Contains 8 accepted taxa overall.

Oxalis L.
OXALIS Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 433. 1753.
TYPE: Oxalis acetosella Linnaeus Lectotypified by Small, in Britton, N. Amer. Fl. 25: 25. 1907.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Oxalis articulata WINDOWBOX WOODSORREL Not Native
Oxalis debilis PINK WOODSORREL Not Native
Oxalis hispidula BRISTLY WOODSORREL Not Native
Oxalis intermedia BROADLEAF WOODSORREL Not Native
Oxalis macrantha TUFTED YELLOW WOODSORREL Native
Oxalis triangularis PURPLE SHAMROCK Not Native
Oxalis violacea VIOLET WOODSORREL Native
Identification Key
1.  Plants caulescent, stoloniferous; sepals without orange-brown callosities; petals yellow (O. corniculata group)
1.  Plants acaulescent, with a bulb, rhizome, or taproot; sepals typically with orange-brown callosities; petals white to pink to purple
1.  (Key A) Petals 4-8 mm long, mostly subequal to shorter than the leaflets
1.  Petals 6-20(23) mm long, mostly subequal to longer than the leaflets
2.  Rhizomes and stolons absent; stem herbaceous, prostrate or decumbent, rooting at nodes, sparsely and loosely strigose to strigose-villous or villous; stipules oblong, margins with wide, free flanges, apical auricles free; seeds brown, transverse ridges brown
2.  Rhizomes or stolons usually present; stems herbaceous or becoming woody proximally, erect to ascending, sometimes decumbent, rarely rooting at nodes, glabrous, glabrate, strigillose, strigose, or sometimes sparsely villous proximally; stipules rudimentary or apparently absent, or, if oblong, margins narrowly to very narrowly flanged or without free portions, apical auricles slightly free or absent; seeds brown to blackish brown, transverse ridges brown, white, or with grayish or white lines
3.  Stems herbaceous, glabrous, glabrate, or sparsely to moderately strigose, sometimes sparsely villous proximally, hairs slightly curved, antrorse
3.  Stems usually evenly strigose to strigillose, hairs straight, antrorsely appressed to closely ascending
4.  Inflorescence of 1-3(8) flowers; flowers mostly homostylous; petals (2.5)4-8 mm long
4.  Inflorescence of (2)3-5(8) flowers; flowers distylous; petals 6-15 mm long
5.  Plants 20-60(90) cm tall; petioles, and usually stems, with septate and nonseptate hairs; inflorescences regular, irregular, or umbelliform cymes; flowers exserted above or at level of leaves
5.  Plants 5-20(40) cm tall; petioles and stems with nonseptate hairs; inflorescences umbelliform cymes; flowers well exserted above level of leaves
6.  Plants cespitose or weakly colonial; pedicels strigose, hairs short, curved antrorsely; petals 9-15 mm long; fruit glabrate to puberulent or sparsely hirsute-strigose, hairs short; wide variety of habitats, including limestone
6.  Plants strongly colonial; pedicels villous, hairs long, spreading; petals (13)15-20(23) mm long; fruit sparsely to densely hirsute-pilose, hairs long; calcareous habitats
1.  (Key B) Leaflets obdeltoid
1.  Leaflets obcordate
2.  Plant with a scaly bulb or bulblets; petals 8-12 mm long; fruit 3-8 mm long
2.  Plant with a scaly rhizome; petals 15-22 mm long; fruit 12-18 mm long
3.  Plant with a segmented rhizome, scaly when young; leaf blades pilose on the upper surface; sepals moderately to densely pilose
3.  Plant with a scaly bulb or bulblets; leaf blades glabrous on the upper surface; sepals glabrous to pubescent only at the tip
4.  Leaflets without orange-brown callosities; inflorescence with 1-3 flowers
4.  Leaflets with orange-brown callosities, at least on the margins or at the sinus; inflorescence usually with 2-14 flowers
5.  Leaflets 2.5-4.5 cm long, with orange-brown callosities along the margins and sometimes elsewhere; inflorescence usually with 3-14 flowers
5.  Leaflets 0.8-1.5 cm long, with orange-brown callosities only at the sinus; inflorescence usually with 2-8 flowers
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Acetosella Acetosella Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 90. 1891, non (Meisner) Fourreau 1869. TYPE: = Oxalis Linnaeus 1753.
Bolboxalis Bolboxalis Small, in Britton, N. Amer. Fl. 25: 27. 1907. TYPE: Bolboxalis cernua (Thunberg) Small (Oxalis cernua Thunberg)
Ceratoxalis Ceratoxalis (Dumortier) Lunell, Amer. Midl. Naturalist 4: 468. 1916. BASIONYM: Oxalis Linnaeus, sect. Ceratoxalis Dumortier, Fl. Belg. 111. 1827. TYPE: = Xanthoxalis Small 1903.
Hesperoxalis Hesperoxalis Small, in Britton, N. Amer. Fl. 25: 26. 1907. TYPE: Hesperoxalis trillifolia (Hooker) Small) (Oxalis trillifolia Hooker)
Ionoxalis Ionoxalis Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. 665, 1332. 1903. TYPE: Ionoxalis violacea (Linnaeus) Small (Oxalis violacea Linnaeus)
Lotoxalis Lotoxalis Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. 666, 1332. 1903. TYPE: Lotoxalis berlandieri (Torrey) Small (Oxalis berlandieri Torrey)
Monoxalis Monoxalis Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. 665, 1332. 1903. TYPE: Monoxalis dichondraefolia (A. Gray) Small (Oxalis dichondraefolia A. Gray)
Otoxalis Otoxalis Small, in Britton, N. Amer. Fl. 25: 27. 1907. TYPE: Otoxalis rubrocincta (Lindley) Small (Oxalis rubrocincta Lindley)
Oxys Oxys Miller, Gard. Dict. Abr., ed. 4. 1754. TYPE: = Oxalis Linnaeus 1753.
Sassia Sassia Molina Sag. Stor. Nat. Chili 145, 351. 1782. TYPE: Non designatus.
Xanthoxalis Xanthoxalis Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. 666, 1332. 1903. TYPE: Xanthoxalis stricta (Linnaeus) Small (Oxalis stricta Linnaeus)