N of I-10, and 11.4 km N of Lake City. |
Habitat | Margin of shallow pond. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | M. T. Strong |
Collection Date | 22 Aug 1999 |
Accession Number | 225390 |
Image | 225390.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Manatee Co. : South Fork State Park. T33S, R21E, Sec. 20, N½. |
Description | Occasional, erect to 30 cm height. |
Habitat | Bottomland forest. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | R. Owens |
Collection Date | 29 May 1993 |
Accession Number | 207873 |
Image | 207873.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Sumter Co. : Bonnet Pond, 0.1 mi. N of FL 466, 4 mi. W of Lady Lake, and 2.5 mi. E of Oxford. 28° 55' 0" N 82° 1' 60" W |
Habitat | Shallow water of ecotone between deeper water of pond and open meadow with scattered live oaks [Quercus virginiana]. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | M. T. Strong |
Collection Date | 14-15 Aug 1998 |
Accession Number | 226067 |
Image | 226067.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Lake Co. : Clearwater Lake, just SW of junction of Florida Turnpike 91 and FL 48, 3.2 km SW of Okahumpka and 11 km NE of Center Hill. 27° 57' 54" N 82° 54' 40" W |
Habitat | White sand shoreline of drawn down lake. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | M. T. Strong |
Collection Date | 02 Sep 2000 |
Accession Number | 227177 |
Image | 227177.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Martin Co. : Between Port Mayaca and Indiantown, along FL 76 and the St. Lucie Canal, ca. 1.5 mi. E of Port Mayaca. 26° 59' 33" N 80° 35' 21" W |
Habitat | Along a culvert beteween the road and the canal. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
W. D. Longbottom
with D.H. Williams, R. Mears |
Collection Date | 23 Mar 2007 |
Accession Number | 244977 |
Image | 244977.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Duval Co. : Julington-Durbin Peninsula. Ca. 0.3 air mi. ESE of Old St. Augustine Road bridge over I-95, ca. 1.4 air mi. WSW of Bayard, ca. 18 air mi. SE of Jacksonville. T4S, R28E, Sec. 30, W½ of NW¼, Sec. 19, W½ of SW¼. 30° 7' 56" N 81° 32' 21" W |
Habitat | Powerline right-of-way through seepage slope. Soils - Pottsburg (Grossarenic Haplaquods). |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 10 to 20 ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 03 Jul 1992 |
Accession Number | 224493 |
Image | 224493.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Determination History |
Fuirena squarrosa Michx.
Locality | USA. Florida , Lee Co. : Bokeelia vicinity of FL 767. 26° 42' 20" N 82° 9' 32" W |
Habitat | Pineland with dense undergrowth of forbs and grasses; Pinus - Serenoa association. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
O. K. Lakela
with R.W. Long, R. Broome |
Collection Date | 07 Jan 1967 |
Accession Number | 79420 |
Image | 79420.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Osceola Co. : Town of Kissimmee, Osceola County Softball Complex, on John Young Parkway, N side of the entrance road. 28° 20' 14" N 81° 25' 15" W |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
W. D. Longbottom
with D.H. Williams |
Collection Date | 18 Nov 2010 |
Accession Number | 260989 |
Image | 260989.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Sumter Co. : W end of Lake Miona, 0.8 km S of FL 472 and ca. 3 km NE of Moreland Park (junction FL 462 and US 301. |
Habitat | Draw-down ecotone along shoreline. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | M. T. Strong |
Collection Date | 16 Aug 2007 |
Accession Number | 245125 |
Image | 245125.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: Crewz, Dec 1978 |
Determination History |
Fuirena breviseta Coville Coville
Fuirena squarrosa Michx.
- Determined By: Lakela, 26-Jun-1965
Locality | USA. Florida , Hillsborough Co. : W of Brandon on FL 60. 27° 56' 16" N 82° 17' 9" W |
Habitat | Border of wet ditch with Juncus spp. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | O. K. Lakela |
Collection Date | 31 Oct 1960 |
Accession Number | 20989 |
Image | 20989.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, Apr 2012 |
Determination History |
Fuirena breviseta Coville Coville
Locality | USA. Florida , Orange Co. : Eatonville, Kennedy Boulevard, near junction Forest City Road (FL 434). 26° 37' 5" N 81° 24' 45" W |
Description | Abundant. |
Habitat | Shallow roadside swale in standing water; full sun. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | D. H. Williams |
Collection Date | 26 Oct 2011 |
Accession Number | 262096 |
Image | 262096.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Pasco Co. : Starkey Wilderness Park. 2.5 mi. NNW of Odessa. T26S, R17E, Sec. 4, SE¼ of SE¼. 28° 11' 38" N 82° 35' 30" W |
Habitat | Dome swamp. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | E. M. Ferguson |
Collection Date | 16 Jul 2003 |
Accession Number | 250385 |
Image | 250385.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Seminole Co. : Winter Springs, intersection of FL 419 and FL 434, W side of FL 419. 28° 42' 14" N 81° 17' 37" W |
Habitat | Edge of a sediment control pond. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
W. D. Longbottom
with D.H. Williams |
Collection Date | 29 Apr 2008 |
Accession Number | 249349 |
Image | 249349.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Osceola Co. : Saint Cloud, along C-532 between Lake Lizzie Drive and Druliner Road, along W side of road. 28° 14' 54" N 81° 13' 18" W |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
W. D. Longbottom
with D.H. Williams, H.L. Williams |
Collection Date | 18 Nov 2010 |
Accession Number | 261416 |
Image | 261416.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Seminole Co. : Lake Tuskawilla. 28° 40' 17" N 81° 16' 57" W |
Habitat | Littoral zone, lakeshore. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
G. Eby
with M. Pluchino, T. Calhoun |
Collection Date | 03 Aug 2011 |
Accession Number | 259407 |
Image | 259407.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, Mar 2005 |
Determination History |
Fuirena squarrosa Michx.
Locality | USA. Florida , Martin Co. : Jonathan Dickinson State Park. Near horse stables. |
Habitat | Margins of ditches and wet prairies habitat. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
R. O. Woodbury
with R. Roberts |
Collection Date | May 1988 |
Accession Number | 257343 |
Image | 257343.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Duval Co. : ICI Development Company property. Next to main road; 0.2 mi. N of C-228, 1 mi. W of US 301. T3S, R23E, Sec. 29. |
Habitat | Bayhead seep and clearcut. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
C. Slaughter
with M. Minno |
Collection Date | 14 Aug 2007 |
Accession Number | 244546 |
Image | 244546.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Clay Co. : E side of Long Horn Road, ca. 2.2 mi. N of junction FL 218, ca. 1.6 air mi. S of Long Branch Church, ca. 7 mi. NW of Middleburg. T4S, R23E, Sec. 24, NW¼ of SW¼ of NW¼. 30° 8' 15" N 81° 57' 55" W |
Habitat | Roadside ditch adjacent to cypress [Taxodium] strand. Soils - Rutlege (Typic Humaquepts). |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 26 Jun 1994 |
Accession Number | 247188 |
Image | 247188.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: E. L. Bridges, Feb 1995 |
Determination History |
Fuirena squarrosa Michx.
Locality | USA. Florida , Baker Co. : Along C-127, 0.8 mi. S of C-120; ca. 5 mi. S of Baxter. T1S, R21E, Sec. 5, NW¼ of NE¼. 30° 30' 0" N 82° 13' 60" W |
Habitat | Roadside ditch in recently logged pine flatwoods. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
B. F. Hansen
with G. Robinson |
Collection Date | 11 Jul 1984 |
Accession Number | 180441 |
Image | 180441.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: Kral, |
Locality | USA. Florida , Indian River Co. : 3 mi. S of Vero Beach. |
Description | Abundant. |
Habitat | Wet sands of roadside ditch. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | R. Kral |
Collection Date | 30 Aug 1957 |
Accession Number | 887 |
Image | 887.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Volusia Co. : Lake Helen, vicinity of Forsythe Road. 30° 18' 0" N 84° 24' 0" W |
Habitat | Small lake, inundated terrace. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
O. K. Lakela
with L. Pardue |
Collection Date | 23 Nov 1968 |
Accession Number | 84408 |
Image | 84408.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: R. K. Godfrey, |
Locality | USA. Florida , Leon Co. : Lake Talquin, ca. 1 mi. E of the dam. |
Habitat | Shallow water along edge of lake. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | P. L. Redfearn |
Collection Date | 10 Jul 1956 |
Accession Number | 35825 |
Image | 35825.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Polk Co. : Avon Park Air Force Range. S side of Smith Road, ca. 0.2 mi. W of Old Bravo Road. T32S, R30E, Sec. 25, NW¼ of NW¼ of NW¼ and Sec. 26, NE¼ of NE¼ of NE¼. 27° 40' 30" N 81° 17' 12" W |
Habitat | Periodically wet, calcareous, roadside ditch. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 115 to 120 ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 11 Sep 1993 |
Accession Number | 233949 |
Image | 233949.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Hillsborough Co. : Industrial Park. |
Habitat | Prairie. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | O. K. Lakela |
Collection Date | 09 Nov 1968 |
Accession Number | 84553 |
Image | 84553.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: H. L. Blomq., |
Locality | USA. Florida , Leon Co. : Lake Bradford. 30° 38' 60" N 85° 32' 60" W |
Habitat | On peat, exsiccated lake bottom. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | R. K. Godfrey |
Collection Date | 13 Jul 1955 |
Accession Number | 886 |
Image | 886.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: Kral, |
Locality | USA. Florida , Hernando Co. : 3 mi. W of Weeki Wachee Springs. |
Habitat | Moist sands of cutover hammock. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
R. Kral
with M. Kral |
Collection Date | 19 Jun 1958 |
Accession Number | 5475 |
Image | 5475.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Gadsden Co. : Along FL 270, 0.4 mi. SW of junction with US 27; just S of Gibson. T2N, R2W, Sec. 23, NE¼ of NE¼. 30° 33' 59" N 84° 23' 58" W |
Habitat | Roadside ditch and disturbed pinelands. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
B. F. Hansen
with R.P. Wunderlin |
Collection Date | 07 Jul 1986 |
Accession Number | 189731 |
Image | 189731.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Pinellas Co. : Clearwater, NE of sewage treatment plant, FL 580, S of Magnolia Creek. 27° 57' 54" N 82° 54' 40" W |
Habitat | Disturbed, edge of field. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | G. Fleming |
Collection Date | 05 Dec 1987 |
Accession Number | 194058 |
Image | 194058.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Manatee Co. : 0.33 mi. S on Golf Course Road, 0.33 mi. W of Rye Road, in Parrish. 27° 34' 60" N 82° 25' 0" W |
Habitat | Swamp margin. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | L. P. Southerland |
Collection Date | 02 Sep 1986 |
Accession Number | 190592 |
Image | 190592.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Baker Co. : Along C-127, 0.8 mi. S of C-120; ca. 5 mi. S of Baxter. T1S, R21E, Sec. 5, NW¼ of NE¼. 30° 30' 0" N 82° 13' 60" W |
Habitat | Roadside ditch in recently logged pine flatwoods. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
B. F. Hansen
with G. Robinson |
Collection Date | 11 Jul 1984 |
Accession Number | 180440 |
Image | 180440.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Sarasota Co. : Ringling-McArthur Reserve, 5 mi. S of FL 72, 2 mi. SE of Myakka River State Park. 27° 18' 0" N 82° 16' 0" W |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | C. Shea |
Collection Date | 18 Sep 1989 |
Accession Number | 200777 |
Image | 200777.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Dixie Co. : Steinhatchee Wildlife Management Area. Ca. 0.5 mi. W of entrance to WMA on FL 351, ca. 1 mi. NE of Clearwater Pond, ca. 9.7 NE of Cross City. T8S, R13E, Sec. 34, SW¼. 29° 44' 24" N 83° 0' 45" W |
Habitat | Exposed sandy margins of limesink depression ponds. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 50 to ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 10 Jul 1992 |
Accession Number | 223737 |
Image | 223737.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Osceola Co. : Lake Center at New Eden; along C-532, 3.1 mi. E of junction with US 441 and US 192. T25S, R31E, Sec. 35, NW¼ of NE¼. 27° 16' 36" N 80° 14' 34" W |
Habitat | Sandy shore of canal. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
B. F. Hansen
with G. Robinson |
Collection Date | 14 Aug 1981 |
Accession Number | 156780 |
Image | 156780.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: Crewz, Jan 1979 |
Determination History |
Fuirena squarrosa Michx.
Locality | USA. Florida , Hardee Co. : Ca. 0.5 mi. W of Highlands Hammock State Park; 13.5 mi. E of Zolfo Springs; 8 mi. WSW of Sebring. T34S, R27E, Sec. 36. 27° 22' 0" N 81° 20' 60" W |
Habitat | Roadside weeds. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | B. F. Hansen |
Collection Date | 07 Nov 1978 |
Accession Number | 135239 |
Image | 135239.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Sumter Co. : Lake Deaton, just N of FL 44A, ca. 6.5 km SE of Wildwood. 28° 51' 55" N 82° 2' 20" W |
Habitat | Forest margins and swales bordering boat landing. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | M. T. Strong |
Collection Date | 05 Aug 2005 |
Accession Number | 242192 |
Image | 242192.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Union Co. : Roadside along C-121, 1.2 mi. N of Railford, next to railroad tracks. |
Habitat | Edge of wet pine flatwoods. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | R. P. Sauleda |
Collection Date | 30 May 1981 |
Accession Number | 157264 |
Image | 157264.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: Crewz, Dec 1978 |
Determination History |
Fuirena squarrosa Michx.
- Determined By: Kral,
Fuirena squarrosa Michx. breviseta Coville
- Determined By: Lakela, 26-Jun-1965
Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng.
- Determined By: Lakela,
Locality | USA. Florida , Citrus Co. : 6 mi. SE of Inverness. 28° 50' 9" N 82° 19' 49" W |
Description | Frequent clumps. |
Habitat | Moist sands of hardwood hammock pool margin. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | R. Kral |
Collection Date | 19 Jul 1958 |
Accession Number | 2629 |
Image | 2629.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: Crewz, Dec 1978 |
Determination History |
Fuirena squarrosa Michx.
Locality | USA. Florida , Hillsborough Co. : Shadow run area at Bell Creek, below Lake Grady dam. 29° 56' 60" N 82° 55' 0" W |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | S. Mortellaro |
Collection Date | 06 Aug 1976 |
Accession Number | 125460 |
Image | 125460.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Polk Co. : Just E of the Hillsborough Co. line and Lake Branch, of the S Prong of the Alafia River, ca. 5 mi. SW of Bradley Junction. T31S, R23E, Sec. 31. 27° 46' 60" N 81° 58' 0" W |
Habitat | Thick, herb-dominated plant association in moist to wet, clay-sand soil near base of dike of large, water-filled, clay settling pond used to store waste clays resulting from phosphate ore processing; area constantly wet due to seepage of water from pond. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | A.G. Shuey |
Collection Date | 06 Aug 1979 |
Accession Number | 142259 |
Image | 142259.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Polk Co. : Just E of the Hillsborough Co. line and Lake Branch, of the S Prong of the Alafia River, ca. 5 mi. SW of Bradley Junction. T31S, R23E, Sec. 31. 27° 46' 60" N 81° 58' 0" W |
Habitat | Thick, herb-dominated plant association in moist to wet, clay-sand soil near base of dike of large, water-filled, clay settling pond used to store waste clays resulting from phosphate ore processing; area constantly wet due to seepage of water from pond. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | A.G. Shuey |
Collection Date | 10 Sep 1980 |
Accession Number | 157693 |
Image | 157693.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Hillsborough Co. : N of Pollard Branch of the South Prong of the Alafia River, ca. 0.6 mi. N of Thatcher Road and 1.7 mi. E of FL 39 (NE of Picnic). T31S, R22E, Sec. 21. 27° 45' 0" N 82° 7' 60" W |
Habitat | Soggy soil of sloping, seeping pasture dominated by Paspalum notatum and Fimbristylis autumnalis. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | A.G. Shuey |
Collection Date | 22 Sep 1980 |
Accession Number | 152605 |
Image | 152605.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Marion Co. : Ocala National Forest. Along FL 95, 4.5 mi. NE of Moss Bluff. 29° 11' 14" N 82° 8' 24" W |
Description | To 7 in. tall. |
Habitat | Lakeside. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | L. Baltzell |
Collection Date | 05 Nov 1972 |
Accession Number | 147133 |
Image | 147133.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: Kral, |
Locality | USA. Florida , Orange Co. : Ca. 3 mi. S of Oakland. 28° 33' 18" N 81° 37' 59" W |
Description | Frequent. |
Habitat | Moist sands of lakeshore. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | R. Kral |
Collection Date | 07 Aug 1958 |
Accession Number | 5388 |
Image | 5388.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Sarasota Co. : Oscar Scherer State Park. Burn zone 16A. T38S, R18E, Sec. 12, SE¼ of NE¼ of NE¼. |
Habitat | Near depression marsh and service road. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | C. Becker |
Collection Date | 16 Sep 2005 |
Accession Number | 242023 |
Image | 242023.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: Crewz, Feb 1979 |
Determination History |
Fuirena breviseta Coville Coville
Locality | USA. Florida , Lee Co. : Western Sanibel. 26° 26' 56" N 82° 1' 20" W |
Description | Culms tufted, to 4 dm tall. |
Habitat | Moist soil in a roadside ditch; with Aster [Symphyotrichum] bracei and Aster exilis. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | W. C. Brumbach |
Collection Date | 10 Nov 1976 |
Accession Number | 135493 |
Image | 135493.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: Crewz, Jan 1979 |
Determination History |
Fuirena squarrosa Michx.
Locality | USA. Florida , Osceola Co. : 28° 3' 46" N 81° 8' 58" W |
Habitat | Roadside wet area. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | T. F. Rochow |
Collection Date | 13 Sep 1977 |
Accession Number | 134457 |
Image | 134457.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: Wunderlin, 1985 |
Determination History |
Fuirena squarrosa Michx.
Locality | USA. Florida , Lee Co. : Western Sanibel. 26° 26' 56" N 82° 1' 20" W |
Habitat | Moist soil in a grassy ditch. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | W. C. Brumbach |
Collection Date | 24 Dec 1970 |
Accession Number | 180398 |
Image | 180398.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Manatee Co. : Lake Manatee State Recreation Area. Near boat ramp. T34S, R20E, Sec. 31, E½ of SW¼ of SW¼ of NE¼. 27° 30' 0" N 82° 16' 60" W |
Description | Common, cespitose, to 1.25 m height. |
Habitat | Ruderal area, baygall. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | S. Cole |
Collection Date | 15 Jun 1995 |
Accession Number | 232264 |
Image | 232264.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Brevard Co. : Fox Lake Farms. 28° 33' 60" N 80° 51' 26" W |
Description | Common. |
Habitat | Disturbed wet scrub; sandy soil. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | L. A. Lathrop |
Collection Date | 08 Aug 2003 |
Accession Number | 236385 |
Image | 236385.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , St. Johns Co. : Along ramp from S-bound I-95, FL 16 at I-95 and C-208. 29° 55' 6" N 81° 24' 48" W |
Habitat | Roadside ditches |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
W. D. Longbottom 16904
with D.H. Williams |
Collection Date | 17 Apr 2012 |
Accession Number | 264931 |
Image | 264931.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: L. C. Anderson, |
Locality | USA. Florida , Calhoun Co. : Clarksville; S of FL 20 on FL 73, ca. 2 km to pond on W side. 30° 25' 44" N 85° 11' 36" E |
Description | Locally infrequent erect herb to 25 cm, pilose, more so proximally, especially on the sheaths; spikelet scales strongly reflexed. |
Habitat | Hydric roadside berm next to beaver pond. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
T. MacClendon 1270
with K. MacClendon, L.C. Anderson |
Collection Date | 08 Jul 2013 |
Accession Number | 269779 |
Image | 269779.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Manatee Co. : Lake Manatee State Park. North Boundary Road. T32S, R19E, Sec. 23, SW¼ of NW¼ of SW¼. 27° 29' 47" N 82° 32' 22" W |
Habitat | Road depression in mesic flatwoods. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | E. Gandy |
Collection Date | 28 Aug 2008 |
Accession Number | 272664 |
Image | 272664.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Columbia Co. : Osceola National Forest. Ca. 0.1 mi. N of Forest Service Road 250-A at a point ca. 1.2 mi. SE of the junction with FL 250 and 1.6 mi. NW of the bridge over I-10, ca. 3 air mi. NW of Ocean Pond and 10 air mi. NE of Lake City. T2S, R18E, Sec. 36, NE¼ of SW¼. 30° 16' 15" N 82° 28' 2" W |
Habitat | Edges of small borrow pit pond. Soils - pond dug in Sapelo (Ultic Haplaquods). |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 155 to ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 18623
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 19 Oct 1991 |
Accession Number | 274797 |
Image | 274797.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Michx. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Sarasota Co. : Walton Ranch Preserve. N of North Port; the SW entrance to the ranch is 2.3 km N of I-75, where Choctaw Boulevard ends (Choctaw Boulevard is a continuation of Toledo Blade Boulevard). 27° 7' 23" N 82° 8' 26" W |
Description | Herb 0.5 m tall, few seen. |
Habitat | Basin marsh. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 5 to 7 m |
Collector |
L. B. Birch 745
with W. Collier, B.K. Holst, D. Troxell |
Collection Date | 09 Dec 2011 |
Accession Number | 277451 |
Image | 277451.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. - Determined By: Crewz, Dec 1978 |
Determination History |
Fuirena squarrosa Michx. pumila Torr.
- Determined By: Radford,
Locality | USA. South Carolina , Beaufort Co. : 4.6 mi. NW of Hilton Head Island Bridge on C-39. |
Habitat | Pine savanna. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | R. C. Bell |
Collection Date | 07 Sep 1956 |
Accession Number | 15581 |
Image | 15581.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. - Determined By: Crewz, Dec 1978 |
Determination History |
Fuirena squarrosa Michx.
Locality | USA. North Carolina , Gates Co. : Parallel with US 158, 0.5 mi. W of county line. |
Description | Common. |
Habitat | Mud along ditch. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | L. J. Musselman |
Collection Date | 14 Sep 1974 |
Accession Number | 116735 |
Image | 116735.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. |
Locality | USA. Louisiana , Ouachita Par. : Found in Mills Pond off LA 144. 32° 27' 0" N 92° 24' 0" W |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | W. Larrick |
Collection Date | 05 Oct 1970 |
Accession Number | 121862 |
Image | 121862.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. |
Locality | USA. South Carolina , Beaufort Co. : E of secondary road 7-163, 0.33 mi. SW of the junction with US 278 near Santee Cooper Bluffton power station. |
Description | Fairly common. |
Habitat | Along margin of an overgrown pocosin. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | C. Aulbach-Smith |
Collection Date | 22 Aug 1980 |
Accession Number | 183726 |
Image | 183726.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. |
Locality | USA. North Carolina , Tyrrell Co. : NW fork of Alligator River near NC 94. |
Habitat | Sandy marsh. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
A. E. Radford
with J. R. Bozeman |
Collection Date | 02 Oct 1966 |
Accession Number | 78371 |
Image | 78371.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. - Determined By: Radford, |
Locality | USA. South Carolina , Jasper Co. : Edge of Savannah River swamp, 4.6 mi. NW of Tillman on S-119, and 1.7 mi. SW on county road. |
Habitat | Burrow pit in sandy hammock. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
A. E. Radford
with J. R. Bozeman & S. W. Leonard |
Collection Date | 17 Sep 1967 |
Accession Number | 82242 |
Image | 82242.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. |
Locality | USA. Louisiana , Caldwell Par. : Beside Horseshoe Lake, 8 mi. NNW of Columbia near LA 846. |
Habitat | Woods. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | R. D. Thomas |
Collection Date | 12 Aug 1967 |
Accession Number | 81827 |
Image | 81827.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Hillsborough Co. : Cockroach Creek Greenway Preserve, S side of Valroy Road, ca. 3 mi. E of US 41. 27° 38' 57" N 82° 28' 56" W |
Habitat | Mesic flatwoods. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | S. Dickman |
Collection Date | 15 Oct 2009 |
Accession Number | 291546 |
Image | 291546.JPG |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Osceola Co. : US 441 (Holopaw Road) at Lincoln Road. 28° 7' 39" N 81° 4' 32" W |
Habitat | Roadside ditch. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
W. D. Longbottom
with D.H. Williams |
Collection Date | 19 Mar 2015 |
Accession Number | 297412 |
Image | 297412.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: Kral, |
Locality | USA. Virginia , Princess Anne Co. : Back Bay Federal Refuge. |
Habitat | Sandy peat of broad marsh. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | R. Kral |
Collection Date | 08 Oct 1961 |
Accession Number | 43767 |
Image | 43767.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: Crewz, Dec 1978 |
Determination History |
Fuirena squarrosa Michx.
Locality | USA. Massachusetts , Barnstable Co. : Sandy beach of Spectacle Pond, Wellfleet. 41° 56' 15" N 70° 1' 58" W |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
M. L. Fernald
with C.A. Weatherby |
Collection Date | 19 Sep 1918 |
Accession Number | 34827 |
Image | 34827.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Maryland , Dorchester Co. : Town of Galestown, in Galestown Millpond at Galestown Reliance Road. |
Description | Abundant. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | W. D. Longbottom |
Collection Date | 10 Sep 2006 |
Accession Number | 276135 |
Image | 276135.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: Crewz, Dec 1978 |
Determination History |
Fuirena squarrosa Michx.
Locality | USA. Massachusetts , Barnstable Co. : Border of Griffith's Pond, Brewster. 41° 45' 36" N 70° 4' 58" W |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | M. L. Fernald |
Collection Date | 12 Sep 1918 |
Accession Number | 34828 |
Image | 34828.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: Crewz, Dec 1978 |
Determination History |
Fuirena squarrosa Michx.
Locality | USA. New Jersey , Cape May Co. : 39° 5' 6" N 74° 50' 60" W |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | L. Griscom |
Collection Date | 27 Jul 1919 |
Accession Number | 25140 |
Image | 25140.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: Crewz, Dec 1978 |
Determination History |
Fuirena squarrosa Michx.
Fuirena squarrosa Michx.
- Determined By: Lakela,
Locality | USA. New York [Illegible] Heights. |
Habitat | On sandy shore of pond near the beach. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | W. G. Farlow |
Collection Date | Oct 1905 |
Accession Number | 53008 |
Image | 53008.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: Crewz, Dec 1978 |
Determination History |
Fuirena squarrosa Michx. pumila Torr.
Locality | USA. Massachusetts , Barnstable Co. : By Lewis Pond. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | J. Churchill |
Collection Date | 02 Sep 1888 |
Accession Number | 299112 |
Image | 299112.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, Jan 2019 |
Determination History |
Fuirena squarrosa Michx. pumila Torr.
Fuirena squarrosa Michx.
Locality | USA. Massachusetts , Middlesex Co. : Round Pond, Tewksbury. 42° 36' 0" N 71° 13' 60" W |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | A. S. Pease |
Collection Date | 23 Sep 1901 |
Accession Number | 34829 |
Image | 34829.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Manatee Co. : FL 62, 7.3 mi. W of the town of Duette. 27° 35' 18" N 82° 14' 22" W |
Habitat | Along roadside. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
W. D. Longbottom
with D.H. Williams |
Collection Date | 9 Nov 2015 |
Accession Number | 300690 |
Image | 300690.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Hernando Co. : Weeki Wachee State Park. 28° 31' 10" N 82° 35' 9" W |
Description | Few seen. |
Habitat | Wet flatwoods, with Kellochloa verrucosa. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
C. Becker
with D. Stone |
Collection Date | 03 Oct 2019 |
Accession Number | 303116 |
Image | 303116.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Fuirena pumila

Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Fuirena pumila Torr. Spreng. |
Locality | USA. Florida , Hillsborough Co. : Lake Dan Nature Preserve, Odessa; adjacent to N shore of Lake Dan. 28° 10' 2" N 82° 38' 49" W |
Description | Frequent. |
Habitat | Along sand embankments of lake shore. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
S. Dickman
with S. Bowman |
Collection Date | 28 Aug 2018 |
Accession Number | 303596 |
Image | 303596.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |