Contains 3 accepted taxa overall.

Dracaena L.
DRACAENA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12. 2: 229, 246. 1767.
TYPE: Dracaena draco (Linnaeus) Linnaeus 1767. (Asparagus draco Linnaeus 1762.) Typified by Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 4: 17. 1838 ("1836").
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Dracaena angolensis AFRICAN SPEAR Not Native
Dracaena hyacinthoides BOWSTRING HEMP; MOTHER-IN-LAW'S TONGUE Not Native Y
Dracaena trifasciata SNAKE PLANT; BOWSTRING HEMP Not Native
Identification Key
1.  Erect shrubs or trees, leaves cauline; cultivated only
1.  Rhizomatous herbs, leaves all basal (formerly Sansevieria); cultivated and naturalized
1.  Leaf blades strongly narrowed proximally and generally petiolate, the petiole ascending and the blade spreading to laxly recurved (if the leaf subsessile, then the base still ascending)
1.  Leaves sessile to subsessile, spreading to recurved (the base of the blade generally oriented similar to the rest of the blade or only the extreme sub-clasping base of the leaf ascending)
2.  Leaf blade base rounded and abruptly contracted to the petiole
2.  Leaf blade cuneate and the petiole rather flared at the apex and somewhat confluent with the blade
3.  Stems remaining green for much of their length; leaf blade 2-4.5 times longer than wide, the blade often distinct from the petiole (lucky bamboo)
3.  Stems often quickly developing bark and becoming brownish or grayish; leaf blades 4.5-12 times longer tha wide, the blade often rather indistinct from the petiole
4.  Leaves not densely congested, distinctly separated along the stem
4.  Leaves densely congested, pseudowhorled
5.  Leafy part of stem slender, to 1-2.5 mm wide; leaf blade generally ovate to obovate, sometimes spotted-variegate
5.  Leafy part of stem robust, 2.5-8 mm wdie; leaf blade generally linear to lanceolate, sometimes variegated in lines
6.  Arborescent, forming stout, large trunks, often 0.6-2 m wide, branches usually in distal part of plant and leaves all in the apex of the plant; leaves stiff
6.  Shrubby, trunk weak and usually <0.5 m wide, usually with multiple basal stems and leaves distributed not all in the apical portion of plant; leaves stiff to lax
7.  Leaves generally broadly lanceolate
7.  Leaves generally linear-lanceolate
8.  Leaves mostly lax, undulate or twisted or recurving
8.  Leaves mostly rather stiff and flat or plane (syn. Dracaena marginata)
1.  (Key B) Leaves cylindric
1.  Leaves flattened
2.  Leaf blade with a marginal band throughout, discolorous and distinct from rest of blade, the marginal band ca. 0.5 mm wide or less and usually pale, stramineous, or orangish (or sometimes green), the band sometimes fraying; leaf blade mostly green and pale green
2.  Leaf blade margin without a distinct marginal band throughout, or the band indistinct, or much larger than 0.5 mm wide; leaf blade often with whitish green or yellowish coloration strongly contrasting with the green colors
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Acyntha Acyntha Medikus, Theodora 76. 1786, nom. rej. vs. Sansevieria Thunberg 1794. TYPE: Acyntha guineensis (Linnaeus) Medikue 1786. (Aloe hyacinthoides Linnaeus, var. guineensis Linnaeus 1753.)
Chrysodracon Chrysodracon P. L. Lu & Morden, Syst. Bot. 39: 101. 2014. TYPE: Chrysodracon aurea (H. Mann) P. L. Lu & Morden 2014. (Dracaena aurea H. Mann 1867.)
Cordyline Cordyline Adanson, Fam. Pl. 2: 54, 543. 1763, nom. rej. vs. Cordyline Commerson es R. Brown 1810. TYPE: = Sansevieria Thunberg 1794.
Drakaina Drakaina Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 4: 17. 1838 ("1836"). TYPE: Drakaina draco (Linnaeus) Rafinesque 1838. (Asparagus draco Linnaeus 1762.) = Dracaena Linnaeus 1767, by lectotypification.
Oedera Oedera Crantz, Duab. Drac. Arb. 30. 1768, nom. rej. vs. Oedera Linnaeus 1771. TYPE: Oedera dragonalis Crantz 1768.
Oedera Oedera Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 4: 16. 1838 ("1836"). TYPE: Oedera ternifolia Rafinesque 1838, nom. illegit. (Dracaena surculosa Lindley 1828.)
Pleomele Pleomele Salisbury, Prodr. Stirp. Chap. Allerton 245. 1796. TYPE: Non designatus.
Salmia Salmia Cavanilles, Icon. 3: 24, t. 246. 1796, nom. rej. vs. Salmia de Candolle 1813. TYPE: Salmia spicata Cavanilles 1795. Typified by Rickett & Stafleu, Taxon 9: 156. 1960.
Sanseverinia Sanseverinia Petagna, Inst. Bot. 3: 643. 1787, nom. rej. vs. Sansevieria Thunberg 1794. TYPE: Sanseverinia thyrsiflora Petagna 1787, nom. illegit. (Aloe hyacinthoides Linnaeus 1753.) = Sansevieria Thunberg 1794.
Sansevieria Sansevieria Thunberg, Prodr. Pl. Cap. 1: [xxix], 65. 1794, nom. cons.vs. Acyntha Medikus 1786; et vs. Sanseverinia Petagna 1787. TYPE: Sansevieria thyrsiflora Thunberg 1794, nom. illegit., typ. cons. (Aloe hyacinthoides Linnaeus 1753; Sansevieria hyacinthoides (Linnaeus) Druce 1914.)
Stoerkia Stoerkia Crantz, Duab. Drac. Arb. 25, t. 1768. TYPE: Stoerkia draco (Linnaeus) Crantz 1768. (Asparagus draco Linnaeus 1762.) = Dracaena Linnaeus 1767, by lectotypification.
Terminalis Terminalis Medikus, Theodora 83. 1786. TYPE: Terminalis angustifolia Medikus 1786.