Contains 1 accepted taxa overall.

Blechnum L.
BLECHNUM Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1077. 1753.
TYPE: Blechnum occidentale Linnaeus ("orientale") Lectotypified by J. Smith, Hist. Filicum 300. 1875.
Distribution Map Present

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Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Blechnum occidentale var. minor HAMMOCK FERN; SINKHOLE FERN Native Rare-State FAC (NWPL)
Identification Key

No identification key is available for this family.

Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Blechnidium Blechnidium T. Moore, Octavo Nat.-Print. Brit. Ferns 2: 210. 1860. TYPE: Blechnidium melanopus (Hooker) T. Moore (Blechnum melanopus Hooker)
Blechnopsis Blechnopsis C. Presl, Epimel. Bot. 115. 1851 ("1849"); Abh. Koenigl. Boehm. Ges. Wiss., ser. 5. 6: 475. 1851. TYPE: Blechnopsis orientalis (Linnaeus) C. Presl (Blechnum orientale Linnaeus) Lectotypified by Pichi Sermolli, Webbia 28: 456. 1973.
Distaxia Distaxia C. Presl, Epimel. Bot. 110. 1851 ("1849"); Abh. Koenigl. Boehm. Ges. Wiss., ser. 5. 6: 470. 1851. TYPE: Distaxia fraxinea (Willdenow) C. Presl (Blechnum fraxineum Willdenow)
Homophyllum Homophyllum Merino, Anales (Actas) Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 1898: 108. 1898. TYPE: Homophyllum blechniforme Merino
Lomaria Lomaria Willdenow, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 3: 160. 1809. TYPE: Lomaria nuda (Labillardiere) Willdenow (Onoclea nuda Labillardiere) Lectotypified by J. Smith, Hist. Filic. 303. 1875.
Lomaridium Lomaridium C. Presl, Epimel. Bot. 154. 1851 ("1849"); Abh. Koenigl. Boehm. Ges. Wiss., ser. 5. 6: 514. 1851. TYPE: Lomaridium plumieri (Desvaux) C. Presl (Lomaria plumieri Desvaux) Lectotypified by C. Christensen, Index Filicum XXXV. 1906.
Lonchitis-aspera Lonchitis-aspera Hill ex Farwell, Amer. Midl. Naturalist 12: 240, 276. 1931. TYPE: Lonchitis-aspera spicant (Linnaeus) Farwell (Osmunda spicant Linnaeus) = Struthiopteris Scopoli 1754.
Mesothema Mesothema C. Presl, Epimel. Bot. 111. 1851 ("1849"); Abh. Koenigl. Boehm. Ges. Wiss., ser. 5. 6: 471. 1851. TYPE: Mesothema australe (Linnaeus) C. Presl (Blechnum australe Linnaeus) Lectotypified by C. Christensen, Index Filic. XXXV. 1906.
Orthogramma Orthogramma C. Presl, Epimel. Bot. 121. 1851 ("1849"); Abh. Koenigl. Boehm. Ges. Wiss., ser. 5. 6: 481. 1851. TYPE: Orthogramma gilliesii (Hooker & Greville) C. Presl (Lomaria gilliesii Hooker & Greville) Lectotypified by C. Christensen, Index Filicum XXXV. 1906.
Parablechnum Parablechnum C. Presl, Epimel. Bot. 109. 1851 ("1849"); Abh. Koenigl. Boehm. Ges. Wiss., ser. 5. 6: 469. 1851. TYPE: Parablechnum procerum (G. Forster) C. Presl (Osmunda procera G. Forster) Lectotypified by Fee, Mem. Foug. 5: 82. 1852.
Spicanta Spicanta C. Presl, Epimel. Bot. 114. 1851 ("1849"); Abh. Koenigl. Boehm. Ges. Wiss., ser. 5. 6: 474. 1851 TYPE: Spicanta borealis (Salisbury) C. Presl (Osmunda borealis Salisbury) Lectotypified by Fee, Mem. Foug. 5: 83. 1852.
Spicantopsis Spicantopsis Nakai, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 47: 180. 1933. TYPE: Spicantopsis niponica (Kunze) Nakai (Lomaria niponica Kunze)
Stegania Stegania R. Brown, Prodr. 152. 1810. TYPE: Stegania nuda (Labillardiere) R. Brown (Onoclea nuda Labillardiere) = Lomaria Willdenow 1809, by lectotypification.
Struthiopteris Struthiopteris Scopoli, Meth. Pl. 25. 1754. TYPE: Struthiopteris spicant (Linnaeus) Weis (Osmunda spicant Linnaeus)