Contains 3 genera and 7 accepted taxa overall.
This family is completely databased for all specimens.
Genus | Common Name | Taxa Count | Herbarium Specimens | Photos |
Eichhornia | WATER-HYACINTH | 3 | ||
Heteranthera | MUDPLANTAIN | 3 | ||
Pontederia | PICKERELWEED | 1 |
Identification Key
1. Sessile leaves spirally-alternate, petiolate leaves when present non-pulvinate, blade membranous; inflorescence reduced to a solitary cincinnus; stamens (1-)3, staminodes sometimes present; septal nectaries absent; stigma unevenly trilobate
1. Sessile leaves distichously alternate, petiolate leaves always present and pulvinate, blade chartaceous to coriaceous; inflorescence a 2-many branched thyrsi (rarely reduced to a solitary flower); stamens 6, staminodes absent; septal nectaries present (if absent, then flowers pedicellate and anthers poricidal); stigma capitate or trilobate, rarely trifid (Pontederia
2. Ovary 1-locular by abortion, fertile locule 1-ovulate, placentation pendulous; fruit an achene, anthocarp hardened, ridges sinuate, toothed or echinate; seeds smooth (Pontederia subg. Pontederia)
2. Ovary 3-locular, locules many-ovulate, placentation axial; fruit a capsule, anthocarp thin to thickened, if thickened ridges smooth; seeds longitudinally winged
3. Stems erect, not stoloniferous; leaf blade base cordate; inflorescence paniculate (Pontederia subg. Cabanisia)
3. Stems trailing, often stoloniferous; leaf blade base rounded to truncate; inflorescence spicate
4. Plants typically rooted in mud; sessile leaves alternate on elongate stem; inflated petioles absent; perianth limb lobe margins erose(Pontederia subg. Eichhornia)
4. Plants typically free-floating or stranded; sessile leaves produced in rosette; petioles commonly inflated; perianth limb lobe margins entire (Pontederia subg. Oshunae)