Strophostyles leiosperma
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Strophostyles leiosperma Torr. & A. Gray Piper |
Locality | USA. Mississippi , Harrison Co. : Ship Island; [Nearest] Post Office: Biloxi. |
Habitat | Sandy area. |
Reproductive State | Flower |
Collector | D. Demaree |
Collection Date | 01 May 1924 |
Accession Number | 183834 |
Image | 183834.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Strophostyles leiosperma
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Strophostyles leiosperma Torr. & A. Gray Piper |
Locality | USA. Mississippi , Yalobusha Co. : 5 mi. N of Coffeeville. |
Description | Frequent. |
Habitat | Dry shoulder bordering dry secondary deciduous woods. |
Reproductive State | Immature Fruit |
Collector | J. D. Ray, Jr. |
Collection Date | 11 Jul 1956 |
Accession Number | 15338 |
Image | 15338.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Strophostyles leiosperma
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Strophostyles leiosperma Piper Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: S. R. Hill, 2001 |
Locality | USA. Illinois , Fayette Co. : IL 185 (FAP 777), E side, 0.1 mi. S of German Reformed Cemetary, 0.6 mi. NW of Little Hickory Creek bridge; ca. 10 mi. due E-SE of Vandalia; Brownstown 7.5 minute USGS quadrangle. T6N R3E SW ½ NW ¼ NE ¼ SE ¼ Sect. 30. 38° 55' 56" N 88° 54' 15" W |
Description | Flowers white with pale purple tint on standard; locally common short twining vine 0.3-0.5 m long; mowed area. |
Habitat | Powerline clearing; disturbed sandy clay-loam; dry-mesic upland forest, open roadside bank with prairie elements, dry exposed SW facing roadbank in full sun; dominated by Juniperus virginiana, Prunus serotina, Quercus imbricaria, Eupatorium spp., Andropogon gerardi, Schizachyrium scoparium, Tridens flavus. |
Reproductive State | Flower Bud |
Elevation | 580 to 590 ft |
Collector | S. R. Hill |
Collection Date | 22 Aug 2001 |
Accession Number | 281214 |
Image | 281214.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Strophostyles leiosperma
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Strophostyles leiosperma Piper Torr. & A. Gray |
Locality | USA. Oklahoma , Pontotoc Co. : 5.1 mi. SE of Asher. |
Habitat | Sandy clay pasture. |
Reproductive State | Immature Fruit |
Collector | R. Stratton |
Collection Date | 07 Jul 1945 |
Accession Number | 58111 |
Image | 58111.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Strophostyles leiosperma
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Strophostyles leiosperma Piper Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: S. R. Hill, 2002 |
Locality | USA. Illinois , Williamson Co. : E bank of Lake Creek, at crossing, S side of East Herrin Rd. (1400N), 0.9 mi. W of I-57, W of Johnston City; Johnston City 7.5' quadrangle. T8S R2E NW ¼ NW ¼ Section 23. 37° 49' 2" N 88° 57' 49" W |
Description | Flowers pink; scrambling twining-trailing herbaceous vine. |
Habitat | Sandy soil, disturbed; alluvial; cleared floodplain forest; stream terrace, with Amphicarpaea, Muhlenbergia frondosa, Panicum dichotomiflorum, Cyperus strigosus, Polygonum punctatum. |
Reproductive State | Immature Fruit Bud Flower |
Elevation | 394 to ft |
Collector | S. R. Hill |
Collection Date | 29 Aug 2002 |
Accession Number | 271025 |
Image | 271025.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Strophostyles leiosperma
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Strophostyles leiosperma Piper Torr. & A. Gray |
Locality | USA. Oklahoma , Marshall Co. : Dirt road leading to University of OK Biological Station 0.5 mi. E of US 99. R5E, T8S, Section 7. 33° 52' 41" N 96° 49' 17" W |
Description | Flowers pinkish-red. |
Habitat | Open area in road right-of-way; dense growth of Ampelopsis, Verbena, Bidens, and Cstilleja. |
Reproductive State | Flower Bud |
Collector |
R. J. Tyrl
with C. McDonald, G. Thompson |
Collection Date | 21 Jul 1973 |
Accession Number | 197363 |
Image | 197363.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |