Contains 11 accepted taxa overall.

Iris L.
IRIS Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 38. 1753.
TYPE: Iris germanica Linnaeus Lectotypified by Britton & A. Brown, Ill. Fl. N. U.S., ed. 2. 1: 536. 1913.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Iris domestica BLACKBERRY LILY Not Native
Iris fulva COPPER IRIS Native OBL (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Iris giganticaerulea GIANT BLUE IRIS Native
Iris hexagona CAROLINA IRIS; DIXIE IRIS Native
Iris pseudacorus PALEYELLOW IRIS Not Native OBL (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Iris tridentata SAVANNAH IRIS Native OBL (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Iris verna var. smalliana DWARF VIOLET IRIS Native
Iris x germanica GARDEN IRIS Not Native OBL (DEP)
Identification Key
1.  Sepals and petals orange, reddish orange, to pinkish orange, sometimes with darker orange to reddish spots; style branch or stigma not petaloid, not closely hovering over the sepals
1.  Sepals and petals white, blue, purple, lavender, yellow, orange, orange-red, or mixtures of, any spots not orange or reddish; style branch or stigma petaloid, closely arching or hovering over the sepals
2.  Sepals with multicellular hairs (beard) along midrib of claw and base of blade
2.  Sepals without beard, usually with signal of contrasting color, fine pubescence, ridges, or cockscomblike crest
3.  Spathes herbaceous with narrow scarious margins and tip, green, sometimes purple at base
3.  Spathes entirely scarious, silvery white
4.  Perianth entirely yellow
4.  Perianth not entirely yellow
5.  Perianth uniformly (or nearly so) pinkish brown, yellowish brown, red-brown, to orange-red
5.  Perianth mostly white, blue, purple, lavender, and mixtures of, often with yellow or orangish markings on the basally along the midrib of the sepals
6.  Sepals white to pale bluish with yellow-orange spots and bands, the margins fimbriate-lacerate
6.  Sepals mostly blue, purple, or lavender with only bands of yellow to orange color, rarely only yellow, the margins entire, undulate, to subtly roughened-undulate
7.  Style branch broad, more than half as long as sepal, broadly upcurved at the apex
7.  Style branch narrow, less than half as long as sepal, upcurved at the very tip
8.  Petals generally hidden by base of sepals, 1-2 cm long
8.  Petals conspicuous, exserted, 2-9.5 cm long
9.  Capsules 3-angled or nearly round in cross section and lacking angles, ridges, or wings
9.  Capsules with 6 angles, ridges, or wings
10.  Rhizomes heterogeneous, innovations appearing at some distance from parent rhizome; flowering scape to 15 cm long; perianth tube subequal to sepals; seeds arillate
10.  Rhizomes homogeneous; innovations appearing close to parent rhizome; flowering scape (30)50-100 cm long; perianth tube shorter than the sepals; seeds not arillate
11.  Stems declining or semierect, sharply zigzag, 20-40 cm long
11.  Stems erect, not obviously zigzag, 30-150(200) cm long
12.  Leaves yellow-green and evergreen; sepals tips acute to rounded; fruit 2.5-3.5 cm long, with 3 plane faces and 3 faces with 2 rounded ridges, strongly hexagonal
12.  Leaves bright green, not evergreen; sepal tips obtuse, acute, to acuminate; fruit 6-10 cm long nearly circular in cross section, only slightly if at all hexagonal, with 6 narrow, winglike ridges or 6 broadly rounded lobes
13.  Fruit with 6 broad, rounded lobes, indehiscent
13.  Fruit with 6 sharp, winglike ridges, dehiscent
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Alatavia Alatavia Rodionenko, Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 84(7): 103. 1999. TYPE: Alatavia kolpakowskiana (Regel) Rodionenko 1999. (Iris kolpakowskiana Regel 1877.)
Belamcanda Belamcanda Adanson, Fam. Pl. 2: 60, 524. 1763, nom. et orth. cons. TYPE: Belamcanda chinensis (Linnaeus) Medikus 1790, typ. cons. (Ixia chinensis Linnaeus 1753.)
Biris Biris Medikus, Vorles. Churpfaelz. Phys. Oecon. Ges. 1: 257. 1791. TYPE: Non designatus.
Chamoletta Chamoletta Adanson, Fam. Pl. 2: 60, 537. 1763. TYPE: Non designatus.
Coresantha Coresantha Alefeld, Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 21: 298. 1863. TYPE: Coresantha persica (Linnaeus) Alefeld (Iris persica Linnaeus)
Costia Costia Willkomm, Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 18: 131. 1860, non Costa Vellozo 1829, nec Costia Willkomm 1858. TYPE: Iris Linnaeus)
Cryptobasis Cryptobasis Nevski, Trudy Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. 1, Fl. Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 4: 331. 1937. TYPE: Cryptobasis tianschanica (Maximowicz) Nevski 1937. (Iris tenuifolia Pallas, var. tianschanica Maximowicz 1880.) Typified by M. B. Crespo et al., Phytotaxa 232(1): 61. 2015.
Dielsiris Dielsiris M. B. Crespo et al., Phytotaxa 232(1): 64. 2015. TYPE: Dielsiris longipetala (Herbert) M. B. Crespo et al. 2015. (Iris longipetala Herbert 1840.
Eremiris Eremiris (Spach) Rodionenko, Bot. Zhurn. (Kiev) 91: 1707. 2006. BASIONYM: Iris Linnaeus, subg. Eremiris Spach, Hist. Nat. Vég. 13: 32. 1846. TYPE: Eremiris lactea (Pallas) Rodionenko 2006. (Iris lactea Pallas 1776.) Typified by Rodionenko, Bot. Zhurn. (Kiev) 91: 1708. 2006.
Evansia Evansia (Alefeld) Salisbury ex Decaisne, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 20: 301. 1873. BASIONYM: Xiphion Miller, subg. Evansia Alefeld, Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 21: 297. 1863. TYPE: Evansia fimbriata (Ventenat) Decaisne 1873. (Iris fimbriata Ventenat 1800.) Typified by M. B. Crespo et al., Phytotaxa 232(1): 54. 2015.
Gattenhofia Gattenhofia Medikus, Hist. & Commentat. Acad. Elect. Sci. Theod.-Palat. 6: 418. 1790. TYPE: Gattenhofia verna (Linnaeus) Medikus 1790. (Iris verna Linnaeus 1753.)
Gynandriris Gynandriris Parlatore, Nuovi Gen. Sp. 49. 1854. TYPE: Gynandriris sisyrinchium (Linnaeus) Parlatore (Iris sisyrinchium Linnaeus) Substitute name for Sisyrinchium Miller 1754, non Linnaeus 1753.
Helixyra Helixyra Salisbury ex N. E. Brown, Trans. Roy. Soc. South Africa 17: 348. 1929. TYPE: = Gynandriris Parlatore 1854.
Hermodactylus Hermodactylus Miller, Gard. Dict. Abr., ed. 4. 1754. TYPE: Hermodactylus tuberosa (Linnaeus) Miller 1768. (Iris tuberosa Linnaeus 1753.)
Iriastrum Iriastrum Heister ex Fabricius, Enum., ed. 2. 34. 1763. TYPE: = Xiphion Miller 1754.
Iriodictyum Iridodictyum Rodionenko, Rod Iris-Iris L. 201. 1961. TYPE: Iridodictyum reticulatum (Marschall von Bieberstein) Rodionenko 1961. (Iris reticulata Marschall vaon Bieberstein 1808.)
Joniris Joniris (Spach) Klatt, Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 30: 502. 1872. BASIONYM: Iris Linnaeus, subg. Joniris Spach, Hist. Nat. Vég. 13: 35. 1846. TYPE: Joniris ruthenica (Ker Gawler) Klatt 1872. (Iris ruthenica Ker Gawler 1808.)
Juno Juno Trattinnick, Auswahl Gartenpfl. 1: 135. 1821. TYPE: Non designatus.
Junopsis Junopsis Wern. Schulze, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 117: 327. 1970. BASIO: Iris Linnaeus, sect. Nepalensis Dykes, Gen. Iris 184. 1913. TYPE: Junopsis decora (Wallich) Wern. Schulze 1970. (Iris decora Wallich 1830; Iris nepalensis D. Don 1825, non Wallich ex Lindley 1824)
Limniris Limniris (Tausch) Reichenbach, Deut. Bot. Herb.-Buch 43. 1841. BASIONYM: Iris Linnaeus, sect. Limniris Tausch, Hort. Canal. 1. 1823. TYPE: Limniris sibirica (Linnaeus) Fuss 1866. (Iris sibirica Linnaeus 1753.) Typified by Rodionenko, Bot. Zhurn. (St. Petersburg) 92: 550. 2007.
Lophiris Lophiris (Tausch) M. B. Crespo et al., Phytotaxa 232(1): 66. 2015. BASIONYM: Iris Linnaeus, sect. Lophiris Tausch, Hort. Canal. 1. 1823. TYPE: Lophiris cristata (Aiton) M. B. Crespo et al. 2015. (Iris cristata Aiton 1789.) Typified by Rodionenko, Rod. Iris-Iris 195. 1961.
Neubeckia Neubeckia Alefeld, Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 21: 297. 1863. TYPE: Neubeckia scorpioides (Desfontaines) Alefeld 1863. (Iris scorpioides Desfontaines 1798.) Typifiefd by M. B. Crespo et al., Phytotaxa 232(1): 67. 2015.
Oncocyclus Oncocyclus Siemssen, Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 4: 706. 1846. TYPE: Non designatus.
Ophioiris Ophioiris (Y. T. Zhao) Rodionenko, Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 89: 1359. 2004. BASIONYM: Iris Linnaeus, sect. Ophioiris Y. T. Zhao, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18(1): 56. 1980. TYPE: Ophioiris anguifuga (Y. T. Zhao & N. J. Xue) Rodionenko 2004. (Iris anguifuga Y. T. Zhao & N. J. Xue 1980.)
Pardanthopsis Pardanthopsis (Hance) L. W. Lenz, Aliso 7: 403. 1972. BASIONYM: Iris Linnaeus, sect. Pardanthopsis Hance, J. Bot. 13: 105. 1875. TYPE: Pardanthopsis dichotoma (Pallas) L. W. Lenz 1972. (Iris dichotoma Pallas 1776.)
Pardanthus Pardanthus Ker Gawler, Ann. Bot. (Koenig & Sims) 1: 246. 1804. TYPE: = Belamcanda Adanson 1763.
Phaeiris Phaeiris (Spach) M. B. Crespo et al., Phytotaxa 232(1): 58. 2015. BASIONYM: Iris Linnaeus, subg. Phaeiris Spach, Hist. Nat. Vég. 13: 46. 1846. TYPE: Phaeiris fulva (Ker Gawler) M. B. Crespo et al. 2015. (Iris fulva Ker Gawler 1812.)
Pseudo-iris Pseudo-iris Medikus, Hist. & Commentat. Acad. Elect. Sci. Theod.-Palat. 6: 417. 1790. TYPE: Pseudo-iris palustris Medikus
Rodionenkoa Rodionenkoa M. B. Crespo et al., Phytotaxa 232(1): 65. 2015. TYPE: Rodionenkoa tenuis (S. Watson) M. B. Crespo et al. (Iris tenuis S. Watson 1882.)
Sclerosiphon Sclerosiphon Nevski, Trudy Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., Ser. 1, Fl. Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 4: 321. 1937. TYPE: Sclerosiphon songaricum (Schrenk) Nevski 1937. (Iris songarica Schrenk 1841.)
Siphonostylis Siphonostylis Wern. Schulze, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 112: 331. 1965. TYPE: Siphonostylis unguicularis (Poiret) Wern. Schulze 1965. (Iris unguicularis Poiret 1789.)
Sisyrinchium Sisyrinchium Miller, Gard. Dict. Abr., ed. 4. 1754, non Linnaeus 1753. TYPE: Iris sisyrinchium Linnaeus = Gynandriris Parlatore 1854.
Spathula Spathula (Reichenbach) Fourreau, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, ser. 2. 17: 163. 1869. BASIONYM: Iris Linnaeus, sect. Spathula Reichenbach, Fl. Germ. Excurs. 82. 1830. TYPE: Spathula foetidissima (Linnaeus) Fourreau (Iris foetidissima Linnaeus)
Syrianthus Syrianthus M. B. Crespo et al., Phytotaxa 232(1): 62. 2015. TYPE: Syrianthus grant-duffii (Baker) M. B. Crespo et al. 2015. (Iris grant-duffii Baker 1892.)
Tectiris Tectiris M. B. Crespo et al., Phytotaxa 232(1): 55. 2015. TYPE: Tectiris tectorum (Maximowicz) M. B. Crespo et al. 2015. (Iris tectorum Maximowicz 1871.)
Thelysia Thelysia Salisbury ex Parlatore, Fl. Ital. 3: 316. 1856. TYPE: Thelysia alata (Poiret) Parlatore (Iris alata Poiret)
Xeris Xeris Medikus, Vorles. Churpfaelz. Phys.-Oecon. Ges. 1: 256. 1791. TYPE: Non designatus.
Xiphion Xiphion Miller, Gard. Dict. Abr., ed. 4. 1754. TYPE: Xiphion vulgare Miller 1768, nom. illegit. (Iris xiphium Linnaeus 1753.; Xiphion xiphium (Linnaeus) M. B. Crespo et al. 2015.) Typified by Pfeiffer, Nomencl. Bot. 1623. 1874.
Xuris Xuris Adanson, Fam. Pl. (20), 546. 1763, non Xyris Gronovius 1753. TYPE: Non designatus.
Xyridion Xyridion (Tausch) Fourreau, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, ser. 2. 17: 163. 1869. BASIONYM: Iris Linnaeus, sect. Xyridion Tausch, Hort. Canal. 1. 1823. TYPE: Xyridion spurium (Linnaeus) Fourreau 1869. (Iris spuria Linnaeus 1753.)
Zhaoanthus Zhaoanthus M. B. Crespo et al., Phytotaxa 232(1): 59. 2015. TYPE: Zhaoanthus rossii (Baker) M. B. Crespo et al. 2015. (Iris rossii Baker 1877.)