Contains 4 accepted taxa overall.

Chenopodium L.
CHENOPODIUM Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 218. 1753.
TYPE: Chenopodium rubrum Linnaeus Lectotypified by Britton & A. Brown, Ill. Fl. N. U.S., ed. 2. 2: 9. 1913.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Chenopodium album LAMB'S-QUARTERS Not Native FACU (NWPL)
Chenopodium berlandieri PITSEED GOOSEFOOT Native
Chenopodium ficifolium subsp. blomianum FIGLEAF GOOSEFOOT Not Native
Chenopodium vulvaria STINKING GOOSEFOOT Not Native
Identification Key
1.  Leaf blades entire, unlobed, strongly malodorous; tepals rounded, not keeled
1.  Leaf blades usually dentate or lobed, rarely all entire, not or weakly odorous; tepals keeled
2.  Seeds smooth to faintly ornamented
2.  Seeds distinctly honeycomb-reticulate
3.  Leaves mostly unlobed or some weakly 3-lobed with the lobes only slightly more pronounced than the teeth
3.  Leaves mostly strongly 3-lobed
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Einadia Einadia Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 4: 121. 1838 ("1836"). TYPE: Einadia linifolia (R. Brown) Rafinesque 1836. (Rhagodia linifolia R. Brown 1810.)
Rhagodia Rhagodia R. Brown, Prodr. 408. 1810. TYPE: Rhagodia billardieri R. Brown 1810, nom. Illegit. (Chenopodium baccatum Labillardière 1805; Rhagodia baccata (Labillardière) Moquin-Tandon 1849.) Lectotypified by Ulbrich, in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2. 16c: 480. 1934.
Syoctonum Syoctonum Bernhardi, Allg. Thuering. Gartenzeitung 1: ?. 1847. TYPE: Non designatus.
Vulvaria Vulvaria Bubani, Fl. Pyren. 1: 174. 1897. TYPE: = Chenopodium Linnaeus 1753.