Contains 13 genera and 33 accepted taxa overall.
This family is completely databased for all specimens.
Genus | Common Name | Taxa Count | Herbarium Specimens | Photos |
Agalinis | FALSE FOXGLOVE | 17 | ||
Aphyllon | 2 | |||
Aureolaria | YELLOW FALSE FOXGLOVE | 3 | ||
Buchnera | BLUEHEARTS | 1 | ||
Castilleja | INDIAN PAINTBRUSH | 1 | ||
Conopholis | SQUAWROOT | 1 | ||
Epifagus | BEECHDROPS | 1 | ||
Macranthera | MACRANTHERA | 1 | ||
Orobanche | BROOMRAPE | 1 | ||
Pedicularis | LOUSEWORT | 1 | ||
Schwalbea | SCHWALBEA | 1 | ||
Seymeria | BLACKSENNA | 2 | ||
Striga | WITCHWEED | 1 |
Identification Key
1. Plants not photosynthetic (holoparasitic), lacking green color, drying tan or brown
1. Plants photosynthetic (hemiparasitic), with green color (sometimes obscured by other pigments), often drying blackish or sometimes greenish
2. Inflorescence often branched at the base, axis 1-3 mm wide, ligneous, flowers distant, few if any overlapping; flowers cleistogamous and chasmogamous; root parasite of Fagus
2. Inflorescence simple or few-branched, axis 2-10 mm wide, fleshy, flowers dense, overlapping at least distally, or flower appearing solitary; flowers chasmogamous; not on Fagus
3. Scale-like leaves densely imbricate below the fertile part of the inflorescence; stamens exserted; root parasite of Quercus
3. Scale-like leaves distant or only partly overlapping below the fertile part of the inflorescence; stamens included; not on Quercus
4. Flower on long erect pedicels (20-120 mm long) arising from the ground; primarily parasitizing Asteraceae
4. Flowers several on aerial inflorescence, the pedicel 0-15 mm long
5. Flowers densely congested nearly throughout; calyx 5-lobed; parasitizing Asteraceae
5. Flowers only partly overlapping proximally; calyx 2- or 4-lobed; stigma bilobed; parasitizing a variety of taxa, including Fabaceae
6. Leaves scale-like, appressed to erect
6. Leaves with blades, generally spreading
6. Leaves 0.2-3(4) mm wide, mostly linear
6. Leaves 4-60 mm wide, not linear
7. Leaves alternate (rarely opposite), sometimes nearly all basal
7. Leaves opposite (rarely alternate)
8. Leaf blade reguarly pinnately lobed, with more than 5 lobes per side
8. Leaf blade entire or toothed, rarely lobed with 5 or fewer irregular lobes per side
9. Leaves linear-lanceolate, secondary veins obscure; bracteoles absent; sepals 4; seeds unwinged
9. Leaves ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, secondary veins often apparent; bracteoles present; sepals 5; seeds winged
10. Leaf blade entire or weakly toothed
10. Leaf blade strongly toothed to pinnatifid
11. Plant often spreading, regularly branched; corolla yellow
11. Plant usually strictly erect, unbranched or with 1-2 branches, very rarely more; corolla purple, bluish, to white
12. Corolla 6-14 mm long; fruit 4-7 mm long
12. Corolla 20-40 mm long; fruit 10-15 mm long
13. Corolla yellow
13. Corolla bright orange