Contains 9 accepted taxa overall.

Alternanthera Forssk.
ALTERNANTHERA Forsskal, Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. lix, 28. 1775.
TYPE: Alternanthera achyranthes Forsskal
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Alternanthera brasiliana BRAZILIAN JOYWEED Not Native
Alternanthera caracasana WASHERWOMAN Not Native
Alternanthera ficoidea SLENDER JOYWEED Not Native
Alternanthera flavescens YELLOW JOYWEED Native UPL (NWPL)
Alternanthera maritima SEASIDE JOYWEED Native FACW (DEP)
Alternanthera paronichyoides SMOOTH JOYWEED Not Native FAC (DEP)
Alternanthera philoxeroides ALLIGATORWEED Not Native OBL (NWPL) Y OBL (DEP)
Alternanthera pungens KHAKIWEED Not Native
Alternanthera sessilis SESSILE JOYWEED Not Native OBL (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Identification Key
1.  Inflorescence pedunculate
1.  Inflorescence sessile to subsessile
2.  Leaves sessile, the blade apex subacute to rounded; bracts not keeled; tepals glabrous
2.  Leaves mostly petiolate, the blade apex acute to acuminate; bracts keeled; tepals pilose
3.  Young stems and leaves villous; bracts slightly shorter to subequal to tepals
3.  Young stems and leaves pubescent, strigose, to glabrous; bracts <½ the length of tepals
4.  Tepals dimorphic, the tip spinose, hairs barbed
4.  Tepas monomorphic, not spinose, hairs not barbed
5.  Leaf blades longer than wide; tepals 3-5 mm long, weakly spinose-tipped, densely villous; pseudostaminode margin dentate
5.  Leaf blades often as wide as long; tepals 5-7 mm long, strongly spinose-tipped, sparsely villous; pseudostaminode margin dentate
6.  Pseudostaminode margin entire, dentate, to laciniate
6.  Pseudostaminode margin fimbriate
7.  Young stems and leaves villous; mature fruit included within tepals
7.  Young stems and leaves glabrate; mature fruit expanded beyond the tepals
8.  Young stems pubescent; leaves not succulent; tepals chartaceous, pilose to hispid
8.  Young stems glabrous; leaves semi-succulent; tepals rigid, glabrous
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Adoceton Adoceton Rafinesque, Amer. Monthly Mag. & Crit. Rev. 1: 438. 1817. TYPE:
Allaganthera Allaganthera Martius, Pl. Horti Erlang. 69. 1814. TYPE: = Alternanthera Forsskal 1775.
Bucholzia Bucholzia Martius, Nova Gen. Sp. 2: 49. 1826, non Stadtmann ex Willemet 1796. TYPE: Non designatus.
Illecebrum Illecebrum Sprengel, Anleit. Kenntn. Gew., ed. 2. 2(1): 317. 1817, non Linnaeus 1753. TYPE: = Alternanthera Forsskal 1775.
Mogiphanes Mogiphanes Martius, Nova Gen. Sp. 2: 29. 1826. TYPE: Non designatus.
Pityranthus Pityranthus Martius, Denkschr. Koenigl. Akad. Wiss. Muenchen 5: 179. 1817. TYPE: Pityranthus crassifolius Martius, nom. illegit. (Achyranthes repens Linnaeus)
Steiremis Steiremis Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 3: 40. 1837 ("1836"). TYPE: Non designatus.
Telanthera Telanthera R. Brown, in Tuckey, Narr. Exped. Zaire 477. 1818. TYPE: Telanthera manillensis Walpers