Contains 3 accepted taxa overall.

Verbascum L.
VERBASCUM Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 177. 1753.
TYPE: Verbascum thapsus Linnaeus Lectotypified by Britton & A. Brown, Ill. Fl. N. U.S., ed. 2. 3: 173. 1913.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Verbascum blattaria MOTH MULLEIN Not Native FACU (NWPL)
Verbascum thapsus COMMON MULLEIN Not Native FACU (NWPL)
Verbascum virgatum WAND MULLEIN Not Native
Identification Key
1.  Stems and leaves densely villous-tomentose, the trichomes stellate
1.  Stems and leaves glabrous or stipitate-glandular
2.  Stems and leaves stipitate-glandular; bracteoles 2; pedicels 0-3 mm long
2.  Stems and leaves glabrous to glabrate; bracteoles absent; pedicels 5-10(15) mm long
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Celsia Celsia Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 621. 1753. TYPE: Celsia orientalis Linnaeus
Ditoxia Ditoxia Rafinesque, Precis Decouv. Somiol. 39. 1814. TYPE: Non designatus.
Flomosia Flomosia Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 4: 89. 1838 ("1836"). TYPE: Non designatus.
Janthe Janthe Grisebach, Spic. Fl. Rumel. 2: 40. 1844. TYPE: Janthe bugulifolia (Lamarck) Grisebach (Verbascum bugulifolium Lamarck)
Lasiake Lasiake Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 4; 89. 1838 ("1836"). TYPE: Non designatus.
Leiosandra Leiosandra Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 4: 89. 1838 ("1836"). TYPE: Non designatus.
Lychnitis Lychnitis (Bentham) Fourreau, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, ser. 2. 17: 125. 1869. BASIONYM: Phlomis Linnaeus, sect. Lychnitis Bentham, Labiat. Gen. Spec. 623. 1834. TYPE: Non designatus.
Nefflea Nefflea (Bentham) Spach, Hist. Nat. Vég. 9: 266. 1840. BASIONYM: Celsia Linnaeus, sect. Nefflea Bentham, Scroph. Ind. 5. 1835. TYPE: Celsia parviflora Decaisne
Staurophragma Staurophragma Fischer & C. Meyer, Index. Sem. Hort. Bot. Petrop. 9: 90. 1842. TYPE: Staurophragma natolicum Fischer & C. Meyer
Thapsandra Thapsandra Grisebach, Spic. Fl. Rumel. 2: 40. 1845. TYPE: Thapsandra cretica (Linnaeus) Grisebach (Celsia cretica Linnaeus)
Thapsus Thapsus Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 4: 89. 1838 ("1836"). TYPE: = Verbascum Linnaeus 1753, by lectotypification.