Contains 2 accepted taxa overall.

Pisonia L.
PISONIA Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1026. 1753.
TYPE: Pisonia aculeata Linnaeus Lectotypified by Standley, in Britton, N. Amer. Fl. 21: 186. 1918.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Pisonia aculeata DEVIL'S CLAWS; PULLBACK Native
Pisonia rotundata SMOOTH DEVIL'S CLAWS; COCKSPUR Native Endangered-State FAC (NWPL) FAC (DEP)
Identification Key
1.  Vine; stems usually armed in some places with recurved axillary thorns, often with stout persistent branched thorns on the trunk; leaf blade usually with 5 or less obscure to conspicuous secondary veins on each side of the midrib, the tip typically acuminate; fruit with rows of stalked glands along the entire length
1.  Shrub or small tree; stems unarmed; leaf blade usually with 5 or more very conspicuous secondary veins on each side of the midrib, the tip rounded; fruit with rows of stalked glands only in the upper half
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Pallavia Pallavia Vellozo, Fl. Flum. 151. 1829 ("1825"). TYPE: Pallavia aculeata Vellozo