Contains 9 accepted taxa overall.

Pteris L.
PTERIS Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1073. 1753.
TYPE: Pteris longifolia Linnaeus Lectotypified by J. Smith, Hist. Filic. 295. 1875; Maxon, J. Bot. 61: 7-10. 1933.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Pteris bahamensis BAHAMA LADDER BRAKE Native Threatened-State
Pteris cretica CRETAN BRAKE Not Native
Pteris ensiformis SLENDER BRAKE; SWORD BRAKE Not Native
Pteris grandifolia LONG BRAKE Not Native OBL (NWPL)
Pteris multifida SPIDER BRAKE; HUGUENOT FERN Not Native
Pteris quadriaurita STRIPED BRAKE Native FAC (NWPL)
Pteris tripartita GIANT BRAKE Not Native FACW (NWPL) Y FACW (DEP)
Pteris vittata CHINESE LADDER BRAKE Not Native FAC (NWPL) Y
Pteris x delchampsii DELCHAMPS' LADDER BRAKE Native
Identification Key
1.  Leaves regularly 1-pinnate
1.  Leaves 2-3-pinnate or irregularly pinnate with the proximal pinnae forked, divided, or pinnatifid
2.  Pinnae 1-5 cm wide, the veins usually partly anastomosing
2.  Pinnae 0.1-1.1 cm wide, the veins free, not anastomosing
3.  Spores malformed, of different sizes and shapes
3.  Spores of uniform shape and size
4.  Petioles often sparsely scaly, scales dark brown to nearly black, scales absent or few on rachises, the costae abaxially with or without hairs; lateral pinnae mostly green to light green, 1-6 mm wide, appearing articulate to rachis, apices rounded to obtuse
4.  Petioles and often rachises densely scaly, scales light to reddish, often grading into hairs on abaxial costae; lateral pinnae mostly green to dark green, 5-11 mm wide, appearing not articulate to rachis, apices long-attenuate to sharply acute
5.  Leaf blade pinnae or pinnules regularly deeply lobed, with 5-25 pairs of subequal lobes
5.  Leaf blade pinnae or pinnules unlobed or irregularly lobed with unequal and few lobes
6.  Leaves 0.3-1 m long, 2-pinnate at the basalmost pinnae with usually 2 pinnules, veins free and not anastomosing
6.  Leaves 1-2 m long, 2- or 3-pinnate, the basalmost pinnae with more than 2 pinnules, veins anastomosing
7.  Central rachis usually not winged; costae abaxially with few scattered linear scales
7.  Central rachis usually distally winged; costae abaxially without scales
8.  Leaf segment apices attenuate to long-acuminate, the segments all uniformly linear or nearly so
8.  Leaf segments apices rounded on sterile ones and acute to acuminate on fertile ones, the steriles ones usually elliptic, ovate, lanceolate, or linear, the fertiles ones more linear
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Campteria Campteria C. Presl, Tent. Pterid. 146, t. 5(19, 26). 1836. TYPE: Campteria pectinata C. Presl (Pteris pectinata D. Don 1825, non Cavanilles 1802, nec Desvaux 1811) Lectotypified by Pfeiffer, Nomencl. 1: 570. 1873.
Heterophlebium Heterophlebium Fee, Mem. Foug. 5: 139. 1852. TYPE: Heterophlebium grandifolium (Linnaeus) Fee (Pteris grandifolia Linnaeus)
Lemapteris Lemapteris Rafinesque, J. Phys. Chim. Hist. Nat. 89: 262. 1819. TYPE: = Pteris Linnaeus 1753.
Litobrochia Litobrochia C. Presl, Tent. Pterid. 148, t. 5(20, 24, 25). 1836. TYPE: Litobrochia denticulata (Swartz) C. Presl (Pteris denticulata Swartz) Lectotypified by C. Christensen, Index Filicum XLIV. 1906.
Peripteris Peripteris Rafinesque, Anal. Fam. Pl. 205. 1815. TYPE: = Pteris Linnaeus 1753.
Phyllitis Phyllities Rafinesque, Amer. Monthly Mag. & Crit. Rev. 4: 195. 1819, non Hill 1757. TYPE: = Pteris Linnaeus 1753.
Pteridium Pteridium Rafinesque, Princ. Fond. Somiol. 26. 1814, non Gleditsch ex Scopoli 1760. TYPE: = Pteris Linnaeus 1753.
Pterilis Pterilis Rafinesque, Med. Fl. 2: 254. 1830, non Rafinesque 1819. TYPE: = Pteris Linnaeus 1753.
Pycnodoria Pycnodoria C. Presl, Epimel. Bot. 100. 1851 ("1849"); Abh. Koenigl. Boehm. Ges. Wiss., ser. 5. 6: 460. 1851. TYPE: Pycnodoria opaca C. Presl
Thelypteris Thelypteris Adanson, Fam. Pl. 2: 20, 610. 1763, nom. rej. vs. Thelypteris Schmidel 1763. TYPE: = Pteris Linnaeus 1753.