Contains 10 genera and 15 accepted taxa overall.
This family is completely databased for all specimens.
Genus | Common Name | Taxa Count | Herbarium Specimens | Photos |
Berchemia | SUPPLEJACK | 1 | ||
Ceanothus | CEANOTHUS | 2 | ||
Colubrina | NAKEDWOOD | 4 | ||
Frangula | BUCKTHORN | 1 | ||
Gouania | CHEWSTICK | 1 | ||
Krugiodendron | KRUGIODENDRON | 1 | ||
Pseudoziziphus | 1 | |||
Reynosia | DARLINGPLUM | 1 | ||
Sageretia | MOCK BUCKTHORN | 1 | ||
Ziziphus | JUJUBE | 2 |
Identification Key
1. Leaves mostly opposite to subopposite, sometimes some alternate
1. Leaves all alternate
2. Stems mostly lax to scandent and often thorny; leaf blades toothed along the margins; inconspicuous petals present and shorter than the sepals
2. Stems generally erect and without thorns; leaf blades entire (often notched at the apex); sepals present but petals lacking
3. Bark becoming fissured and cracking; leaf blades chartaceous to subcoriaceous, with the lateral veins ascending-arcuate, the midrib light green and only lightly contrasting with the blade surface; sepals keeled
3. Bark nearly smooth, only lightly fissured; leaf blades coriaceous, with the lateral veins nearly straight and ascending-perpendicular, the midrib white to pale yellow and strongly contrasting with the blade surface; sepals not keeled
4. Vines, twining or with tendrils
4. Shrubs (sometimes scandent) to trees
5. Twining vine; leaf margins entire to undulate-crenate; fruit a drupe
5. Vine with tendrils; leaf margins with distinctly notched or protruding teeth; fruit a winged schizocarp
6. Stems armed with thorns or stipular spines
6. Stems unarmed
7. Stems with axillary, often leafy thorns; leaf blades not trinerved, only with a midrib
7. Stems often with stipular spines; leaf blades trinerved from the base
8. Leaf blades trinerved from the base, the veins reaching beyond mid-blade, the blade 0.1-6 cm long
8. Leaf blades pinnately veined or if appearing trinerved, the veins merging with the margin or evanescent by mid-blade, the blade mostly 4-16 cm long
9. Leaf blade margin entire, obscurely crenulate to serrulate, to strongly serrate, sometimes glandular, glabrous to densely pubescent on the lower surface; inflorescence a thyrse; ovary semi-inferior; fruit leathery to dry, dehiscent
9. Leaf blade margin obscurely crenulate to serrulate, eglandular, sparsely pubescent along the veins of the lower surface; inflorescence a corymbiform fascicle; ovary superior; fruit fleshy, indehiscent