Contains 9 accepted taxa overall.
ACALYPHA Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1003. 1753.
TYPE: Acalypha virginica Linnaeus Lectotypified by Small, in Britton & A. Brown, Ill. Fl. N. U.S., ed. 2. 2: 457. 1913.
Scientific Name | Common Name | Herbarium Specimens | Status | Photos |
Acalypha alopecuroidea | FOXTAIL COPPERLEAF | Not Native | ||
Acalypha arvensis | FIELD COPPERLEAF | Not Native | ||
Acalypha chamaedrifolia | BASTARD COPPERLEAF | Native | ||
Acalypha gracilens | SLENDER THREESEED MERCURY | Native FAC (NWPL) | ||
Acalypha ostryifolia | PINELAND THREESEED MERCURY | Native | ||
Acalypha rhomboidea | DIAMOND THREESEED MERCURY | Native FAC (NWPL) | ||
Acalypha setosa | CUBAN COPPERLEAF | Not Native | ||
Acalypha wilkesiana | WILKES' COPPERLEAF | Not Native FAC (NWPL) |
Identification Key
1. Shrubs, 2-5 m tall; leaf blades 9-20 cm long, often variegated
1. Herbs, to 1 m tall; leaf blades 1-10 cm long, green
2. Plant to 25 cm tall; petioles 1-5 mm long; leaf blades 0.3-2.1 cm long, 0.3-1.4 cm wide
2. Plant 15-100 cm tall; petioles 4-70 mm long; leaf blades 2-12 cm long, 1.2-6.5 cm wide
3. Repent, stoloniferous herb; axillary pistillate inflorescence without bracts, the terminal inflorescence staminate, pistillate with bracts, or bright red of densely congested styles lacking ovaries and lacking bracts
3. Erect to ascending annual herb; pistillate flowers axillary or terminal, with bracts, staminate ones distal to the pistillate flowers in the same inflorescence or in a separate axillary inflorescence
4. Pistillate bracts densely crowded, unlobed with linear tips, with hairs to 2 mm long, the inflorescence having a bottlebrush appearance
4. Pistillate bracts distant to crowded, each with several lobes or teeth, with non-glandular hairs to 0.3 mm long, the inflorescence unlike a bottlebrush in appearance
5. Petiole 0.6-1.8 times as long as the leaf blade; stems, petioles, peduncles, and pistillate bracts stipitate-glandular; staminate inflorescence axillary, pistillate inflorescence terminal; styles unbranched or rarely 2-fid
5. Petiole 0.1-0.4 times as long as the leaf blade; stems, petioles, and peduncles not stipitate-glandular (pistillate bracts stipitate-glandular); inflorescences axillary, pistillate and bisexual; styles multifid or laciniate
6. Inflorescence bisexual, axillary, pistillate portion basal typically with 1-3 pistillate bracts with deltate to lanceolate lobes, staminate portion distal
6. Inflorescence unisexual, staminate one axillary, pistillate one terminal with up to 60 pistillate bracts with linear lobes
7. Petiole 0.2-1.2(-1.8) cm long; leaf blade oblong-lanceolate to linear-lanceolate; pistillate bracts sessile-glandular, sometimes with some stipitate glands
7. Petiole 0.4-7 cm long; leaf blade ovate to broadly rhombic; pistillate bracts stipitate-glandular
8. Leaf blade bases cordate; pistillate bracts 13- to 17-lobed, pubescent and stipitate-glandular, subequal to the fruit; fruit tuberculate; seeds tuberculate
8. Leaf blade bases obtuse, rounded, to truncate; pistillate bracts 6- to 9-(13-)lobed, glabrous, exceeding the fruit; fruit smooth; seeds minutely pitted
Genus Synonyms
Synonym | Full Citation | Basionym | Type |
Acalyphopsis | Acalyphopsis Pax & K. Hoffmann, in Engler, Pflanzenr. 4(Heft 85): 178. 1924. | TYPE: Acalyphopsis Pax & K. Hoffmann | |
Calyptrospatha | Calyptrospatha Klotzsch ex Peters, Naturw. Reise Mossambique 96, t. 18. 1861. | TYPE: Calyptrospatha pubiflora Klotzsch ex Peters | |
Caturus | Caturus Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12. 650. 1767; Mant. Pl. 19, 127. 1767. | TYPE: Caturus spiciflora Linnaeus | |
Corythea | Corythea S. Watson, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 22: 451. 1887. | TYPE: Corythea filipes S. Watson | |
Cupameni | Cupameni Adanson, Fam. Pl. 2: 356. 1763. | TYPE: = Acalypha Linnaeus 1753. | |
Cupamenis | Cupamenis Rafinesque, Sylva Tellur. 67. 1838. | TYPE: Acalypha indica Linnaeus Lectotypified by L. C. Wheeler, Index Nom. Gen. (Pl.) Card 15720. 1962. | |
Galurus | Galurus Sprengel, Anleit. Kenntn. Gew., ed. 2. 2(1): 364. 1817. | TYPE: Galurus spiciflora (Linnaeus) Sprengel (Caturus spiciflora Linnaeus) = Caturus Linnaeus 1767. | |
Gymnalypha | Gymnalypha Grisebach, Bonplandia (Hannover) 6: 2. 1858. | TYPE: Gymnalypha jacquinii Grisebach, nom. illegit. (Acalypha villosa Jacquin) | |
Linostachys | Linostachys Klotzsch ex Schlechtendal, Linnaea 19: 235. 1846. | TYPE: Linostachys padifolia Schlechtendal | |
Mercuriastrum | Mercuriastrum Heister ex Fabricius, Enum. 202. 1759. | TYPE: = Acalypha Linnaeus 1753. | |
Odonteilema | Odonteilema Turczaninow, Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 21: 587. 1848. | TYPE: Odonteilema claussenii Turczaninow | |
Ricinocarpus | Ricinocarpus Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 615. 1891, non Ricinocarpos Desfontaines 1817. | TYPE: = Acalypha Linnaeus 1753. |