Contains 6 accepted taxa overall.

Vaccinium L.
VACCINIUM Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 349. 1753, nom. cons.
TYPE: Vaccinium uliginosum Linnaeus, typ. cons.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Vaccinium corymbosum HIGHBUSH BLUEBERRY Native FACW (NWPL) T (WAP) FACW (DEP)
Vaccinium darrowii DARROW'S BLUEBERRY Native FACU (NWPL)
Vaccinium elliottii ELLIOTT'S BLUEBERRY Native
Vaccinium myrsinites SHINY BLUEBERRY Native FACU (NWPL) U (WAP)
Vaccinium stamineum DEERBERRY Native FACU (NWPL)
Identification Key
1.  Larger leaf blades 0.5-3(3.7) cm long
1.  Larger leaf blades (2.5)3-7 cm long
2.  Shrubs to 3 m tall; larger leaf blades (1.5)2-3(3.7) cm long, serrulate-ciliate to entire, secondary veins 3-7 per side, deciduous (diploid; panhandle and northern peninsula)
2.  Low shrubs to 1.5 m tall; larger leaf blades <1.5(2) cm long, crenulate-serrate to entire, secondary veins 2-4 per side, persistent
3.  Leaf blade lower surface eglandular (or very rare, very few on few leaves, marginal teeth may have glands); young stems, leaves, hypanthium, and fruit usually glaucous (diploid; widespread)
3.  Leaf blade lower surface stipitate-glandular; young stems, leaves, hypanthium, and fruit not glaucous (tetraploid; widespread)
4.  Young stems, usually by the second- to fifth-year, roughened-verrucose (often obscure)
4.  Young stems not verrucose
5.  Leaf blade lower surface stipitate-glandular
5.  Leaf blade lower surface eglandular
6.  Plants <1.3 m tall; stipitate glands mostly with clavate- to ellipsoid-cylindrical heads (diploid)
6.  Plants 0.3-4(7) m tall; stipitate glands mostly with obovoid to globose heads (hexaploid)
7.  Plants 1-4.5(7) m tall; leaf blades coriacous, bluish or glaucous, lower surface sparsely stipitate-glandular, occasionally moderately dense, eglandular hairs 0.3-0.5(0.6) mm long; hypanthium usually glaucous; fruits 8-16 mm wide
7.  Plants 0.3-2.5 m tall; leaf blades chartaceous, green, lower surface usually moderately densely stipitate-glandular, eglandular hairs 0.4-1 mm long; hypanthium not glaucous; fruit 4-12 mm wide
8.  Flowers 5-6 mm long; fruits 5-8 mm wide (diploid; northern Florida; V. atrococcum)
8.  Flowers 6-11 mm long; fruit 6-12 mm wide
9.  Stems and leaves glabrous to pubescent; leaves 6-8 cm long, 2.5-4 cm wide (tetraploid; panhandle and northern peninsula; V. australe, V. arkansanum)
9.  Stems and leaves pubescent; leaves 3.5-5 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm wide (tetraploid; widespread)
10.  Bark often becoming flaky-rectangular; leaf blade upper surface lustrous with conspicuous venation, the lower surface light green, the blade base often acute, often stipitate glandular; hypanthium jointed with the pedicel; corolla closed in bud; anthers included (widespread)
10.  Bark usually tight to peeling in strips; leaf blade upper surface dull with obscure venation, the lower surface glaucous or not, the blade base often rounded to subcordate, stipitate-glandular or not; hypanthium continuous with the pedicel; corolla open in bud; anthers exserted (widespread) (V. stamineum)
11.  Stems and pedicels densely stipitate-glandular (panhandle and northwestern peninsula)
11.  Stems and pedicels eglandular or sparsely stipitate-glandular
12.  Hypanthium and fruit glabrous
12.  Hypanthium and fruit pubescent
13.  Leaf blade lower surface usually whitened-glaucous; flowers solitary, scattered, subtended by slightly reduced to normal-sized leaves (widespread in Florida)
13.  Leaf blade lower surface not whitened-glaucous; flowers in distinct inflorescences, subtended by greatly reduced leaves (panhandle)
14.  Flowers in axils of normal-sized leaves; calyx and hypanthium sparingly pubescent, eglandular (panhandle)
14.  Flowers usually in axils of greatly reduced leaves; calyx and hypanthium densely hirsute and often stipitate-glandular (panhandle, rare in peninsula)
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Acosta Acosta Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. 276. 1790, non Adanson 1763. TYPE: Acosta spicata Loureiro
Batodendron Batodendron Nuttall, Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., ser. 2. 8: 261. 1843. TYPE: Batodendron arboreum (Marshall) Nuttall (Vaccinium arboreum Marshall)
Cavinium Cavinium Du-Petit Thouars, Gen. Nov. Madagasc. 11. 1806. TYPE: Cavinium madagascariense Du-Petit Thouars ex Poiret
Cyanococcus Cyanococcus (A. Gray) Rydberg, Fl. Rocky Mts. 645, 1065. 1918 ("1917"), non Hansgirg 1905. BASIONYM: Vaccinium Linnaeus, sect. Cyanococcus A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts, ser. 2. 3: 53. 1846. TYPE: Cyanococcus pennsylvanicus Rydberg (Vaccinium pensylvanicum Lamarck 1783, non Miller 1768).
Epigynium Epigynium Klotzsch, Linnaea 24: 16, 49. 1851. TYPE: Non designatus.
Herpothamnus Herpothamnus Small, Man. S.E. Fl. 1017, 1507. 1933. TYPE: Herpothamnus crassifolius (Andrews) Small (Vaccinium crassifolium Andrews)
Hugeria Hugeria Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. 896, 1336. 1903. TYPE: Hugeria erythrocarpa (Michaux) Small (Vaccinium erythrocarpum Michaux)
Metagonia Metagonia Nuttall, Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., ser. 2. 8: 263. 1843. TYPE: Non designatus.
Oxycoca Oxycoca Rafinesque, Med. Fl. 2: 48. 1830. TYPE: Non designatus.
Oxycoccus Oxycoccus Hill, Brit. Herb. 324. 1756. TYPE: Vaccinium oxycoccos Linnaeus
Picrococcus Picrococcus Nuttall, Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., ser. 2. 8: 262. 1843. TYPE: Picrococcus stamineus (Linnaeus) Nuttall (Vaccinium stamineum Linnaeus) Lectotypified by Greene, Pittonia 3: 324. 1898. = Polycodium Rafinesque 1818, by neotypification.
Polycodium Polycodium Rafinesque, Amer. Monthly Mag. & Crit. Rev. 2: 266. 1818. TYPE: Polycodium stamineum (Linnaeus) Greene 1898. (Vaccinium stamineum Linnaeus 1753.) Neotypified by Sleumer, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 71: 416. 1941.
Rhodococcum Rhodococcum (Ruprecht) Avrorin, Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 43: 1721. 1958. BASIONYM: Vaccinium Linnaeus, sect. Rhodococcum Ruprecht, Fl. Ingr. 670. 1860. TYPE: Rhodococcum vitis-idaea (Linnaeus) Avrorin (Vaccinium vitis-idaea Linnaeus)
Schollera Schollera Roth, Tent. Fl. Germ. 1: 165, 170. 1788. TYPE: = Oxycoccus Hill 1756.
Vitis-idaea Vitis-idaea Seguier, Pl. Veron. 3: 291. 1754. TYPE: = Vaccinium Linnaeus 1753.