Contains 4 genera and 4 accepted taxa overall.

This family is completely databased for all specimens.

Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Genus Common Name Taxa Count Herbarium Specimens Photos
Calycocarpum CUPSEED 1
Cissampelos CISSAMPELOS 1
Cocculus CORALBEAD 1
Menispermum MOONSEED 1
Identification Key
1.  Shrubs, glabrous
1.  Vines, glabrous to pubescent
2.  Leaves peltate (at least some, sometimes only 1 mm of blade tissue surrounding the petiole), the blade with 7-9 primary veins arising from the petiole point of attachment, the lower surface glabrate; stamens 12-36
2.  Leaves usually not peltate, the blade with 3-7 primary veins at the blade base, the lower surface usually puberulent, pilose, to tomentose (at least on the veins); stamens 4-12
3.  Leaf blade reniform to orbicular; inflorescence with foliaceous bracts 3-15 mm long; pistillate sepal 1, petal 1, pistil 1; staminate sepals 4, petals 4, connate, stamen filaments fused, anthers 1-locular; fruit pubescent
3.  Leaf blade ovate, cordate, or lobed; inflorescence with minute, scale-like bracts to 1.5 mm long; pistillate and staminate sepals 6-9, petals distinct when present, stamen filaments distinct, anthers 2-4-locular, pistils 2-6; fruit glabrous
4.  Leaf blades obscurely to deeply lobed, the lobe tip obtuse to acuminate; petals absent or vestigial; stamens 12; carpels 3; fruit ca. 20 mm long, the endocarp hollow on the upper side and cup-shaped
4.  Leaf blade unlobed to obscurely lobed, the lobe tips rounded to obtuse; petals 6; stamens 6; carpels 6; fruit 6-8 mm long, the endocarp laterally flattened and coiled