Contains 13 accepted taxa overall.

Sagittaria L.
SAGITTARIA Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 993. 1753.
TYPE: Sagittaria sagittifolia Linnaeus Lectotypified by Small, in Britton, N. Amer. Fl. 17(1): 51. 1909.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Sagittaria australis LONGBEAK ARROWHEAD Native OBL (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Sagittaria filiformis THREADLEAF ARROWHEAD Native OBL (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Sagittaria graminea var. chapmanii CHAPMAN'S ARROWHEAD Native OBL (DEP)
Sagittaria graminea var. graminea GRASSY ARROWHEAD Native OBL (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Sagittaria graminea var. weatherbiana WEATHERBY'S ARROWHEAD Native OBL (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Sagittaria isoetiformis QUILLWORT ARROWHEAD Native OBL (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Sagittaria kurziana SPRINGTAPE Native OBL (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Sagittaria lancifolia subsp. lancifolia BULLTONGUE ARROWHEAD Native OBL (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Sagittaria lancifolia subsp. media BULLTONGUE ARROWHEAD Native OBL (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Sagittaria montevidensis GIANT ARROWHEAD Not Native OBL (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Sagittaria platyphylla DELTA ARROWHEAD Native OBL (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Sagittaria subulata AWL-LEAF ARROWHEAD Native OBL (NWPL) OBL (DEP)
Identification Key
1.  Blade base of emergent leaves uniformly cordate, sagittate, to hastate
1.  Blade base of emergent leaves rounded to acute (rarely a few cordate, sagittate, to hastate) or leaves bladeless phyllodia
2.  Rhizomatous and stoloniferous; fruiting pedicels recurved (rarely spreading); pistillate sepals mostly erect and closely enclosing flower or fruiting head, occasionally spreading to recurved; petals with a purple to greenish spot at the base
2.  Stoloniferous only; fruiting pedicels spreading to ascending or absent; pistillate sepals mostly spreading to recurved, not enclosing flower; petals white
3.  Leaves and bracts glabrous or pubescent; nodal bracts 3-8 mm long, connate at least ¼ total length; achene face without wings, with (0)1(2) glands, beak horizontal and 1-2 mm long
3.  Leaves and bracts glabrous or papillate; nodal bracts 5-13(30) mm long, distinct or connate much less than ¼ total length; achene face with 0-2 wings, 0 glands, beak ascending to recurved and 1-17 mm long
4.  Inflorescence of 5-12 whorls; nodal bracts 7-13(30) mm long; achene face with 0-2 wings, 0 glands, beak ascending to recurved and 4-17 mm long
4.  Inflorescence of 2-4 whorls; nodal bracts 5-13(25) mm long; achene face with 1-3 wings, 1-2 glands, beak ascending to recurved and 1-2 mm long
5.  Filaments glabrous; pistillate sepals mostly erect and closely enclosing flower or fruiting head, occasionally spreading to recurved; fruiting pedicels recurved (rarely spreading), usually thicker than staminate pedicels
5.  Filaments pubescent; pistillate sepals mostly spreading to recurved, not enclosing flower; fruiting pedicels spreading to ascending or absent
6.  Leaves with distinct blades to 6 cm wide; filaments pubescent
6.  Leaves bladeless or the blades to 3 cm wide; filaments glabrous
7.  Plant usually <11 cm tall or long; leaves 1-5 mm wide, phyllodia lenticular in cross section; fruiting pedicels 0.2-1.1 cm long; mostly brackish waters
7.  Plant usually >9 cm tall or long; leaves 2.5-25 mm wide, phyllodia flattened in cross section; fruiting pedicels 1.5-6.5 cm long; mostly fresh waters
8.  Plant submersed to emergent or stranded; leaves 5-50 cm long (rarely 100+ cm long), usually some lateral or cross venation evident, all phyllodia or some with floating or emergent, ovate to elliptic blades
8.  Plant submersed (rarely stranded); leaves 30-200(250) cm long, lateral or cross venation obscure, all phyllodia and bladeless
9.  Rhizomes lacking, stolons and corms present; phyllodia or blades 1-5 mm wide (sheath at base to 10 mm wide), lateral or cross venation obscure; inflorescence of 1-5 whorls; bracts to 4 mm long; filaments dilated at base
9.  Rhizomes coarse, stolons and corms lacking; phyllodia or blades 2-250 mm wide (sheath at base 4-50 mm wide), usually some lateral or cross venation evident; inflorescence of 1-13 whorls; bracts 3-10(50) mm long; filaments dilated or not at base
10.  Leaves 1-25 cm wide; bracts and sepals papillose or not; filaments longer than anthers, cylindric, not dilated at base
10.  Leaves 0.5-4 cm wide; bracts and sepals not papillose; filaments shorter than to subequal to anthers, dilated at base
11.  Bracts and sepals striate to ribbed
11.  Bracts and sepals papillose
12.  Bracts free or connate <1/4 of length, tips acuminate; inflorescence usually paniculate, branching at the proximal nodes
12.  Bracts connate at least 1/4 of length, tips obtuse to acute; inflorescence usually racemose, not branching at the proximal nodes
13.  Phyllodia 0.2-1.3 cm wide; pistillate pedicels 0.5-3 cm long
13.  Phyllodia 1-2.5 cm wide; pistillate pedicels 2.1-5 cm long
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Diphorea Diphorea Rafinesque, Neogenyton 3. 1825. TYPE: Sagittaria graminea Michaux
Drepachenia Drepachenia Rafinesque, Neogenyton 3. 1825. TYPE: Sagittaria lancifolia Linnaeus
Lophiocarpus Lophiocarpus (Kunth) Miquel, Ill. Fl. Archipel. Ind. 50. 1870, non Turczaninow 1843. BASIONYM: Sagittaria Linnaeus, sect. Lophiocarpus Kunth, TYPE: Lophiocarpus guayanensis (Kunth) Micheli (Sagittaria guayanensis Kunth) = Lophotocarpus T. Durand 1888.
Lophotocarpus Lophotocarpus T. Durand, Index Gen. Phan. x. 1888. TYPE: Lophotocarpus guayanensis (Kunth) J. G. Smith (Sagittaria guayanensis Kunth) Substitute name for Lophiocarpus (Kunth) Miquel 1870, non Turczaninow 1843.
Sagitta Sagitta Guettard, Hist. Acad. Sci. (Paris) Mem. 1750: 358. 1754. TYPE: = Sagittaria Linnaeus 1753.