Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Martin Co. : Ca. 6.2 air mi. SSW of Arundel, ca. 4.2 air mi. SSW of the junction of FL 708 and FL 78, ca. 4.1 air mi. NE of Apix; Pal-Mar CARL site. T40S, R40E, Sec. 15, NW¼ of NE¼. 27° 0' 1" N 80° 19' 36" W |
Habitat | Wetland slash pine [Pinus elliottii] savanna and depression marsh edges; community dominated by Aristida stricta [A. stricta var. beyrichiana] and Hypericum fasiculatum. Soils - Pineda and Riviera (Arenic Glossaqualfs). |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 23 to ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 16822
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 20 May 1991 |
Accession Number | 216511 |
Image | 216511.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Palm Beach Co. : Along powerline right-of-way ca. 1 mi. S of substation on Pratt-Whitney property, ca. 2 mi. E of main road through Corbett Wildlife Management Area at a point ca. 4.5 mi. SW of FL 710; J. W. Corbett Wildlife Management Area. T41S, R40E, Sec. 19, NW¼ of NW¼ of SE¼. 26° 53' 29" N 80° 22' 38" W |
Habitat | Flatwoods pond. Soils - Riviera (Arenic Glossaqualfs). |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 23 to 24 ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 16856
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 21 May 1991 |
Accession Number | 216502 |
Image | 216502.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Okaloosa Co. : Eglin Air Force Base. Ca. 5.3 air mi. W of Eglin Air Force Base guard station at Santa Rosa Boulevard, Santa Rosa Island; Gulf Islands National Seashore. T2S, R25W, unsectioned. 30° 23' 55" N 86° 43' 15" W |
Habitat | Coastal interdunal wet swale (panne); associates include a near monoculture of Rhynchospora tracyi, over Centella asiatica, with scattered shrubby Ilex myrtifolia [I. cassine var. myrtifolia], and some Rhynchospora fascicularis. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 5 to ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 14331
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 11 Jul 1990 |
Accession Number | 204703 |
Image | 204703.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Polk Co. : Along Lake Walk-in-the-Water Road, ca. 1.7-2.0 air mi. N of the junction with FL 630, ca. 1 air mi. SW of Lake Weohyakapka, ca. 14 air mi. SE of Lake Wales; Lake Walk-in-the-Water CARL. T31S, R29E, Sec. 17, W½ of NE¼. 27° 47' 15" N 81° 26' 55" W |
Habitat | Sandhill depression ponds. Soils - Basinger (Spodic Psammaquents). |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 85 to 100 ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 16666
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 12 May 1991 |
Accession Number | 216510 |
Image | 216510.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Sarasota Co. : Along powerline right-of-way, ca. 0.7 mi. S of Myakka River State Park and the Manatee County line, ca. 0.3 mni. S of FL 72 at a point ca. 5 mi. E of Myakka River bridge; Myakka Prairie. T38S, R21E, Sec. 6, SE¼ of NE¼ of SE¼. 27° 11' 50" N 82° 14' 13" W |
Habitat | Open herbaceous-dominated flatwoods pond. Soils - Holopaw (Grossarenic Ochraqualfs). |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 30 to ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 16565
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 09 May 1991 |
Accession Number | 216508 |
Image | 216508.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Polk Co. : Ca. 0.8 airmi. N of Lake Weohyakapka, ca. 0.3 mi. NE of Nalcrest, ca. 1.8 air mi. SW of the FL 60 bridge over Weohyakapka Creek, ca. 2.5 air mi. SW of Hesperides; Hesperides Scrub CARL site. T30S, R29E, Sec. 21, NE¼ of NE¼ of NW¼. 27° 51' 49" N 81° 25' 30" W |
Habitat | Open herbaceous-dominated flatwoods pond. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 65 to 67 ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 16650
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 11 May 1991 |
Accession Number | 216353 |
Image | 216353.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , DeSoto Co. : Ca. 3.1 air mi. W of the DeSoto/Highlands County Line Road, at a point ca. 6.5 mi. S of the junction withi FL 70, ca. 20 air mi. ESE of Arcadia; Paul Ranch. T39S, R27E, Sec. 4, SE¼ of SE¼. 27° 6' 32" N 81° 36' 50" W |
Habitat | Burned herbaceous depression marsh. Soils - Basinger (Spodic Psammaquents). |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 25691
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 26 Oct 1999 |
Accession Number | 235246 |
Image | 235246.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Gulf Co. : E side of Wetappo Creek, ca. 5 air mi. S of the FL 22 bridge over Wetappo Creek, ca. 6 air mi. SW of Wewahitchka. T4S, R11W, Sec. 36, W½ of SE¼. 30° 5' 19" N 85° 17' 47" W |
Habitat | Lower slope poor fen (seepage bog), with muck over clay. Soils - Pelham (Arenic Paleaquults). |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 20 to 26 ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 22124
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 12 Jun 1993 |
Accession Number | 255426 |
Image | 255426.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Okeechobee Co. : Kissimmee Prairie Sanctuary. Ca. 0.7 air mi. NW of Twelvemile Slough, ca. 6.3 air mi. NNE of the junction of FL 700A and FL 724 (Eagle Island Road), ca. 10.5 air mi. WNW of Fort Drum. T33S, R33E, Sec. 36, NE¼ of SE¼. 27° 33' 24" N 80° 58' 45" W |
Habitat | Open outer zones of burned depression marsh. Soils - Immokalee, Basinger, and Pompano. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 70 to ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 22193
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 12 Aug 1993 |
Accession Number | 255428 |
Image | 255428.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Orange Co. : Ca. 0.8 mi. S of the Seminole County line, just N of Joshua Creek, ca. 4.5 air mi. N of the junction of FL 50 anf FL 420 in Christmas; Econ-St. Johns Connector. T22S, R33E, Sec. 4, NW¼ of SW¼ of SW¼. 28° 36' 5" N 81° 1' 45" W |
Habitat | Depresson pond in wet pond pine [Pinus serotina] flatwoods. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 24 to 26 ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 19853
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 30 Jun 1992 |
Accession Number | 228837 |
Image | 228837.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Gulf Co. : E side of Wetappo Creek, ca. 5 air mi. S of the FL 22 bridge over Wetappo Creek, ca. 6 air mi. SW of Wewahitchka. T4S, R11W, Sec. 36, W½ of SE¼. 30° 5' 19" N 85° 17' 47" W |
Habitat | Lower slope poor fen (seepage bog), with muck over clay. Soils - Pelham (Arenic Paleaquults). |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 20 to 26 ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 20282
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 18 Jul 1992 |
Accession Number | 228840 |
Image | 228840.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Escambia Co. : S of Ramsey Beach Road, W of FL 297, N of FL 298 (Lillian Highway), adjacent to Perdido Bay and bisected by Bayou Marcus, ca. 5 air mi. NW of downtown Pensacola. T2S, R31W, Sec. 8, SE¼. 30° 25' 42" N 87° 19' 53" W |
Habitat | Cutover wetland pine savanna. Soils - Rutlege (Typic Humaquepts). |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 5 to ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 15537
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 10 Oct 1990 |
Accession Number | 210815 |
Image | 210815.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , St. Lucie Co. : Ca. 2.2 air mi. SE of the junction of US 1 and FL 712 in White City; Savannas State Reserve. T36S, R40E, Sec. 14, NE¼ of NE¼. 27° 21' 0" N 80° 18' 8" W |
Habitat | Drid, marshy flatwoods pond; associates include Polygala cymosa, Utricularia cornuta, Fuirena scirpoidea, Eriocaulon compressum, Panicum hemitomon, Rhynchospora tracyi, and Xyris smalliana. Soils - Lawnwood (Aeric Haploquods). |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 18 to ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 13351
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 07 May 1990 |
Accession Number | 210827 |
Image | 210827.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Liberty Co. : Apalachicola National Forest. On E side of FL 379, from 0-0.3 mi. N of its intersection with Forest Service Road 173, ca. 9 mi. NW of Sumatra and 4.2 air mi. W of Kern. T4S, R8W, Sec. 17, NE¼. 30° 7' 55" N 85° 3' 20" W |
Habitat | Shallow ponds in wetland longleaf pine [Pinus palustris] savanna. Soils - Surrency (Arenic Umbric Paleaquults). |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 35 to 40 ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 15670
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 28 Oct 1990 |
Accession Number | 210801 |
Image | 210801.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Okeechobee Co. : Kissimmee Prairie Sanctuary. Ca. 0.7 air mi. NW of Twelvemile Slough, ca. 6.3 air mi. NNE of the junction of FL 700A and FL 724 (Eagle Island Road), ca. 10.5 air mi. WNW of Fort Drum. T33S, R33E, Sec. 36, NE¼ of SE¼. 27° 33' 24" N 80° 58' 45" W |
Habitat | Depression ponds. Soils - Immokalee, Basinger, and Pompano. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 23367
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 21 Oct 1994 |
Accession Number | 233077 |
Image | 233077.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Putnam Co. : S side of FL 20, 0.7 mi. E of the Alachua County line, ca. 2.2 air mi. ENE of McMeekin; Fowlers Prairie. T10S, R23E, Sec. 30, NW¼. 29° 35' 59" N 82° 2' 44" W |
Habitat | Ombotrophic herbaceous depressional peat bog; with Xyris elliottii, Lycopodium appressum [Lycopodiella appressa], and Sphagnum spp. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 25221
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 18 May 1997 |
Accession Number | 235153 |
Image | 235153.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Walton Co. : Ca. 0.5 mi. N of Campbell Lake and 0.3 mi. S of US 98 at a point ca. 6.5 mi. E of the Okaloosa County line and 3.1 mi. W of the intersection with FL 393 at Santa Rosa Beach; Topsail Hill. T2S, R20W, Sec. 31, NW¼ of NE¼. 30° 22' 19" N 86° 17' 14" W |
Habitat | Old growth pond cypress depression; community dominated by Taxodium ascendens, Ilex myrtifolia [I. cassine var. myrtifolia], and Rhynchospora harperi. Soils - Rutlege (Typic Humaquepts). |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 14284
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 11 Jul 1990 |
Accession Number | 233030 |
Image | 233030.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Polk Co. : Avon Park Air Force Range. Ca. 1.3 mi. NW of the Willingham and Frostproof Roads junction. T32S, R29E, Sec. 11, NE¼ of NW¼ of NW¼. 27° 43' 1" N 81° 23' 45" W |
Habitat | Depression marsh. Soils - Placid (Typic Humaquepts). |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 65 to ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 22208
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 13 Aug 1993 |
Accession Number | 231199 |
Image | 231199.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Highlands Co. : Avon Park Air Force Range. S of Long Cypress Cut, ca. 0.57 mi. E of Van Eeghen Road. T33S, R30E, Sec. 25, SE¼ of NW¼ of NE¼. 27° 34' 32" N 81° 16' 32" W |
Habitat | Open, grassy, Taxodium ascendens dome swamp. Soils - Sanibel (Histic Humaquepts). |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 68 to ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 23385
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 06 Nov 1994 |
Accession Number | 231259 |
Image | 231259.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Palm Beach Co. : Ca. 3.9 air mi. SSW of the FL 706 and I-95 junction, ca. 5.5 air mi. SW of Jupiter; Loxahatchee Slough. T41S, R42E, Sec. 29, SE¼ of NE¼. 26° 52' 39" N 80° 9' 47" W |
Habitat | Large shallow depression pond. Soils - Riviera (Arenic Glossaqualfs). |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 16 to ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 19608
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 12 Jun 1992 |
Accession Number | 228839 |
Image | 228839.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Osceola Co. : Ca. 1.1 air mi. N of FL 532 and ca. 1 air mi. E of Econlockhatchee River Swamp, ca. 10 air mi. ENE of St. Cloud; Deseret Ranch. T25S, R32E, Sec. 23, NE¼ of NW¼. 28° 17' 30" N 81° 5' 18" W |
Habitat | Open ecotone above cypress [Taxodium] dome and wet flatwoods. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 75 to 79 ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 15428
with W. Baker |
Collection Date | 18 Sep 1990 |
Accession Number | 210816 |
Image | 210816.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small - Determined By: E. L. Bridges, Aug 1991 |
Determination History |
Rhynchospora pleiantha Kük. Gale
Locality | USA. Florida , Pasco Co. : Jay B. Starkey Wilderness Park. Ca. 4 mi. E of New Port Richey. T26S, R17E, Sec. 2. 28° 13' 60" N 82° 16' 60" W |
Habitat | In several inches of water under cypress [Taxodium] canopy. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | T. F. Rochow |
Collection Date | 02 Jun 1983 |
Accession Number | 171792 |
Image | 171792.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small - Determined By: E. L. Bridges, Aug 1991 |
Determination History |
Rhynchospora pleiantha Kük. Gale
Locality | USA. Florida , Pasco Co. : Jay B. Starkey Wilderness Park. Ca. 4 mi. E of New Port Richey. T26S, R17E, Sec. 1. 28° 13' 60" N 82° 16' 60" W |
Habitat | Underneath canopy of cypress [Taxodium] dome. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | T. F. Rochow |
Collection Date | 06 Jun 1983 |
Accession Number | 171794 |
Image | 171794.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small - Determined By: E. L. Bridges, Aug 1991 |
Determination History |
Rhynchospora harperi Small
Rhynchospora filifolia A. Gray
- Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1990
Locality | USA. Florida , Franklin Co. : 2 mi. E of FL 65 along S side of Buck Siding Road. T7S, R7W, Sec, 9, SE¼ of NW¼. |
Description | Locally common; terminal internode arching; achenes 1.2-1.5 mm long. |
Habitat | Deep-banked drainage ditch lined with Hypericum fasciculatum. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | L. C. Anderson 11611 |
Collection Date | 14 Jul 1988 |
Accession Number | 201685 |
Image | 201685.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small - Determined By: E. L. Bridges, Aug 1991 |
Determination History |
Rhynchospora harperi Small
Rhynchospora pleiantha Kük. Gale
- Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1990
Locality | USA. Florida , Gulf Co. : Between Daniels Road and Wetappo Creek, 4.3 mi. S of FL 22, ca. 5.5 air mi. SW of Wewahitchka. T5S, R11W, Sec. 1, NW¼. 30° 6' 45" N 85° 12' 2" W |
Description | Locally common. |
Habitat | Shallow water of Drosera intermedia - Sarracenia - Pinguicula planifolia bog bordered by Hypericum chapmanii in clearing of thick Cyrilla scrub. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | L. C. Anderson 12170 |
Collection Date | 20 Jul 1989 |
Accession Number | 201472 |
Image | 201472.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small - Determined By: E. L. Bridges, Aug 1991 |
Determination History |
Rhynchospora filifolia A. Gray
Rhynchospora pleiantha Kük. Gale
- Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1990
Locality | USA. Florida , Pasco Co. : Jay B. Starkey Wilderness Park. Ca. 4 mi. E of New Port Richey. 28° 13' 60" N 82° 16' 60" W |
Habitat | Cypress [Taxodium] area. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | T. F. Rochow |
Collection Date | 04 Jun 1976 |
Accession Number | 143384 |
Image | 143384.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small - Determined By: E. L. Bridges, Aug 1991 |
Determination History |
Rhynchospora filifolia A. Gray
Rhynchospora pleiantha Kük. Gale
- Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1990
Locality | USA. Florida , Pasco Co. : Jay B. Starkey Wilderness Park. Ca. 4 mi. E of New Port Richey. 28° 13' 60" N 82° 16' 60" W |
Habitat | In water in cypress [Taxodium] area. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | T. F. Rochow |
Collection Date | 12 Jun 1979 |
Accession Number | 154592 |
Image | 154592.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small - Determined By: E. L. Bridges, Aug 1991 |
Determination History |
Rhynchospora gracilenta A. Gray
Rhynchospora pleiantha Kük. Gale
- Determined By: B. F. Hansen, Apr 1980
Locality | USA. Florida , Hillsborough Co. : 0.5 mi. W of C-581, 2.5 mi. N of Cypress Creek bridge. T27S, R19E, Sec. 22, center. 30° 41' 60" N 85° 4' 0" W |
Habitat | Sedge pond. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | S. DuBois |
Collection Date | 10 Jul 1979 |
Accession Number | 141754 |
Image | 141754.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Franklin Co. : Tate's Hell Swamp, on FL 65; turn left on earth road 1.6 mi. SE of Whiskey George Creek, go 1.7 mi. from FL 65, then take a right where the road forks and continue 3+ mi. to the cypress forest. 30° 41' 60" N 85° 4' 0" W |
Description | Very abundant. |
Habitat | Overa a large area of dwarf pond cypress [Taxodium ascendens] forest. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
R. K. Godfrey 83880
with W. Baker |
Collection Date | 09 Jun 1990 |
Accession Number | 202909 |
Image | 202909.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Palm Beach Co. : Pal-Mar (West Jupiter Wetlands); ca. 0.2 mi. N of Indiantown Road, ca. 1.5 mi. W of C-711. 26° 56' 46" N 80° 18' 42" W |
Habitat | Edge of a small cypress [Taxodium] dome. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
K. A. Bradley 695
with S. Woodmansee |
Collection Date | 10 Oct 1997 |
Accession Number | 223267 |
Image | 223267.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small |
Locality | USA. Florida , Palm Beach Co. : Loxahatchee River Corridor; ca. 0.1 mi. S of the Martin County line, ca. 0.2 mi. W of Florida Turnpike, ca. 1.4 mi. N of Indian Town Road. 26° 57' 20" N 80° 10' 12" W |
Habitat | Open, sunny cypress [Taxodium] dome. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector |
K. A. Bradley 742
with S. Woodmansee |
Collection Date | 16 Oct 1997 |
Accession Number | 223406 |
Image | 223406.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Rhynchospora harperi
Family Name | Cyperaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Rhynchospora harperi Small - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, Jan 2008 |
Determination History |
Rhynchospora crinipes Gale
Locality | USA. Florida , Osceola Co. : Ca. 45 m S of Cemetery Road; Bull Creek Wildlife Management Area, 22 mi. W of I-95, 4 mi. E of the US 192 and US 441 intersection, via Crabgrass Road. T27S, R34E, Sec. 31. |
Habitat | Margin of large pine flatwoods pond. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Collector | C. Slaughter 15618 |
Collection Date | 12 Jun 2007 |
Accession Number | 244662 |
Image | 244662.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |