Aloe x commutata Tod.
This taxon is very common in cultivation and the best name appears to be Aloe x commutata; previously it was mistakenly reported as A. x schoenlandii (Franck et al. 2016). Its inclusion in the flora is likely due to plants persistent from cultivation or vegetative reproduction. Often this taxon is misidentified as A. maculata, a species with a capitate inflorescence and a likely parent of the hybrid A. x commutata (Figueiredo & Smith 2012). Aloe x schimperi (=Aloe x schoenlandii) is similar but has a pinkish margin and small marginal teeth on the leaf (Figueiredo & Smith 2016). The name A. saponaria is often applied as well, but that name has been proposed for rejection due to the ambiguity of its type illustration (Klopper et al. 2016).
Not Native
Aloe x commutata Tod. - ALOE
ALOE X COMMUTATA Todaro (A. maculata x A. grandidentata), Hort. Bot. Panorm. 1: 70, t. 16. 1878, pro sp.
Species Distribution Map

Based on vouchered plant specimens from wild populations. Cultivated occurrences are not mapped. Click on a county to display its name.

Specimens and Distribution

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