Contains 6 accepted taxa overall.

Callisia Loefl.
CALLISIA Loefling, Iter Hispan. 305. 1758.
TYPE: Callisia repens (Jacquin) Linnaeus (Hapalanthus repens Jacquin) Neotypified by Britton & P. Wilson, Bot. Porto Rico 5: 147. 1923.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Callisia cordifolia FLORIDA ROSELING Native
Callisia fragrans BASKETPLANT Not Native Y
Callisia graminea GRASSLEAF ROSELING Native
Callisia ornata FLORIDA SCRUB ROSELING Native
Callisia repens CREEPING INCHPLANT Not Native FACU (NWPL)
Callisia rosea PIEDMONT ROSELING Native
Identification Key
1.  Plants repent and mat-forming or stoloniferous; leaf blades not linear, 6-50 mm wide; petals white; filaments glabrous;
1.  Plants caespitose, solitary, or short-creeping; leaf blades linear, 1-15 mm wide; petals pale to dark pink; filaments bearded (Cuthbertia)
2.  Robust, stoloniferous plants; leaves 15-30 cm long
2.  Weak, mat-forming plants; leaves 1-8.5 cm long
3.  Leaves 3-8 cm long; inflorescence many-branched, 8-25 cm long
3.  Leaves 1-2(3.5) cm long; inflorescence simple to few-branched, 1-8 cm long
4.  Flowers distinctly pedicellate; petals conspicuous, 3-6 mm long; stamens 6; ovary and fruit 3-locular
4.  Flowers sessile or subsessile; petals inconspicuous, 2-3 mm long; stamens 0-6; ovary and fruit 2-locular
5.  Distal leaf blades as wide as opened, flattened sheaths or wider, 4-15 mm wide; roots glabrous to sparsely puberulent
5.  Distal leaf blades much narrower than opened, flattened sheaths, 1-5 mm wide; roots various
6.  Plants cespitose, roots glabrous to sparsely puberulent; bracts often elongate, somewhat herbaceous, 2-14 mm long
6.  Plants mostly solitary or short-creeping, not cespitose or scarcely so, roots persistently woolly; bracts usually minute, scarious, 1-3(7) mm long
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Cuthbertia Cuthbertia Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. 237, 1328. 1903. TYPE: Cuthbertia rosea (Ventenat) Small (Tradescantia rosea Ventenat)
Hapalanthus Hapalanthus Jacquin, Enum. Syst. Pl. 1, 12. 1760. TYPE: Hapalanthus repens Jacquin = Callisia Loefling 1758.
Phyodina Phyodina Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 2: 16. 1837 ("1836"). TYPE: Phyodina gracilis (Kunth) Rafinesque (Tradescantia gracilis Kunth)
Rectanthera Rectanthera O. Degener, Fl. Hawaii 1: Fam. 62. 1932. TYPE: Rectanthera fragrans (Lindley) O. Degener (Spironema fragrans Lindley) Substitute name for Spironema Lindley 1840, non Rafinesque 1838.
Spironema Spironema Lindley, Edwards' Bot. Reg. 26(Misc.): 26. 104 1840; t. 47. Aug 1840, non Rafinesque 1838. TYPE: Spironema fragrans Lindley 1840. = Rectanthera Degener 1932.
Tradescantella Tradescantella Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. 327, 1328. 1903. TYPE: Tradescantella floridana (S. Watson) Small) (Tradescantia floridana S. Watson)