Contains 7 accepted taxa overall.

Pinus L.
PINUS Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1000. 1753.
TYPE: Pinus sylvestris Linnaeus Lectotypified by Britton & A. Brown, Ill. Fl. N. U.S., ed. 2. 1: 56. 1913.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Pinus clausa SAND PINE Native U (WAP)
Pinus elliottii SLASH PINE Native FACW (NWPL) AD (WAP)
Pinus glabra SPRUCE PINE Native FACW (NWPL) FACW (DEP)
Pinus palustris LONGLEAF PINE Native FACU (NWPL) U (WAP)
Pinus serotina POND PINE Native FACW (NWPL) FACW (DEP)
Pinus taeda LOBLOLLY PINE Native FAC (NWPL) AD (WAP)
Identification Key
1.  Leaf sheath mostly 0.3-1 cm long; leaves usually in fascicles of 2; leaves mostly 5-11 cm long
1.  Leaf sheath mostly 1-2.5 cm long; leaves in fascicles of 2-3; leaves mostly 12-45 cm long
2.  Twigs roughened and cracking below leafy portion; bark plates often with evident dimple-like resin pockets
2.  Twigs smooth below leafy portion; bark plates without dimple-like resin pockets
3.  Bark on upper part of trunk reddish to red-brown, platy; upper surface of female cone scale with dark red-brown, purple, or purple-gray border at the apex, sharply contrasting with the rest of the scale; female cone scale umbo usually with a strong prickle; of xeric habitats
3.  Bark on upper part of trunk gray, generally smooth; upper surface of female cone scale with an inconspicuous light-colored band at the apex, not contrasting sharply with the rest of the scale; female cone scale umbo unarmed or with a weak prickle; mostly of mesic to hydric habitats
4.  Leaves mostly under 20 cm long; male cones yellowish to brownish
4.  Leaves 15-45 cm long; male cones purplish
5.  Trunks commonly with adventitious shoots; female cones variably serotinous, long-persistent, nearly as wide as long; female cone scale umbo with short, weak prickle or none; adaxial surface of seed-cone scales with dark red-brown border distally; leaves drying light green
5.  Trunks without adventitious shoots; female cones not serotinous, not persistent, ca. 1.5 times longer than broad; female cone scale umbo with a stout prickle; adaxial surface of seed-cone scales lacking dark border distally; leaves drying dark green
6.  Leafy stems mostly >12 mm thick, with the leaf fascicles in dense pom-pom-like tufts; terminal buds ovoid, silvery white, 3-4 cm long; fascicles of 3 leaves; leaves 20-45 cm long; female cones 15-25 cm, apophyses dull
6.  Leafy stems mostly <12.1 mm thick, with the leaf fascicles spicate and bottlebrush-like along the stem; terminal buds cylindric, silvery brown, 1.5-2 cm long; fascicles of 2-3 leaves; leaves mostly 15-20 cm long; female cones mostly 9-18 cm long, apophyses lustrous
7.  Seedlings with slender stems and scattered buds; leaves in fascicles of 2s and 3s on same tree; 3-5 resin canals per needle; leaf hypoderm 2(3) cells thick; opened cones 10-15 cm long, usually with flattened bottom
7.  Seedlings with thick shortened stems and clustered buds; leaves almost all in fascicles of 2s, or in 2s and 3s; 3-9 resin canals per needle; leaf hypoderm (2)3-4(5) cells thick; opened cones 8-13 cm long, usually with rounded bottom
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Apinus Apinus Necker ex Rydberg, Bull. Torrey Not. Club 32: 597. 1905. TYPE: Pinus cembra Linnaeus Lectotypified by Florin, Taxon 5: 189. 1956.
Caryopitys Caryopitys Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. 29. 1903. TYPE: Caryopitys edulis (Engelmann) Small (Pinus edulis Engelmann)
Leucopitys Leucopitys Nieuwland, Amer. Midl. Naturalist 3: 69. 1913. TYPE: = Strobus (Sweet ex Spach) Opiz 1854.
Strobus Strobus (Sweet ex Spach) Opiz, Lotos 4: 94. 1854. BASIONYM: Pinus Linnaeus, sect. Strobus Sweet ex Spach, Hist. Nat. Vég. 11: 394. 1841. TYPE: Strobus weymouthiana Opiz (Pinus strobus Linnaeus)