Contains 3 genera and 12 accepted taxa overall.

This family is completely databased for all specimens.

Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Genus Common Name Taxa Count Herbarium Specimens Photos
Eriocaulon PIPEWORT 6
Lachnocaulon BOGBUTTON 5
Syngonanthus HATPINS 1
Identification Key
1.  Lacunar tissue (air spaces) evident at leaf base; larger roots pale, thickened, septate, unbranched; scape glabrous; perianth parts in 2s, petals with glands on adaxial surface; stamens 3-4 or 6; anthers 2-locular, apex of staminal column with 2-3 glands, glands unappendaged; pistil 2(3)-carpellate; style unappendaged, 2(3)-branched
1.  Lacunar tissue (air spaces) not evident at leaf base; larger roots either dark, fibrous, and evidently branched or pale, thickened, and spongy, neither septate nor branched; scape hairy or glabrous; perianth parts in 3s (or 2s in Lachnocaulon digynum), petals if present without glands; stamens (2)3; anthers 1-2-locular; apex of staminal column usually with 3 glands, glands appendaged or unappendaged; pistil (2)3-carpellate; style appendaged, 2–3-branched
2.  Roots dark, slender, fibrous, branched; scapes glabrate distally, hairs if present neither swollen nor glandular; involucral bracts mostly dull and brown, reflexed, obscured by inflorescence; hairs of perianth club-shaped; staminal filaments adnate to rim of androphore; anthers 1-locular; style branches 2-cleft
2.  Roots pale, thickened, spongy, appearing unbranched; scapes stipitate glandular distally, basally some hairs swollen; involucral bracts often lustrous pale golden, spreading, not obscured by inflorescence; hairs of perianth tapering, acute; staminal filaments low in corolla tube; anthers 2-locular; style branches undivided