Contains 12 accepted taxa overall.

Polygonum L.
POLYGONUM Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 359. 1753.
TYPE: Polygonum aviculare Linnaeus, typ. cons.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Polygonum argyrocoleon SILVERSHEATH KNOTWEED Not Native OBL (NWPL)
Polygonum aviculare PROSTRATE KNOTWEED Not Native FAC (NWPL)
Polygonum basiramia FLORIDA JOINTWEED; TUFTED WIREWEED Native Rare-State Endangered-US
Polygonum delopyrum HAIRY JOINTWEED Native
Polygonum dentoceras SMALL'S JOINTWEED; WOODY WIREWEED; SANDLACE Native Rare-State Endangered-US
Polygonum fimbriatum SANDHILL JOINTWEED Native
Polygonum glaucum GLAUCOUS KNOTWEED Native FACU (NWPL)
Polygonum pinicola TALL JOINTWEED Native
Polygonum polygamum var. brachystachyum OCTOBER FLOWER Native
Polygonum polygamum var. polygamum OCTOBER FLOWER Native
Polygonum smallianum LARGELEAF JOINTWEED Native Threatened-State
Identification Key
1.  Branches appearing directly from the node, not adnate to the stem
1.  Branch bases adnate to the stem, appearing to arise above the node (Polygonella)
2.  Stem mostly erect; flowers mostly in terminal, loose, leafy spiciform inflorescences with the distal flowers subtended by leaves subequal to shorter than the flowers
2.  Stem prostrate to erect; flowers axillary, with the distal flowers subtended by leaves much longer than the flowers
3.  Ocrea not pruinose at the base; tepals appressed in fruit; achene dull, tuberculate
3.  Ocrea pruinose at the base; tepals ascending-spreading in fruit; achene shiny, smooth
4.  Ocrea ciliate at the apex; leaves linear with an acute to acuminate apex
4.  Ocrea lacking cilia at the apex; leaves generally linear-spatulate to spatulate with an obtuse to rounded apex
5.  Leaves narrowly linear, usually <1.3 mm wide; inner tepal margin entire to erose; filaments dimorphic
5.  Leaves linear, larger ones usually 1-3 mm wide; inner tepal margin fimbriate; filaments monomorphic
6.  Plant with multiple stems at the base of the plant
6.  Plant with one main stem at the base of the plant (Polygonella ciliata)
7.  Plant 10-60 cm tall; stem minutely scabrous below the inflorescence; leaves without hyaline margins
7.  Plant 35-110 cm tall; stem smooth to sparsely scabrous along the angles below the inflorescence; leaves with hyaline margins (Polygonella robusta)
8.  Larger leaf blades (3)8-30 mm wide (Polygonella macrophylla)
8.  Larger leaf blades 0.3-6(8) mm wide
9.  Larger leaf blades 16-40(65) mm long (often nearly leafless or with few at maturity); inflorescence (13)20-40 mm long (Polygonella gracilis)
9.  Larger leaf blades 4-16(36) mm long (usually abundantly leafy at maturity); inflorescence 4-20(33) mm long
10.  Plant prostrate; leaf margin not hyaline; stigma and style 0.5-0.8 mm long (Polygonella myriophylla)
10.  Plant erect to decumbent; leaf margin hyaline distally; stigma and style ca. 0.1 mm long
11.  Larger leaf blades 0.5-1.5(2) mm wide
11.  Larger leaf blades (2)3-6 mm wide
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Avicularia Avicularia (Meisner) Börner, Abh. Naturwiss. Vereine Bremen 21: 277. 1912. BASIONYM: Polygonum Linnaeus, sect. Avicularia Meisner, Monogr. Polyg. 85. 1836. TYPE: = Polygonum Linnaeus 1753.
Centinodium Centinodium Friche-Joset & Montandon, Syn. Fl. Jura 270. 1856. TYPE: Centinodium axillare Friche-Joset & Montandon 1856, nom. illegit. (Polygonum aviculare Linnaeus 1753.) = Polygonum Linnaeus 1753.
Cnopos Cnopos Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 3: 13. 1837 ("1836"). TYPE: Cnopos ramosissimum (Michaux) Rafinesque (Polygonum ramosissimum Michaux)
Delopyrum Delopyrum Small, Fl. Miami 65. 1913. TYPE: Non designatus.
Dentoceras Dentoceras Small, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 51: 388. 1924. TYPE: Dentoceras myriophylla Small 1924.
Gonopyrum Gonopyrum Fischer & C. A. Meyer ex C. A. Meyer, Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Petersbourg, ser. 6, Sci. Math., Seconde Pt. Sci. Nat. 6: 144. 1840 ("1845"). TYPE: Gonopyrum americanum Fischer & C. A. Meyer ex C. A. Meyer 1840.
Lyonella Lyonella Rafinesque, Amer. Monthly Mag. & Crit. Rev. 2: 266. 1818. TYPE: = Polygonella Michaux 1803.
Lyonia Lyonia Rafinesque, Med. Repos., ser. 2. 5: 353. 1808, nom. rej. vs. Lyonia Nuttall 1818. TYPE: Polygonella parvifolia Michaux 1803. = Polygonella Michaux 1803.
Phyllepidum Phyllepidum Rafinesque, Med. Repos., ser. 2. 5: 356. 1808. TYPE: Phyllepidum squarrosum Rafinesque 1808.
Pleurostena Pleurostena Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 3: 15. 1837 ("1836"). TYPE: Pleurostena serotina (Rafinesque) Rafinesque 1837. (Polygonum serotinum Rafinesque 1820.)
Pleurostena Pleurostena Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 3: 12. 1837 ("1836"). TYPE: Pleurostena serotina (Rafinesque) Rafinesque (Polygonum serotinum Rafinesque)
Polygonella Polygonella Michaux, Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 240. 1803. TYPE: Polygonella parvifolia Michaux 1803.
Psammogonum Psammogonum Nieuwland, Amer. Midl. Naturalist 3: 171. 1914. TYPE: Psammogonum americanum (Fischer & C. A. Meyer) Nieuwland 1914. (Gonopyrum americanum Fischer & C. A. Meyer 1840.) Superfluous substitute name for Gonopyrum Fischer & C. A. Meyer ex C. A. Meyer 1840. = Gonopyrum Fischer & C. A. Meyer ex C. A. Meyer 1840.
Spermaulaxen Spermaulaxen Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 3: 13. 1837 ("1836"). TYPE: Spermaulaxen dichotomus Rafinesque 1837.
Stopinaca Stopinaca Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 3: 11. 1837 ("1836"). TYPE: = Polygonella Michaux 1803.
Sunania Sunania Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 3: 95. 1837 ("1836"). TYPE: Sunania filiformis (Thunberg) Rafinesque (Polygonum filiforme Thunberg)
Thysanella Thysanella A. Gray, Boston J. Nat. Hist. 5: 232. 1845. TYPE: Thysanella fimbriata (Elliott) A. Gray 1845. (Polygonum fimbriatum Elliott 1824.)