Contains 3 accepted taxa overall.

Diospyros L.
DIOSPYROS Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1057. 1753.
TYPE: Diospyros lotus Linnaeus Lectotypified by Britton & A. Brown, Ill. Fl. N. U.S., ed. 2. 2: 720. 1913.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Diospyros ebenum EBONY Not Native
Diospyros maritima MALAYSIAN PERSIMMON Not Native
Diospyros virginiana COMMON PERSIMMON Native FAC (NWPL) AD (WAP) FAC (DEP)
Identification Key
1.  Leaf blade lower surface with one or few punctate glands on each side of the midrib at the base of the blade; ovary pubescent
1.  Leaf blade lower surface lacking glands; ovary glabrous
2.  Petiole stout, ca. 2-3 mm wide; leaf blade leathery, apex rounded to obtuse, the upper surface without glands,; mature fruit nearly black
2.  Petiole slender, ca. 0.5-1.5 mm wide; leaf blade chartaceous, acute to acuminate, with microscopic yellowish or orangeish sessile to short-stipitate glands on the upper surface especially along the midrib; mature fruit orange, yellow, or reddish or purplish, often glaucous
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Brayodendron Brayodendron Small, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 356. 1901. TYPE: Brayodendron texanum (Scheele) Small (Diospyros texana Scheele)
Cargillia Cargillia R. Brown, Prodr. 526. 1810. TYPE: Non designatus.
Cavanillea Cavanillea Desrousseaux, in Lamarck, Encycl. 3: 663. 1792, non Medikus 1787. TYPE: Cavanillea philippinensis Desrousseaux = Mabola Rafinesque 1838.
Dactylus Dactylus Forsskal, Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. xxxvi. 1775, non Dactylis Linnaeus 1753. TYPE: Dactylus trapezuntia Forsskal
Ebenoxylum Ebenoxylum Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. 599, 613. 1790. TYPE: Ebenoxylum verum Loureiro
Ebenus Ebenus Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 408. 1891, non Linnaeus 1753. TYPE: Ebenus elliptica (J. R. Forster & G. Forster) Kuntze (Maba elliptica J. R. Forster & G. Forster) = Maba J. R. Forster & G. Forster 1775.
Embryopteris Embryopteris Gaertner, Fruct. Sem. Pl. 1: 145, t. 29. 1788. TYPE: Embryopteris peregrina Gaertner
Ferreola Ferreola Roxburgh, Pl. Coromandel 1: 35, t. 45. 1795. TYPE: Ferreola buxifolia (Rottbøll) Roxburgh (Pisonia buxifolia Rottbøll)
Guiacana Guiacana Duhamel du Monceau, Traite Arbr. Arbust. 1: 283. 1755. TYPE: = Diospyros Linnaeus 1753.
Gunisanthus Gunisanthus Alph. de Candolle, in de Candolle, Prodr. 8: 219. 1844. TYPE: Gunisanthus pilosulus Alph. de Candolle
Holochilus Holochilus Dalzell, Hooker's J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 4: 290. 1852. TYPE: Holochilus micranthus Dalzell
Leucoxylum Leucoxylum Blume, Bijdr. 1169. 1827. TYPE: Leucoxylum buxifolium Blume
Maba Maba J. R. Forster & G. Forster, Char. Gen. 121, t. 61. 1775. TYPE: Maba elliptica J. R. Forster & G. Forster 1775.
Mabola Mabola Rafinesque, Sylva Tellur. 11. 1838. TYPE: Mabola edulis Rafinesque, nom. illegit. (Cavanillea philippinensis Desrousseaux) Substitute name for Cavanillea Desrousseaux 1792, non Medikus 1787.
Macreightia Macreightia Alph. de Candolle, in de Candolle, Prodr. 8: 220. 1844. TYPE: Non designatus.
Noltia Noltia Thonning, Kongel. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Naturvidensk. Math. Afh. 3: 209. 1828. TYPE: Noltia tricolor Thonning
Paralea Paralea Aublet, Hist. Pl. Guiane 576, t. 231. 1775. TYPE: Paralea guianensis Aublet
Persimon Persimon Rafinesque, Sylva Tellur. 164. 1838. TYPE: Diospyros virginiana Linnaeus
Rhipidostigma Rhipidostigma Hasskarl, Natuurk. Tijdschr. Ned.-Indie 10: 103. 1856. TYPE: Non designatus.
Rospidios Rospidios Alph. de Candolle, in de Candolle, Prodr. 8: 220. 1844. TYPE: Rospidios vaccinioides (Lindley) Alph. de Candolle (Diospryos vaccinioides Lindley)